01/09/18 08:13AM
What is your dream piece of content?
Just something I had thought of.
Is there some kind of hypno/fetish/erotic content that you can only dream of having?
Something that will pretty much never exists but you wish it could?

My dream content for erotic/fetish content would probably be a TF/MC game with Aqua as the star(Because I've basically lost my mind at this point)
It's be one of those games with tons of little bad ending stories, like bimbo or maid, and it's have great art and animation. <3


Anyway.... anyone else have something like that?
01/09/18 08:20AM
Kachopper9 said:
Just something I had thought of.
Is there some kind of hypno/fetish/erotic content that you can only dream of having?
Something that will pretty much never exists but you wish it could?

My dream content for erotic/fetish content would probably be a TF/MC game with Aqua as the star(Because why not at this point)
It's be one of those games with tons of little bad ending stories, like bimbo or maid, and it's have great art and animation. <3


Anyway.... anyone else have something like that?

For me it would be a web comic of us HH characters living in a town. living light hearted hypno adventures

Heck if it's possible a full on RPG with us in it
01/09/18 08:23AM
CorruptionPrincess said:
For me it would be a web comic of us HH characters living in a town. living light hearted hypno adventures

Heck if it's possible a full on RPG with us in it

...aaaand now I want to make an RPG maker HH game.
01/09/18 08:43AM
CorruptionPrincess said:
For me it would be a web comic of us HH characters living in a town. living light hearted hypno adventures

Heck if it's possible a full on RPG with us in it

You may be interested in the <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/57046|Dating Sim>> project, then. It still lives.
01/09/18 10:27AM
I think about this all the time.

There are lots of cartoons, anime, manga and other such methods of content out there that I feel should do one particular thing more often, and they never do, even though it's really kind of simple.

Now, even if someone doesn't have a Hypnosis fetish, per se, anime still has a lot of fanservice (which I approve of most all the time), and of course the most common thing is girls in their underwear. Like, it's THE most common thing in anime for instance, to do.

But I feel like hypnosis fetish or not, there's one simple thing that so many anime could do that so few take advantage of that it drives me crazy. Anime needs to showcase more fanservice using characters sleepwalking, or at least put into SOME kind of state where they don't know they're in their underwear or are exposing themselves unintentionally.

You can play it for laughs, for legit fanservice, whatever. Just for god's sake, do it more, animation and comic book mediums. Everytime I see a panty shot, it's almost always the same thing. Not that i'm complaining about what I get exactly, but it feels derivative after a while. Skirts flying up or someone getting a peak while said girl is wide awake and giving the stereotypical reaction of "eek, you pervert! I'm gonna slap you even if it was an accident", yadda yadda, ect.

I've seen it happen a few times, don't get me wrong. Maybe three or four times. Meme from Soul Eater NOT got up and sleepwalked around in just her buttoned up top and tried to strip down while sleepwalking and walked around town like that once. That was pretty good. Fam The Silver Wing did a thing where a girl stripped to her underwear and walked around. That was cute. Maybe one or two other times. But it's rare.

Put girl into state where she's unaware. Have her be in her underwear while it happens. Whether it's for blatant fanservice, or wacky fanservice wrapped up as a hilarious joke, just show girls hypnotized in vulnurable states, instead of just normally in her normal clothes and only for 2-8 seconds like shows and comics always keep doing.

But as for my DREAM content? The thing I ALWAYS wanted to see? That's easy. It's something i've depicted a few times, and for some reason nothing has ever done it to this scale. Show a vast array of mindless hypnotized zombies in underwear in front of each other all over the place. Stumbling around, as a group.

I refer people to the crowd hypno-zombie scenes in the Power Rangers episode "Zedd Waves". Like, ok, do that, but have everyone also be compelled to be in their underwear. I'd prefer it to all be girls, but if it's a crowd scene, i'd be fine looking around and pausing the video so I can focus on all the people I like, in the scene. Just give me something like that.

Or maybe some sort of episode of something as a funny gag or funny premise where women's underwear all becomes self-aware and suddenly all possess the women wearing them to expose themselves and be seen the way all panties secretly wanted to be, maybe. Walking them around like puppets to show off. That's a good one that is never done.

I just think that out of all the blatant fanservice routes, the obvious isn't used as an excuse as much as it can be.

And if a work ever just simply based it's whole premise around this, well then.... i'd just be indebted to it and love it forever.

01/09/18 11:28AM
Imagine Middle Earth: Shadow of War. Only instead of being a wraith killing and enslaving a cast of procedurally-generated orcs for revenge, you're a witch defeating and enslaving a cast of procedurally-generated magical girls in order to take over a planet. Also, more interactivity with the NPCs you convert...
01/09/18 04:16PM
My CYOA turned into a full comic retelling the whole story as I wrote it just as art. Consdering the length and detail of some chracthers appearance it'd be very pricey and need an artist who's just a tad crazy.
01/10/18 07:57PM
Pocket watch hypnosis and foot play.
01/10/18 08:00PM
CJO1234 said:
Pocket watch hypnosis and foot play.

kind of missing the point. This is about art and such that you can never really see.

Those things are both pretty common
01/10/18 08:04PM
Well for me personally, a full on animated version of the demon book. Fully voiced and completed animated in the style of the Jungle Book. I think I could die happy.

As for other things slightly more attainable I wouldn't mind there being an official jungle book 3 with Kaa as the main antagonist with excessive amounts of hypnosis flying around instead of just being relegated to a couple of scenes.

I too wouldn't mind there being a Hypnohub OC web comic, I think that would be pretty great. Even though edge's comic kinda fills that gap.

And on a more obtainable note, I just want a full size portrait of Kaa'lin drawn by Karbo. No matter how much it costs...it would just be...perfect.
01/10/18 08:04PM
"And this is your life now!"

Let me explain a little. I'm kind of a bodymod/permanent change fetishist to some degree, and one thing that basically every doujin, anime, and Western work does is, once the "action" is done, that's it, no exploration of "after the end."

Now, sometimes this is because it's kind of boring - "and then she was a mindless maid/fucktoy/mind-broken sex slave for eternity" isn't all that interesting, though I would argue it's not really any *more* interesting than Yet Another Vanilla Sex Scene :V. But sure, let's accept that for the sake of argument.

"You've been remodeled so that your whole body feels like your clit, and just walking in clothes makes you cum. ... This is your life now!" And then we could get eight pages on someone trying to pretend they're not in orgasmic bliss while running laps in P.E./trying to focus on work in a call center/taking a final exam or whatever.

"You've been hypnotized so that you have to obey the command of anyone who says your trigger word - and it's not that uncommon a word so someone might say it by accident! ... This is your life now!" And then we could get ten pages of trying to cut people off in conversation before they say the word, or trying to explain why they're going along with whatever "suggestion" just got made "willingly" so that they don't cotton on they just got handed the keys to the mind control device, as it were.

Things like that. Nobody ever goes past the end, it's just "left to your imagination." Hey, man, my imagination's way better than yours, if I just wanted imaginary fetish scenes I wouldn't be reading your doujin in the first place :V.
01/12/18 04:11PM
CorruptionPrincess said:
For me it would be a web comic of us HH characters living in a town. living light hearted hypno adventures

Heck if it's possible a full on RPG with us in it

Deadass working on a D&D game right now, once the game is complete and some people at the hub play it, then I will take the turns and turn it into a Hub-Exclusive Webcomic.

Glad to know that once this project is completed, at least one person will be reading it.
01/12/18 04:14PM
Imasuky said:
My CYOA turned into a full comic retelling the whole story as I wrote it just as art. Consdering the length and detail of some chracthers appearance it'd be very pricey and need an artist who's just a tad crazy.

What/where is your CYOA? I'm a starting artist and I could use some kind of place to start (if I'm gonna be a webcomic artist, might as well start somewhere, right?)
01/12/18 05:29PM
Like a fantasy I'd want to happen to a specific character or just in general?
01/12/18 05:39PM
Obscenario said:
You may be interested in the <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/57046|Dating Sim>> project, then. It still lives.

Yup, this is going to happen~
1 2345>>>

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