01/19/18 09:07PM
Help! I need to be saved from the dread grip of boredom!
I'm stuck in a friends house for the next five hours. All I have is a phone thats laggy and crashes on Tumblr, maybe a gig of data, no headphones, and I CANNOT make any sound. Usually I'd bring a book for this kind of thing, but I forgot. I need something original and entertaining to read or do for the next couple of hours. Webcomic, story, fanfic, smut or vanilla. I do not care, although, if you had a Tabico, Thrall or Trilby Else story I hadn't read, that'd be great. *whispers* squiiiiiiiiick

Webcomics similar in quality to I Roved Out or Alfie also wanted.
01/19/18 09:56PM
01/19/18 10:03PM
Pinkanator said:

Instantly approved, quality post.

I'm not surprised at all that you're the first to chime in. Turnabout is fair play, so I'll recommend Zebra Girl.
01/19/18 10:29PM
Threads without a clear topic and purpose are not to be posted. Random nonsense posts belong only on the Hello! thread.

Threads must have titles that some way express the topic of the thread. No vague clickbait titles.
01/19/18 11:04PM
Imasuky said:
Threads without a clear topic and purpose are not to be posted. Random nonsense posts belong only on the Hello! thread.

Threads must have titles that some way express the topic of the thread. No vague clickbait titles.

Ah, is this straddling the line of "shitpost"? Sorry!

I checked the rules and thought this was ok. The purpose of the thread is to, ostensibly lift me of my boredom by, recommending good content that you enjoy (something that is useful to more than just me). The title says the same.

Do you have anything to recommend Ima?

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