01/04/18 09:28PM
Looking for a forgotten website of MC stories
Some time back, I was reading a website of mind control erotic fiction that specialized in loli and shota mind control. I cannot remember the name of it. Does this ring any bells with anyone?
01/04/18 09:31PM
<<www.asstr.org/~Piper/|You're likely thinking of Piper's Domain.>>
01/04/18 09:55PM
Pinkanator said:
<<www.asstr.org/~Piper/|You're likely thinking of Piper's Domain.>>

Thank you!
01/14/18 11:06PM
Is it still set to return this month? I know asstr has been having a lot of issues for a while now.
01/15/18 01:48AM
Eodez said:
Is it still set to return this month? I know asstr has been having a lot of issues for a while now.

err... nevermind then, www.asstr.org/~Piper/
02/15/18 12:57AM
Hate to bump this but it looks like ASSTR is having security issues since both Firefox and Chrome block the page due to insecure connection.

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