01/02/18 06:36PM
No consensual bimbofication?
You know, I think it'd be fun for once to have a character with a bimbo fetish be hypnotized by a friend for a night of fun and be really embarrassed the next day when she learns the sexy times her bimbo self has been up to... And ask for more!

Right? Just throwing ideas up here. :)
01/05/18 01:08AM
I've known people have this happen to them in real life :P

I think part of the fantasy appeal though is that the subject would normally never ever ever think of themselves as a bimbo, so it's more thrilling to see them become one. That whole 'becoming your opposite' thing. But I think it'd be fun to see more 'becoming your fantasy' style works too :)
01/05/18 07:13PM
ElisaSky said:
You know, I think it'd be fun for once to have a character with a bimbo fetish be hypnotized by a friend for a night of fun and be really embarrassed the next day when she learns the sexy times her bimbo self has been up to... And ask for more!

Right? Just throwing ideas up here. :)

I recall seeing written erotic fiction along those lines...but it was a man becoming a bimbo. I am probably conflating different stories here, but variations included:

His wife turns him into a bimbo as punishment for something, and he likes it.

A guy keeps going on bimbo "binges" and his wife leaves him over it.

A guy uses a monkey's paw (made famous by the short story, but apparently without a limit on the number of wishes) to slightly feminize himself a bit at a time. When his wife gets disgusted and leaves him, he goes all out and turns himself into a bimbo, and proceeds to blow all his male friends.

One of these stories was set in the Master PC universe and another in the Spells R Us universe.

There was another story that did not involve the subject losing his intelligence per se. A man involved in some cutting edge research wants to use it to transition, and a female colleague is sympathetic to his wish. When they set about designing the change, it becomes obvious he wants to become as stripperific as possible, and she gets a gleam in her eye and tries to push the technology to the limit. IIRC his brain was left untouched, though.
01/07/18 12:54AM
Not quite your concept, but our own gallery The Easy Way by the artist Coinflip (using Honey Select) actually features this. Bimbo with an infectious virus threatens her target by saying she can do this the easy way or the hard way, to which the target replies "yes, please sit on my face!"

It's beautiful.

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