01/10/18 06:40PM
Hub Appreciation Thread
So there’s been a lot of negativity around as of late so I want to get something more positive going.

Like quite a few people here I felt weird for a long time for having this fetish. But after finding the hub I found how that I’m far from the only one. Which was really good for me on a lot of levels.

But that’s a pretty general sort of sentiment.

One a more personal level this site has introduced me to several new people who I’ve come to think of as friends. I never would have met any of them otherwise, and frankly before meeting them I really basically one real friend period.

I was an online hermit, I hardly ever started talks with anyone and was quick to drop out of anything I started. But because of the hub I’ve grown past that, I start conversations, I make friends, I’m a mod now which requires a lot of interaction with a large number of people.
So I really have to say the Hub has helped me on a personal level.
And it doesn't end there.

I’ve been writing for several years, always posting all my stories on the same site. Over and over I’d post stories that I poured a lot of time and effort into, I loved doing it. But I hardly ever got any recognition for it. I had a few good loyal fans, but still not as much as I wished.

But in the relatively short amount of time I’ve been sharing my stories on the hub I have gotten far more feedback and open support than I did ever before. Which boosted my confidence enough to listen to a bit of advice I’d been getting for years from a friend.

Opening commissions.

I finally started accepting payments for my work, because I at last realized that I am worth it. That I have enough talent that I can actually do this whole writing thing for a living.
So while there are some users who are unhappy with the Hub I have to say that I love this community it has its flaws. What community doesn’t?

We are a small, niche community. There’s not a lot of other places for us to go so anytime there is friction it seems worse than it really is just do to the fact we are a mostly closed circle.
So while things might seem bad at the moment I hope that all of us can overcome this and see just how much good the Hub has done for some of us.

Again please don’t think ill of the whole community just because of a few bad apples.
Not everyone can get everything they want but if over all more people are happy than otherwise I think we are doing well.

And just a small note to keep in mind I was made a mod because I was so active in the community, and I was actictive because I love this site!

So please if you like me have anything good to say about the Hub say it!
01/10/18 07:33PM
I have no idea where I'd be art-wise without the hub. I had no outlet for kink stuff at all until I plucked up the courage to post here. I never dreamed that people would like my weird ideas or that artists whom I'd admired from afar would also like my work. That, and the fact I'm doing commissions now too, I never thought my art being good enough that people would also pay me for it. So yeah, thanks everyone.
01/10/18 08:05PM
I wouldn't have met my big sister Crimson who I consider one of my closest friends without this site and not just her so many great and nice people

Imasuky for being an enthusiastic writer and lovable dork

Whisper for helping me with some of my papers in school.

Tiny Cow (blessedbycows) for being so stinking cute and my tiny co

Pychic saviour for being the first person to show interest in my avatar to commissions something with me in it.

Pink for being a lockable kinky boy

Dale who can be passionate about bewbers

Riley who found that my Strap-on named Neil Patrick Harris was fun enough to be a tag on the hub

There's so many great people here that I can't get all of them down thank you all for making 2017 a great year for me I love you all so much <3
01/10/18 08:23PM
Mr.H said:
I have no idea where I'd be art-wise without the hub. I had no outlet for kink stuff at all until I plucked up the courage to post here. I never dreamed that people would like my weird ideas or that artists whom I'd admired from afar would also like my work. That, and the fact I'm doing commissions now too, I never thought my art being good enough that people would also pay me for it. So yeah, thanks everyone.

You are pretty damn popular after all. I enjoyed the time we worked togather and look forward to doing it again.

CorruptionPrincess said:
I wouldn't have met my big sister Crimson who I consider one of my closest friends without this site and not just her so many great and nice people

Imasuky for being an enthusiastic writer and lovable dork

Whisper for helping me with some of my papers in school.

Tiny Cow (blessedbycows) for being so stinking cute and my tiny co

Pychic saviour for being the first person to show interest in my avatar to commissions something with me in it.

Pink for being a lockable kinky boy

Dale who can be passionate about bewbers

Riley who found that my Strap-on named Neil Patrick Harris was fun enough to be a tag on the hub

There's so many great people here that I can't get all of them down thank you all for making 2017 a great year for me I love you all so much <3

You are a sweet and fun person to talk with. Glad to have met you to.
01/10/18 08:37PM
I like this place. This place is good.
01/10/18 08:43PM
I haven't had any life-changing experiences on the hub, by any means, but I have met a couple people I do attempt to talk to everyday, which is more than I can say for some of my real life friends.
I kind of wished I had more friends on here, but talking to people isn't my forte. (I suppose if anyone ever wants to talk to me, please do, I have nothing better to do.)

Thanks to Sophia, Imasuky, and Ljublana for talking with me. Thanks to literally everyone else for keeping the comments entertaining.
(Did I do this right?)
01/10/18 09:35PM
Well, I wouldn't be here if not for this dumpster fire XP

Thanks for letting me make so many good friends, times, and meeting my perfect and beautiful wuvvies <3 <3 <3
01/10/18 09:40PM
JksAccount said:
I like this place. This place is good.

yeah it is.

TalahDarkfang said:
I haven't had any life-changing experiences on the hub, by any means, but I have met a couple people I do attempt to talk to everyday, which is more than I can say for some of my real life friends.
I kind of wished I had more friends on here, but talking to people isn't my forte. (I suppose if anyone ever wants to talk to me, please do, I have nothing better to do.)

Thanks to Sophia, Imasuky, and Ljublana for talking with me. Thanks to literally everyone else for keeping the comments entertaining.
(Did I do this right?)

Good to know that you are making a few friends.

Pinkanator said:
Well, I wouldn't be here if not for this dumpster fire XP

Thanks for letting me make so many good friends, times, and meeting my perfect and beautiful wuvvies <3 <3 <3

Yeah glad to have you around. You were among the first of the users I met that I'd call a friend.
01/11/18 12:07AM
Triple: if it wasnt for the hub i wouldnt of met my lovely girlfriend, both trippy and lisa wouldnt be around and i wouldnt of met 90% of my closest friends who actually care about me so im really happy i found the hub
01/11/18 12:08AM
111 said:
Triple: if it wasnt for the hub i wouldnt of met my lovely girlfriend, trippy wouldnt be around and i wouldnt of met 90% of my closest friends who actually care about me so im really happy i found the hub

So glad to know the hub is what got the two of you togather. And glad that I met you myself.
01/11/18 12:10AM
Literally had 2 people I met on here in my flat last week

Also I probably wouldn't be drawing if it wasn't for the site either. Met people (Including someone very special) though that as well
01/11/18 01:06AM
Man, it's been weird... I've been lurking and in and out of this place for years. A lot of IRL issues, figuring stuff out, and avoiding certain dramas.

I still remember first discovering the hub and actually getting somewhat more involved with other people with this same kink/fetish. It felt good to find a place for that and also have a nice repo with some fantastic artists.

I've seen a lot of people come and go... (including myself lol) and it's weird when I think back on it now, but I'm glad it still seems to be a very friendly community with a lot of really awesome people. Glad to have met and talked with everyone who I have over the years.
01/11/18 01:12AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Literally had 2 people I met on here in my flat last week

Also I probably wouldn't be drawing if it wasn't for the site either. Met people (Including someone very special) though that as well

While I haven't talked much with you from the times I have I can say you are pretty cool. Made some awesome stuff.

Metals said:
Man, it's been weird... I've been lurking and in and out of this place for years. A lot of IRL issues, figuring stuff out, and avoiding certain dramas.

I still remember first discovering the hub and actually getting somewhat more involved with other people with this same kink/fetish. It felt good to find a place for that and also have a nice repo with some fantastic artists.

I've seen a lot of people come and go... (including myself lol) and it's weird when I think back on it now, but I'm glad it still seems to be a very friendly community with a lot of really awesome people. Glad to have met and talked with everyone who I have over the years.

Again someone I've ever interacted with but cool to know the hub has helped you some.
01/11/18 01:25AM
CorruptionPrincess said:
I wouldn't have met my big sister Crimson who I consider one of my closest friends without this site and not just her so many great and nice people

Imasuky for being an enthusiastic writer and lovable dork

Whisper for helping me with some of my papers in school.

Tiny Cow (blessedbycows) for being so stinking cute and my tiny co

Pychic saviour for being the first person to show interest in my avatar to commissions something with me in it.

Pink for being a lockable kinky boy

Dale who can be passionate about bewbers

Riley who found that my Strap-on named Neil Patrick Harris was fun enough to be a tag on the hub

There's so many great people here that I can't get all of them down thank you all for making 2017 a great year for me I love you all so much <3

Damn, I didn't know I got a shout out. Thanks, I guess? I honestly don't know how to react to this. ^^'
01/11/18 05:21AM
I didn't come to this site much in 2017 mostly because I was looking at a lot less porn for a while, and I usually prioritize the furry booru over this one (granted, I mostly look at the "most popular" pages there, and here I look at every single upload).

The point is, I wasn't "driven away" from the site by any kind of problem. Drama keeps me from being super-active on the forums (this place has to lock at least twice as many threads as I've ever seen anywhere else) but the core competency of MC content was always done adequately, and I've appreciated the willingness to have difficult discussions to make sure that our tags make sense, including ones involving the huge number of side-kinks that we've all brought with us, in addition to having to figure out a lot of MC-related tags that aren't relevant to other boorus.

I've been on sankaku a lot recently and I've been frustrated by the lack of tags about the subject's emotional state. You get "ahegao" and that's mostly it - a few other tags exist but are rarely applied. I find a really good picture and it's easy to find more pictures with the same outfit, or sex act, but not with the same kind of expression. No one tags "smile" or "upset" or "angry". Here it's completely different. Whatever the subject of the image is feeling is central to the fetish itself and therefore the images have quite expression-related tags with a frequency and detail that no other booru can come within 5% of. Even non-MC boorus could really benefit from this and it kind of makes me wonder about the mindset of "normies", given what they don't seem to have any preferences about in their porn.

I've always kept the community at arm's length not only because of all the drama but also from some kind of emotional hang-up about mixing sexuality with strangers on the internet. (side note: I wouldn't want to use my main Discord account and it seems troublesome to use Discord with 2 accounts at once, so Discord might not necessarily be the best platform to encourage engagement in real-time chat.)

But ultimately my porn collection would be a much sadder one without this site, and that's got to count for something.

EDIT: I just found out that I'm still <<|14th most prolific all-time uploader on the site>> (not counting "hypno", the account that migrated the old site). I hope that speaks for how much I appreciate it.
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