12/10/17 06:40PM
Attention all Hypnosis Roleplayers
At the bottom of this post is a link to a brand new Roleplay Forum meant for fans of Hypnosis.

Despite it's name, we offer many types of hypnosis besides Kaa and allow any pairings of any gender with variety of settings, themes, characters (OC's or From other forms of media) and don't discriminate or judge our members.

It has been recently created today and I am one of three Admins to it. I speak on behalf of myself and my other Admins and friends on the forum when I say: We gladly welcome anybody who would wish to join so long as you follow the rules of treating everyone fairly and with consideration for their feelings.

I sincerely and graciously hope that you would consider joining to help our new forum grow. Thank you all and have a wonderful day. :)
12/12/17 12:13AM
Sounds like a fun idea! Just starting up too so that's nice to get into. I haven't signed up yet but most likely will soon. The grammar nazi in me hopes it will attract a few members with my same inclinations for proper language xD is that bad?
12/12/17 12:44AM
Friye said:
Sounds like a fun idea! Just starting up too so that's nice to get into. I haven't signed up yet but most likely will soon. The grammar nazi in me hopes it will attract a few members with my same inclinations for proper language xD is that bad?

Not at all. I myself, don't consider "Grammar Nazi" to be anything other than a derogatory term from people who only want to put down others. Whenever I Roleplay, I try to keep my own grammar proper from what I learned in school. It can't enjoy a story if the writing isn't enjoyable for me, grammar or other wise.

But anyway. It's nice to know you're at least considering it and we do welcome anybody who enjoys making Roleplay's with hypnotism involved and also respects the rules we have on the forum. :)

EDIT: Also, for those who have signed up for the site who cannot get into the site right away? Your account is inactive but me and my fellow admins will make sure to activate your account as soon as we can. So check in periodically to see if your account has been activated.
12/17/17 03:24PM
We welcome new members so long as they follow the rules. But we need to approve your account first. Only because of people who've caused us problems in the past and want to keep causing problems even though we've told them they lost their chance when repeatedly breaking the rules.
12/17/17 11:14PM
While I loved the idea, the site is practically unusable with the plethora of pop-ups and redirects while just trying to browse the site. Please fix it or get banners, something that gets you revenue without removing me from your site so I can actually use your forum instead of having to click back and back and close the tab to navigate again to just read a single post...
12/17/17 11:19PM
I see one active RP going on, but it's sad to look at one person RPing with himself...

Should I join?
12/17/17 11:22PM
Come on right ahead...but it's not that I'm roleplaying with myself...but long story short? I am reposting my half of a story I am doing with a partner post by post lol
12/18/17 02:01AM
DaHypnoman said:
Come on right ahead...but it's not that I'm roleplaying with myself...but long story short? I am reposting my half of a story I am doing with a partner post by post lol

Ah.... Makes sense now.
12/18/17 02:26AM
someguy231 said:
Ah.... Makes sense now.

Yep. Well your account is active and you can get in now :)
12/22/17 01:17PM
Friye said:
While I loved the idea, the site is practically unusable with the plethora of pop-ups and redirects while just trying to browse the site. Please fix it or get banners, something that gets you revenue without removing me from your site so I can actually use your forum instead of having to click back and back and close the tab to navigate again to just read a single post...

So sorry about this. But like I said in an edit of one of my above mentioned posts: Your account isn't active right away because myself or a fellow admin will activate it after it has been approved. This is meant to make sure we know if you're certain people who gave trouble to the last forum we were part of. So check in periodically to see if your account has been activated.
01/24/18 07:06PM
Is it just me, or does the website just refuse to load?
01/26/18 02:56AM
And the site is back in action
03/19/18 07:00AM
And its gone
03/20/18 05:03AM
Did they ever fix the site's redirecting issues? I stopped bothering to check after a month, maybe two.
03/20/18 05:17AM
Working on it...will update you when the sites back up...if it ever comes back

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