12/15/17 10:10PM
Feel Better With Fight Scenes
Since a lot of us could some catharsis and positivity using the internet right now, I'll take that as an excuse to make a thread about cool movie fight scenes. I don't have a youtube channel or anything, so these aren't my videos and I take no responsibility for the channels or whatever, but I'm just going to post some links and if anyone else has some cool links or uploads they'd like to post, go ahead. I'm sticking mainly to martial arts movies here, but by no means does anyone in this thread have to stay in that lane. So post, discuss, tell me that my tastes are plebian and everyone has seen these a million times, what have you.

I'll start this off with the temple fight scene from The Protector, Tony Jaa before he fucked off to a Buddhist monastery. Interesting note, the Capoeira dude in the fist half of this video is Lateef Crowder, who IRL did the motion capture for Eddy Gordo in just about every Tekken game he appeared in:

And here's Donnie Yuen in Ip Man 2, the fight to prove himself against the 3 Masters. It's a bit long, but I like the egging each other on/boasting from the Masters. The way the last guy plays with weight/momentum is also a really good bit:

From relatively early in Jackie Chan's career, I think this is the best one-on-one fight Jackie Chan ever did in film. The dude here is Benny "The Jet" Urquidez, who IRL was a martial arts/kickboxing champ.

Lastly for this post, this isn't really martial arts, but something to share with anyone who never saw it when it was spread around. This is an insane magic battle from the movie "The Boxer's Omen," which in a funny bit of business was the only movie ever directed by Bolo Yeung, the guy who played the main henchman in Enter the Dragon and Chong Li, the main antagonist in Bloodsport. I think some of these shots might actually have used dying animals in them. Also, the only time I've ever seen a Penangallan on film:
12/15/17 10:34PM
Excellent Tony Jaa choice! I also liked the super long restaurant cut from that film. Plus all of the fight club scene in Ong-Bak. Starts off with that impressive chair stunt and ends with the whole building trashed

I can't pick just one from Enter The Dragon either. Maybe the nunchuck bit? Or when Lee beats up Chuck Norris
12/16/17 01:46AM
Great pick from Jacky Chan, but for me the final fight for Drunken Master is my favourite,the way that combines the sillines of Drunken Boxing with a lot of tension is great, plus i fucking love Drunken boxing, i love even more that its a real style of martial arts XD

Also lets not forget his speciality enviriomantal fights, Jacky Chan in a Walmart would be invencible, here is the legendary ladder fight
12/16/17 02:36AM
Not really a live action movie, but this fight from the Fist of the North Star movie is always my favorite:
12/16/17 02:39AM Also another fave of mine, Jackie Chan vs Brad Allen, AKA the most polite fight ever.
12/16/17 02:48AM
Do they have to be exclusively from kung-fu/martial arts films or can they be from other genres?
12/16/17 02:57AM
Let us never forget the masterpiece that is Undefeateable:
12/16/17 03:03AM
Mindwipe said:
Let us never forget the masterpiece that is Undefeateable:


12/16/17 10:27AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Excellent Tony Jaa choice! I also liked the super long restaurant cut from that film. Plus all of the fight club scene in Ong-Bak. Starts off with that impressive chair stunt and ends with the whole building trashed

I can't pick just one from Enter The Dragon either. Maybe the nunchuck bit? Or when Lee beats up Chuck Norris

I'm afraid I'm drawing a blank on what you mean by the restaurant fight. Was that the one where the camera follows Jaa up that big, winding staircase? If so, then I really respect what that scene was trying to do with the long, unbroken shot, but I feel like it didn't entirely work since it meant you couldn't see all of the action that well. Also, not to nitpick, but Lee vs Norris was "Way of the Dragon," not "Enter the Dragon."

Motorata said:
Also lets not forget his speciality enviriomantal fights, Jacky Chan in a Walmart would be invencible, here is the legendary ladder fight

Yeah, we could probably just make this entirely a Jackie Chan thread with all the environmental fights that he's amazing in.

someguy231 said: Also another fave of mine, Jackie Chan vs Brad Allen, AKA the most polite fight ever.

I hadn't seen this one before. The guys doing comic relief in the back really help sell it.

someguy231 said:
Not really a live action movie, but this fight from the Fist of the North Star movie is always my favorite:

I'm ashamed to say that Fist of the North Star is one of those things I always meant to get around to reading/watching, but have only seen bits and pieces. I love how Kenshiro is always like this grim, divine judgement coming down on the villains. That's also cool about in the middle of this clip where Kenshiro is doing his Hundred Crack Fist thing and Raoh just trucks through it with his knee.

Contorted said:
Do they have to be exclusively from kung-fu/martial arts films or can they be from other genres?

I'd say take it from pretty much any piece of visual media if you think it's cool and fun to watch.

Mindwipe said:
Let us never forget the masterpiece that is Undefeateable:

Ha ha, I started watching this and was like, "Wait, this is really familiar. Was this that crappy movie that ended with the guy getting it through both of his..." *face slams into the wall* "Oh, yep, yep it is."

But yeah, getting back to what Bruce Lee clip, IIRC Way of the Dragon was both filmed and released in Hong Kong earlier than Enter and it got brought to the US later after Enter was a huge success. I think the idea was that even if there was no actual continuity to try and do a "the Dragon" naming thing with all of Bruce Lee's movies as they were released in the US to make him into a sort of franchise, but the plan was cut short by his tragic death. Anyway, some bad sound quality, and cheesy slang, in this one, but how about the Escrima and nunchucks scene from Game of Death:
12/16/17 11:56AM
notanotheralias said:
I'm afraid I'm drawing a blank on what you mean by the restaurant fight. Was that the one where the camera follows Jaa up that big, winding staircase? If so, then I really respect what that scene was trying to do with the long, unbroken shot, but I feel like it didn't entirely work since it meant you couldn't see all of the action that well. Also, not to nitpick, but Lee vs Norris was "Way of the Dragon," not "Enter the Dragon."

That's the bit! It's not as fancy as some of the other scenes but there's so much you can do with quick cuts in action films. That long scene is such a pure expression of his skill. I'm a big Tony Jaa fan. I did kickboxing with a lot of Muay Thai for a few years so I recognize a lot of the punches and kicks. Even if he does them about 100 times better while upside in mid-air fighting 20 people

And yes I got my dragon's mixed up ><. I do love that fight. You can really see the difference in style. Chuck's rigid karate stance compared to Lee's constant movement
12/16/17 02:55PM
I guess it took me this thread to realize it, but: I apparently pretty much get nothing out of these really fancy flowy fight scenes. Matter of taste, I guess. I did enjoy The Matrix, but even there, the fighting was always in service of a cool sci-fi story about coming to master the world by properly understanding its nature.

But so that I'm not just complaining, I'll link the one fight scene I've ever liked independently of the movie it's in, and also the only scene I've ever actually seen of They Live: Though my impression is that that scene is kind of common movie knowledge and everyone's seen it... but then again on the other hand, at least that video doesn't have that many views, so maybe not?
12/16/17 03:35PM
Zermelane said:
I guess it took me this thread to realize it, but: I apparently pretty much get nothing out of these really fancy flowy fight scenes. Matter of taste, I guess. I did enjoy The Matrix, but even there, the fighting was always in service of a cool sci-fi story about coming to master the world by properly understanding its nature.

But so that I'm not just complaining, I'll link the one fight scene I've ever liked independently of the movie it's in, and also the only scene I've ever actually seen of They Live: Though my impression is that that scene is kind of common movie knowledge and everyone's seen it... but then again on the other hand, at least that video doesn't have that many views, so maybe not?

"And so you see,the They Live alleyway fight scene is representative of how the the greatest struggle is not in the revolution itself, but rather in the fight to awaken one's fellow proletariat into the need for revolutionary struggle which the revolution itself cannon happen without prior success in."

Seriously though, that fight scene is famous for being great in the middle of of a movie that otherwise isn't known for such things. And if you aren't into hyper-choreographed fight scenes, that's cool. I mean I don't think anyone is really deluding themselves into thinking things things are representative of real shit, but then movies arent' really real anyway. It's just that they have a kind of discipline and artistry all their own that can be appreciated if you have those sorts of tastes.
12/16/17 03:50PM

How can we forget this gem? Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris.
12/16/17 08:08PM
The epitome of delightful pointlessness in a movie where nothing ultimately gets resolved:

Six men fighting over $22.
12/17/17 05:38AM
To avoid a more spoilery battle, this is <<|the first fight sequence from Raid 2>>. Both films are wall-to-wall full of choreography of this caliber, so if you want a good playlist of this shit, I'd strongly recommend you check 'em out.
1 2>>>

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