01/03/18 04:08AM
Follower System
Has some sort of following or subscribing system ever been considered for the site? I don't think I'd need to explain it much, but the Youtube system would be a good parallel. You subscribe to content creators, and they come up in a subscribers tab. If there's a creator you always look forward to in particular, you could activate email notifications when they post pieces of art.

I do acknowledge that you can just search for a certain person, but I think it would be easier for artists to gain a consistent following if this system was in place. Potentially even a sense of community around creators?

I'm curious if anyone else has ever thought about this, and if it's been pitched or attempted before. Thanks for your input.

01/06/18 03:11AM
This site is pretty old and thus runs on an older engine. If I recall correctly, the original creator or designer or whatever you wanna call it left a long time ago. Any updates are thus impossible, unless perhaps you'd like to redesign the whole thing from scratch.

I remember asking for some updates to get a better mobile experience and being given this reason, hence why I'm saying this and not one of the mods. (Maybe they got tired of repeating themselves? Idk.)

On a different note, artists tend to have tumblr, deviantart or perhaps twitter accounts or so you might be able to find and follow. Not on the hub, but still followable :)
01/06/18 03:13AM
Friye said:
This site is pretty old and thus runs on an older engine. If I recall correctly, the original creator or designer or whatever you wanna call it left a long time ago. Any updates are thus impossible, unless perhaps you'd like to redesign the whole thing from scratch.

I remember asking for some updates to get a better mobile experience and being given this reason, hence why I'm saying this and not one of the mods. (Maybe they got tired of repeating themselves? Idk.)

On a different note, artists tend to have tumblr, deviantart or perhaps twitter accounts or so you might be able to find and follow. Not on the hub, but still followable :)

All of this is pretty much the case.
01/06/18 06:40AM
Friye said:
This site is pretty old and thus runs on an older engine. If I recall correctly, the original creator or designer or whatever you wanna call it left a long time ago. Any updates are thus impossible, unless perhaps you'd like to redesign the whole thing from scratch.

I remember asking for some updates to get a better mobile experience and being given this reason, hence why I'm saying this and not one of the mods. (Maybe they got tired of repeating themselves? Idk.)

On a different note, artists tend to have tumblr, deviantart or perhaps twitter accounts or so you might be able to find and follow. Not on the hub, but still followable :)

I knew most of this but didn't know that the original creator is no longer here. Were they a frequent poster and just thought that the site went in a different direction then they had hoped? Or did they just ghost out and never bothered to leave the site in someone else's hands?

01/06/18 01:48PM
averageguy17 said:
I knew most of this but didn't know that the original creator is no longer here. Were they a frequent poster and just thought that the site went in a different direction then they had hoped? Or did they just ghost out and never bothered to leave the site in someone else's hands?

I don't think Friye's talking about Hypnohub in particular, but just the creator of the booru system.
01/06/18 02:55PM
TheMadPrince said:
I don't think Friye's talking about Hypnohub in particular, but just the creator of the booru system.

This was my understanding as well. From the artists side of things, I have no way to track new comments and such on my uploads so yeah, I have to check that manually. I dunno if its worth making a blog specifically for all the stuff I upload here but some folks might find it easier.

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