01/18/18 08:30AM
Gaging interest in a pokemon manip series
I'm going between a few ideas for potential series right now, but being the weak minded individual I am, I am currently paralyzed by indecision. So instead of worrying myself into knots, I've decided to shed any responsibility for my actions and poll all y'all fine people instead. The premise I'm currently looking at is a guidebook that details the many mind manipulating shenanigans that one might encounter in regular daily life with pokemon, something like the Monster Girl Encyclopedia.

As much as our media glorifies the Pokémon league and those that participate in it, it is a well-known fact that the rigorous, stressful, and often downright dangerous lifestyle of a Pokémon trainer is not for everybody. Luckily, for those that seek a more simplistic occupation, there have been numerous studies that have demonstrated a variety of benefits regarding the keeping of Pokémon outside of battles in a more domestic environment as either pets or partners. However, it is important to note that while some Pokémon are all right with being treated as simple pets, this is most certainly not the case with every species, and if you are not careful regarding your choice of partner, or if you neglect to properly care for them, there can be dire consequences. This guide aims to both inform and warn any prospective non-trainers on the common pitfalls that Pokémon caretakers face; everything from how best to keep your companion healthy with proper nutrition, all the way to how to spot the warning signs of potentially...problematic...situations.

And here's the strawpoll.

Welp, I’ll admit I’m pretty bummed that only 30 people voted. I might come back to this at some point, but it seems nobody’s interested at the moment. Sorry to those of you that bothered to actually vote.

01/19/18 09:20AM
Grima180 said:
I'm going between a few ideas for potential series right now, but being the weak minded individual I am, I am currently paralyzed by indecision. So instead of worrying myself into knots, I've decided to shed any responsibility for my actions and poll all y'all fine people instead. The premise I'm currently looking at is a guidebook that details the many mind manipulating shenanigans that one might encounter in regular daily life with pokemon, something like the Monster Girl Encyclopedia.

As much as our media glorifies the Pokémon league and those that participate in it, it is a well-known fact that the rigorous, stressful, and often downright dangerous lifestyle of a Pokémon trainer is not for everybody. Luckily, for those that seek a more simplistic occupation, there have been numerous studies that have demonstrated a variety of benefits regarding the keeping of Pokémon outside of battles in a more domestic environment as either pets or partners. However, it is important to note that while some Pokémon are all right with being treated as simple pets, this is most certainly not the case with every species, and if you are not careful regarding your choice of partner, or if you neglect to properly care for them, there can be dire consequences. This guide aims to both inform and warn any prospective non-trainers on the common pitfalls that Pokémon caretakers face; everything from how best to keep your companion healthy with proper nutrition, all the way to how to spot the warning signs of potentially...problematic...situations.

And here's the strawpoll.

Welp, I’ll admit I’m pretty bummed that only 30 people voted. I might come back to this at some point, but it seems nobody’s interested at the moment. Sorry to those of you that bothered to actually vote.

Don't feel bad, I don't think the forum's get much traffic to begin with.
01/20/18 01:37AM
Kachopper9 said:
Don't feel bad, I don't think the forum's get much traffic to begin with.

Yeah, I guess so, I wish there was a way to tell how many people saw this, then I could just do a percentage.
01/20/18 05:07AM
Grima180 said:
Yeah, I guess so, I wish there was a way to tell how many people saw this, then I could just do a percentage.

I'm actually fairly interested in this idea and I think it's one worth pursuing. I'm interested in helping if you decide to go with the gijinka idea.
01/20/18 05:08AM
LillyTank said:
I'm actually fairly interested in this idea and I think it's one worth pursuing. I'm interested in helping if you decide to go with the gijinka idea.

I could also lend some help depending on the pokemon being used in a pic. If you do feel stalled on one hit me up.
01/20/18 05:17AM
I've got plenty of ideas, but as I looked at the art that was out there, I realized that it would be awkward to go back and forth between anthro/gijinka and normal pokemon. What I wanted to gauge was what people would be more interested in. I'll probably end up giving this idea a shot in the long run anyway, it was just disappointing to see so few people respond, and it kinda killed what little momentum I had.

I'll be honest, I respond to positive feedback, and It's just scary to put effort into something that nobody ends up actually liking. It's only been recently that I've started to just do whatever I feel like doing instead of trying to do what people seem to like. I'll come back to this, but I also have another pokemon based idea for a series that I might work on first.
01/20/18 04:22PM
Grima180 said:
I've got plenty of ideas, but as I looked at the art that was out there, I realized that it would be awkward to go back and forth between anthro/gijinka and normal pokemon. What I wanted to gauge was what people would be more interested in. I'll probably end up giving this idea a shot in the long run anyway, it was just disappointing to see so few people respond, and it kinda killed what little momentum I had.

I'll be honest, I respond to positive feedback, and It's just scary to put effort into something that nobody ends up actually liking. It's only been recently that I've started to just do whatever I feel like doing instead of trying to do what people seem to like. I'll come back to this, but I also have another pokemon based idea for a series that I might work on first.

If u did ideas on pokemon anthro or anthro ocg that is interesting ( I voted ) had a idea asking about a consensual romantic mc about my oc Lyra the latias ( a comision I got of my oc )

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