12/15/17 01:06AM
Disney buys Fox
So today the FCC declared an official fuck you to all internet users.
In other news though, Disney has bought 21st Century Fox's TV and movie assets.

Tell me below what you think of this deal, is it good is it bad? Share your thoughts.

My thoughts tho?

NO MORE SHITTY FANTASTIC FOUR MOVIES! :D Marvel Studios, now portray Dr. Doom and Galactus the way they were MEANT to be portrayed!
12/15/17 01:10AM
Disney buys everything, doesn't it?
I have no particular issue or anything with Disney though.
12/15/17 01:15AM
not sure yet.

I mean it does mean a lot of change, for the better or worse it happened.
12/15/17 01:23AM
I'm honestly not a fan of Disney buying even more properties.
12/15/17 01:45AM
Marvel getting rights to X-Men/Fantastic Four back. Good. Disney approaching a pop culture monopoly. Bad

Overall? We shall see
12/15/17 01:51AM
<<|I made this topical meme>>
12/15/17 01:51AM
As Christopher Paolini retweeted, probably because of the Eragon movie that everybody thinks is so bad being 21st Century Fox or summat, a couple of characters from the Inheritance Saga are now Disney Princesses. I'll take it.
12/15/17 01:53AM
Finally, we can get a Family Guy world in Kingdom Hearts.
12/15/17 02:04AM
slmrip said:
Finally, we can get a Family Guy world in Kingdom Hearts.

Sora: "Woah, this world is so different from anythign else We've seen..."
Peter: "Hey, fuck you pal, trying to drive here."
Sora, shouting to Square Enix: "Is this mandatory?"
12/15/17 02:36AM
Even nowadays it feels like each release of a new Disney movie is strictly planned at the moment that the hype of the previous Disney movie is over. So no,bad move.
12/15/17 03:27AM
Hey as long as it gets us more goofy ass Ryan reynolds as deadpool tweets I'm good with it!
12/15/17 03:47AM
Well, this has been a horribly depressing day on two fronts. Aliens and Predator have been two of my favorite franchises since childhood...
12/15/17 03:51AM
mariosonicfan said:
Hey as long as it gets us more goofy ass Ryan reynolds as deadpool tweets I'm good with it!

They've already confirmed they're interested in continuing his adventures at their intended level of madness, and could be better but its ok i guessness.

Dr_Mabuse said:
Well, this has been a horribly depressing day on two fronts. Aliens and Predator have been two of my favorite franchises since childhood...

Touchstone, Mabuse. <<|All is not lost.>>
12/15/17 04:24AM
I think the full irony here is that a lot of the move towards cord-cutting was related to the expense of having "X hundred channels and nothing good on." It's slowly starting to look like that half that problem is being resolved and not the half people want.
12/15/17 05:11AM
It's weird to think that Disney now owns 2 of the big 5 broadcast networks (Fox and ABC vs NBC, CBS, and CW)
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