01/05/18 09:30AM
Attractive Cartoon/anime characters
Hello everybody. Was inspired by FuyuGraycen's forum topic of first cartoon/anime crushes to start a similar forum. But the slight difference with this one is to mention any and all characters you find attractive. I hope that this thread will spread word about lesser know characters. Maybe even inspire some of the artists here on the Hub to include any characters mentioned here.

Some "rules" (kind of making them up off the top of my head)
-Be respectful. If you disagree with somebody keep it civil
-No foul language.

Some details I hope you cover/include
-If at all possible, include links to images (especially for lesser know characters)
-If the character had a multiple looks/outfits, maybe mention your favorite and why?
-Besides looks if anything, what else do you find attractive about the character?.
-even though "main characters" are eligible, I hope everybody takes into account the supporting or lesser known characters.

Right off the bat here's a great Character. From the early days of the DCAU (where a lot of characters I have in mind are from) when have District Attorney Janet Van Dorn from batman the animated series

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Shea amazing right? Even though she's beautiful and intelligent, I love that she can also stare batman in the eye, and egg on the inmates of Arkham and not get intimidated easily. If that doesn't say amazon I don't know what does. Another aspect I like about her is that even in a suit she looks hot. I've always thought that while showing a lot of skin is great, if a character is attractive enough, they don't need to show any skin to be hot. Looking forward to your opinions.
01/05/18 09:56AM
I would like to bring forward a character I adore from a series I really dislike would be General esdeath from akame gah kill.

She fills in a few aesthetics I have one is Imperial military style uniforms, thigh high boots and a dominatrix style going on ^_^

I admired her style so much I cosplayed her back in April of 2017


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