01/01/18 10:09AM
New Years Resolutions
So it's 2018 now~ Wooooooo

And with a new year comes new New Years Resolutions and people who fail or give up on them on the first or second day x3

So tell me what's your NYR or past ones you attempted~
01/01/18 10:11AM
to think of a better resolution for next year.
01/01/18 10:11AM
Get bloody better at drawing :P
And what's your resolution
01/01/18 10:11AM
my resolutions are to finally get solid references for my damn OCs, draw more besides heads and shoulders to improve at anatomy, and try and fail at being less of a grumpy asshole

edit: lmao reading over these im going to accomplish a whopping none of these am i
01/01/18 10:19AM
StepfordCrimson said:
So it's 2018 now~ Wooooooo

And with a new year comes new New Years Resolutions and people who fail or give up on them on the first or second day x3

So tell me what's your NYR or past ones you attempted~
to do the exact samething ive been doing since i was born.

01/01/18 11:51AM
For a new years resolution
I don't get out much don't travel far either so something i'd like to improve on is traveling more.
In fact i plan to travel to an event in the coming days called magfest if any of you guys end up there it be nice to say hi.
01/01/18 01:06PM
New year's resolutions? I'd like to post at least one pic here.

I seriously love this site, you guys are awesome and I feel like I should repay you in some way. I'd like to bring my stone to this edifice, but I only have gravel while some bring mountains...

Anyway, maybe (at last!) I'll stop lurking this year.

Warmly yours -- NESI
01/01/18 04:00PM
Not to sound like an edgelord or anything, but this year I'm going to finally learn to like myself, and see value in myself. I'm going to try to stop invalidating my feelings, and learn that my happiness is important.

That, and I want to animate something this year ^^
01/01/18 05:22PM
I pretty much always say to myself I should draw more...

Though that said I've been thinking making a blog for my smut stuff, because as it stands well my regular art is completely separated from my porn, so I dunno. Maybe its worth being more open about it with others and making a tumblr for the smut because I've had a regular one for years.
01/01/18 07:22PM
I haven't really formulated any resolutions for this year, so I'll do some off the top of my head and see how well I can stick to them:

- Play more video games. Or at least get to the ones that I started, enjoyed, and then just dropped for whatever reason; the current list includes Inside, Transistor, Hiveswap, and Life is Strange... and the pile of games that I think would be great to try but that I haven't even started is a lot longer.

- Sleep more. This one should be sorta obvious.

- Stop bringing my work laptop home. Oddly, I'm actually pretty good about not bringing work home in general, it's just that I regularly carry my work laptop around for no particularly good reason.

- Stop ever writing effortposts on reddit, except to directly help people. This is another thing I'm actually pretty good about (I barely ever post in the first place), but posting on reddit is an absolute waste of time anyway, and easily more than half of the time I spend on it is on posts that I don't even end up actually submitting.

- Write more fiction. By which I mean: Write any fiction, years since I last did it. I hate writing and find it almost physically painful, and I hold no delusion that I ever was or will be any good at it... but overall, I seem to feel better having done a story concept at least *some* justice than I do randomly remembering some part of it years later and realizing that that story is never going to exist.
01/01/18 07:53PM
IttyBit said:
Not to sound like an edgelord or anything, but this year I'm going to finally learn to like myself, and see value in myself. I'm going to try to stop invalidating my feelings, and learn that my happiness is important.

That, and I want to animate something this year ^^

I just want to say that is not the slightest bit "edgelordish".

That is actually fantastic, entirely positive, extremely admirable, and downright inspirational. As someone who suffers with chronic depression every day, and knows how naturally difficult even trying to believe those things CAN be, I must say, I honestly don't think anyone has the right to criticize you for a sentiment that admirable.

Personally speaking, I hope that you and EVERYONE suffering from even ANY amount of self-esteem issues or self-doubt can find the strength needed to even attempt such a goal.

When I hear someone say something like that, I am going to choose to believe in you, or anyone whose goal is similar.
01/02/18 12:15AM
Well, a few goals

- Get a vehicle, and one that isn't broken down

- Get a better job

- Get into Trade School/ If all else fails, get paperwork to go from the Reserves to Active Duty

- Try not to kill myself.

- Learn to manage my anger better.
01/02/18 01:53AM
I'd like to become a bit more active in this community again.
Also I'd like to make at least one game before the new month. (Nothing Big)

Incidentally, how does one acquire advertisement space on this site?
01/02/18 02:06AM
LillyTank said:
I'd like to become a bit more active in this community again.
Also I'd like to make at least one game before the new month. (Nothing Big)

Incidentally, how does one acquire advertisement space on this site?

Haven't seen you in awhile ( ͡ ͜ ʖ ͡ )

you might need to ask slayerduck on that.
01/02/18 02:07AM
The best year resolutions are ones which are measurable, easy achievable without drastic change in ways of living or working, and likely a small step to a bigger goal.

Still pondering between:
- Draw more (quite easy because I don't have anything drawn in 2017).
- Be more active with my other hobbies which don't involve a screen.

Hmmm I might combine that my sketching with pencil |=(|3
1 2>>>

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