12/29/17 05:41PM
How you realized you were (or: How you got) into hypnosis?

So recently, I finally mustered up the strength to tell my best friend (for 10 years) that I have a hypnosis fetish. I can't really say I was THAT strong though, because it still took three days for me to build up courage with him actively knowing that I was into something (I told him I was into something, and it took three days to tell him it was hypnosis).

When I finally told him, he asked me why. At that point, I drew a blank, why was I into it? I have had an obsession with hypnosis for as long as I could remember (the earliest age being 8, I remember because that was when the episode "The Library" from ATLA first aired). I was interested when an episode about hypnosis came on ("Mad Mod" from Teen Titans still gets me), practiced self hypnosis (this got me reputation for being the kid that always slept in class, I never told them why), and began a dedicated study of it (I have read 15 books on how to perform hypnosis, hypnosis as a science, and hypnosis in the therapeutic field, a few psychology textbooks never hurt either).

So now the question is, why was I into it? First, we must look at this quote by Michelangelo: I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. This of course meaning, that we are already who we are on the inside, almost as if fate is predetermined. Now think about this, all material can be melted down, no matter how strong, so even then, our predetermined images can be molded as well. The idea that anything can change with just the right amount of heat (or in this case, hypnosis), that is what gets me going. It's either that, or the idea that there is battle of the minds going on, and that at any moment I can win or lose, it just depends on who the player is and how well they know the game. The very nature of domination itself is how I would describe it.

Pretty sure that was long winded and could be shortened in a more convenient way, but I was just too curious to see how everyone else got on this hypnotic boat. Now I'll ask you the question: how did you get into hypnosis?
12/29/17 05:45PM

There's already a thread asking the same question, check that out maybe
12/29/17 06:10PM
Sophia said:

There's already a thread asking the same question, check that out maybe

Well, there goes my attempt of making an original, engaging post. Oh well, I guess I'll wait till my Hypno D&D project is complete and try again.
12/30/17 06:45AM
Temperance said:

So recently, I finally mustered up the strength to tell my best friend (for 10 years) that I have a hypnosis fetish. I can't really say I was THAT strong though, because it still took three days for me to build up courage with him actively knowing that I was into something (I told him I was into something, and it took three days to tell him it was hypnosis).

Why'd you feel the need to tell your friend about your kinks?
12/30/17 06:47AM
Nadie said:
Why'd you feel the need to tell your friend about your kinks?

A friend of mine actually hid theirs but gave everyone a guess to try and figure it out.
No one could and it stayed that way for a few years.
12/30/17 06:55AM
TalahDarkfang said:
A friend of mine actually hid theirs but gave everyone a guess to try and figure it out.
No one could and it stayed that way for a few years.

My friend actually stumbled upon a fetish community on DeviantArt or something, and I almost had a fucking heart attack when he brought it up in a conversation. I thought he'd found me out somehow.
12/30/17 08:05AM
Nadie said:
Why'd you feel the need to tell your friend about your kinks?

I just did, I wanted someone to know, to see what they would think. I was tired of keeping this bottled up for nearly 12 years.
12/30/17 09:29AM
For me cartoons sparked it. mainly sailor moon and totally spies. Love totally spies when I was smol. also kinda sparked my love of latex :P
12/30/17 09:34AM
CorruptionPrincess said:
For me cartoons sparked it. mainly sailor moon and totally spies. Love totally spies when I was smol. also kinda sparked my love of latex :P

I also quite enjoyed totally spies.
That show had an episode for every kink.

No idea what sparked my hypnosis/mind control kink tbh
12/30/17 09:42AM
I got mine from a cereal box.

No I'm not joking. It had Princess Peach hypnotized by a windmill or something.
12/30/17 02:47PM
Temperance said:
I just did, I wanted someone to know, to see what they would think. I was tired of keeping this bottled up for nearly 12 years.

Same here. More than anything, I love the idea of a good, trustworthy friend that understands and shares the same kinks and gets turned on by the same things.

Granted, it's not easy at all, and it's always an insane risk to take, because it can really hurt if you timidly share your kinks in an effort to want a good friend to get to know you better, and it backfires and they suddenly think you're a gross pervert or something and hold it against you. That's always a really bad risk.

But if it manages to pay off, it's extremely rewarding being able to talk openly about it, and even share interest in it together. I'm lucky enough to know someone like that and we often talk about anime girls a LOT, and we're able to bounce ideas off each other and feed our ideas together, and enjoy that kind of thing.

In my experience, there's nothing quite like actually being able to tell your best friend that you recently had this great idea that involves a really cute anime girl, hypnotized to be a mindless zombie vulnerable and exposed in her underwear, walking around and moaning and how great it would feel to start cuddling and caress her as she moans and repeats "yess maaster... you command... I obey..."

You could talk about how it would be awesome if you woke up one day and there were tons of girls everywhere being mindless zombies and do whatever you wanted around them....

....and actually get a response back that's not weirded out or negative, but actually indulging the idea and discussing it WITH you and giving you more ideas on the same wavelength and then bonding over that.

Honestly, yeah, it's pretty great. But you have to be REALLY careful who you tell, I guess. That's the major downside. That it can potentially backfire terribly, but when it works, it feels amazing to have that be a friendly and casual topic for conversation. :P

The only thing I could imagine being better is having an actual romantic relationship with someone who ALSO likes this and will willingly play along with something like that and enjoy it as well.
12/30/17 11:22PM
I saw it in a dream about two years ago.
It was a dream about my friend giving me a massage with this hypnotic oil, that made me blank and mindless, and she could essentially control me however she liked afterwards.
12/30/17 11:56PM
Kaa happened.
12/31/17 02:47AM
I remember distinctly that I confided/asked my sister if Kaa made her "have to pee", the only description I had to express my very first sexual experience as a tingling down there. She had no clue what I was on about of course, and while I didn't make the click of mind control being the thing I was into until over a decade and a half later, I liked any scene that had it. Of course, Jungle Book became one of our most watched VHS tapes.

Growing up, when puberty hit, it hit everyone in a whirlwind but me. Sexuality? Liking boys? Liking girls, maybe?? I didn't even ask questions about that because it just didn't interest me or occur to me, even. Even my friends started going out, "snogging" this or that person. Suddenly it was all about who did who and who wanted to do who, ... and there I was, oblivious and kindof appalled. I mean, you pee from there for chrissake.

After a great many truth or dare games where it became obvious I was boring and inexperienced, I started hating the topic alltogether. Until I found out about hypnosis porn and tentacles. I'm not sure which came first. I'm pretty open about my tentacle fetish because I can explain it and it doesn't scare me. It's logical that anyone (from my pov) would enjoy to be stimulated from so many ends at once. I don't hide it, and try my best not to go on about it too much if people don't share it, haha ^^

The rapey connotations of hypnosis make me less forthcoming about that fetish. That, and it scares me at times. Still, I've shared it with my sister (coincidentally my best friend) and I think some friends on a drunken truth or dare night maybe. In return, my sister has opened up to me about some bdsm etc she's into, trying her best to explain it. We're both very respectful of eachbother's fetishes and I think a bit sad we don't share them :p not that we'd physically, hiss, but to talk about I mean.

One fetish I hope my big mouth never blabs about is lolicon though... I'm not entirely sure that people would believe me if I said I like it because I imagine myself as the child, male or female...
12/31/17 09:30AM
I just kind of came to figure out that I was into hypnosis/mind control/mind alteration while looking at stuff like this. I thought back and realized that before I looked at porn, the erotic imagined scenes I had frequently had this type of thing.
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