01/07/18 05:51AM
Upload Guide?
Is there a guide for how to upload.
I have to admit that I've never been too familiar with the etiquette of posting on this site.
Anyone know what I should do when in regards to hiding posts and making pools?
01/07/18 05:55AM
LillyTank said:
Is there a guide for how to upload.
I have to admit that I've never been too familiar with the etiquette of posting on this site.
Anyone know what I should do when in regards to hiding posts and making pools?
01/07/18 06:04AM
It doesn't really say what to do about pools...
01/07/18 08:00AM
LillyTank said:
It doesn't really say what to do about pools...
01/09/18 05:01AM
I'm pretty sure there's also some rule about hiding most of a pool (all but the first page or three) from the index if you're gonna upload a long series all at once. That stops the front page at /post from just being a wall of the one collection. A lot of artists and manippers have their feelings hurt when someone does that an hour or two after they upload something they just made.

edit: found it, it was linked from the main rules page as <<|bulk posting guidelines>> (I was looking for the word "index")

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