01/04/18 09:55PM
Questions about
This site appears to dabble in other forms of mind control besides hypnosis. While there are other sites dedicated to written mind control fiction, this is the only one I have encountered that specializes in images. I have some old photoshops I commissioned a long time ago which added mind control hardware to some fairly standard porn images, i.e., models over 18 paid to pose nekkid for publication. I would like to post them here, but they have nothing to do with hypnosis per se. Would that be appropriate?

On a related topic, a particular kink of mine is stories and images of septal brain stimulation, aka brain stimulation reward, or "wireheading" in the fiction of Larry Niven and Spider Robinson. There is one such image on this site ( hypnohub.net/post/show/7893 ) which is actually a work I commissioned long ago, plus a some others that come really close (tech_control + happy_trance, tech_control + orgasm, etc.) While there is a lot of speculative writing about it on the web, I have found no porn about it. Has anyone seen anything of the sort, in words or pictures?
01/04/18 10:11PM
flondrix said:
This site appears to dabble in other forms of mind control besides hypnosis. While there are other sites dedicated to written mind control fiction, this is the only one I have encountered that specializes in images. I have some old photoshops I commissioned a long time ago which added mind control hardware to some fairly standard porn images, i.e., models over 18 paid to pose nekkid for publication. I would like to post them here, but they have nothing to do with hypnosis per se. Would that be appropriate?

On a related topic, a particular kink of mine is stories and images of septal brain stimulation, aka brain stimulation reward, or "wireheading" in the fiction of Larry Niven and Spider Robinson. There is one such image on this site (hypnohub.net/post/show/7893) which is actually a work I commissioned long ago, plus a some others that come really close (tech_control + happy_trance, tech_control + orgasm, etc.) While there is a lot of speculative writing about it on the web, I have found no porn about it. Has anyone seen anything of the sort, in words or pictures?

Just skimming this. Real life images are not allowed unless they are from a confirmed source of MC material.

So photo shops of live models would not be allowed.

Also this title is very vague please change it or I can if you want. Make it more clear what the topic actually is.

I feel like you changed it onve already and made it more vague now.

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