01/16/18 01:54AM
About an Artist...
So, I just noticed all of snakegalskye's stuff us gone. Any reason why she left? And where would one go to look at her stuff? Does she still have that tumblr? Please and thank you...
01/16/18 02:22AM
The short version:

Went DNP
There was a thread talking about the decision, but got locked and deleted
Still has the Tumblr
01/16/18 02:43AM
ShadowSeraphim said:
The short version:

Went DNP
There was a thread talking about the decision, but got locked and deleted
Still has the Tumblr

Thanks much. All I wanted to know.
Ended up finally making a tumblr so I could get past the damn safe search page...
01/16/18 03:24AM
ShadowSeraphim said:
The short version:

Went DNP
There was a thread talking about the decision, but got locked and deleted
Still has the Tumblr

I am sick of people obnoxiously abusing this system. I am honestly starting to believe this list should be abolished and the system should be retired, imo. Hardly ANYONE is using it properly.

Maybe out of the 2 or 3 cases of legitimately protecting one's work from unapproved piracy or moving their concentrated efforts to a more personal location like their own art accounts for recognition purposes, this was actually INTENDED to prevent that it ended up getting used for, it sometimes starts to seem that for every 1 instance of this being used properly, 10 other people use it just to throw passive-aggressive, whiny, petty little temper tantrums, piss away any of their credibility, and self-indigently punish LOADS of other innocent people over something they seemed completely and utterly fine and dandy with for months or even years, happy to be here, until they suddenly get a bug up their ass out of nowhere someday about some petty, insignificant little thing they don't agree with or just out of slight frustrations of having a bad day. That's not a valid reasoning for this obnoxious list being used just for petty protests and passive-aggressiveness, and despite saying everyone should just respect it, I have to say... I really don't.

This system is being horrendously abused, and in my opinion, honestly speaking, feel should be removed or replaced with a more suitable and less easily abused alternative.

01/16/18 04:30AM
KarmaX said:
I am sick of people obnoxiously abusing this system. I am honestly starting to believe this list should be abolished and the system should be retired, imo. Hardly ANYONE is using it properly.

I hate it too. I can't stand when artists put themselves on DNP, especially for petty reasons like this. The only reason I can maybe respect is wanting to dissociate from your NSFW or fetish works, and even then I hate it. But while the other reasons suck, they're not an abuse of the system. In fact, it's exactly what the system is for.

Boorus like these operate in a legal grey area. What they do is not fair use. Unless the artist gives explicit permission to upload their work here, doing so is copyright infringement. The reason doesn't matter, an artist has the right to choose where their works are copied to.

The DNP system is a compromise. The site asks for forgiveness rather than permission. They freely allow users to upload everything, but agree to takedown images an artist doesn't want up. In this way they avoid DMCA takedowns, which artists have every right to do.

In other words, it doesn't matter if the artist wants to stop piracy, if they've decided to nuke all their artwork because they hate themselves, or if they're throwing a bitchfit at the admins. No matter the reason, they still have the right to take their stuff. (Artists: please don't though because it seriously sucks).
01/16/18 04:42AM
It sucks but that is life.
01/16/18 03:56PM
You are not entitled to anyone else's works, and you do not get to decide whether their feelings are valid.
01/16/18 04:16PM
KarmaX said:
wall of text

While I get your point and agree on the abuse part I disagree on the idea of retiring that system (even if it hurts myself too).
I get what advantages sites that disregard artist opinions (like the sad panda site and lesser known boorus/chans) and ones that be like 'if you didn't want it posted it here you shouldn't have posted it anywhere' have but that's the whole point why HH is 'better' than them, we value artist's opinions and not just their art if artist don't get that then that's their problem which we can't help with, those other sites will simply continue posting as usual
01/16/18 06:03PM
Please don't fight you guys. I didn't want to make everyone upset.
01/16/18 06:47PM
Anno1404 said:
While I get your point and agree on the abuse part I disagree on the idea of retiring that system (even if it hurts myself too).
I get what advantages sites that disregard artist opinions (like the sad panda site and lesser known boorus/chans) and ones that be like 'if you didn't want it posted it here you shouldn't have posted it anywhere' have but that's the whole point why HH is 'better' than them, we value artist's opinions and not just their art if artist don't get that then that's their problem which we can't help with, those other sites will simply continue posting as usual

If I can chime in here--when I went to put myself on the DNP list here, the admins I talked to were extremely understanding and polite, and not only did what I asked, but said that I could have my work restored at any time in the future. On the flipside of this, I recently found my art posted on Rule 34 and when I went to go ask them to take it down and to put me on their DNP list, the admin was rude, completely dismissed my requests, and tried to make it seem like they were doing me a favor by having it up there. I finally just gave up talking to them.

So even though I have my problems with posting my art on this site, I do appreciate its stance on honoring artists' requests to not have their art posted here.
01/16/18 08:48PM
geekgirl8 said:
If I can chime in here--when I went to put myself on the DNP list here, the admins I talked to were extremely understanding and polite, and not only did what I asked, but said that I could have my work restored at any time in the future. On the flipside of this, I recently found my art posted on Rule 34 and when I went to go ask them to take it down and to put me on their DNP list, the admin was rude, completely dismissed my requests, and tried to make it seem like they were doing me a favor by having it up there. I finally just gave up talking to them.

So even though I have my problems with posting my art on this site, I do appreciate its stance on honoring artists' requests to not have their art posted here.

Yeah I am a mod and I hate having to remove good art but if an artist wants it I and the others will comply.
01/16/18 11:01PM
Black--Wave said:
You are not entitled to anyone else's works, and you do not get to decide whether their feelings are valid.

I tried to post art I commissioned and it was removed because the artist put himself on Dnp
01/17/18 01:24AM
Question's been answered, think the thread's served it's purpose...

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