01/22/18 11:47PM
What's Your Isekai?
Tell a little about yourself.

I want to know what people here feel about the Isekai genre so I made a thread.

If you were i to be transported to another world, what would you want it to be like and why?
How would you want to be transported and what would you do throughout?

You don't have to reveal too much about yourself or your own personal ideas or story plans. You can write as much about it or as little about it as you want.

I don't mind if you have anything sexual in mind just try not to be too graphic and/or obnoxious about it.

All feedback is appreciated. Thank you.
01/23/18 03:34AM
Funny thing I actually have an idea for and Iseki CYOA. The name should give pretty good idea of what it is like.

I died in a stupid way and due to a stroke of luck was allowed to be reborn as a hero in another world, But the Goddess who did was a perverted otaku so it’s a world with only lesbians.

Super cliche harem and fantasy. You get to start of picking some overpowered ability and then once it starts build a harem and fight the Evil Overlady and her daughters. Same ones from my CYOA Lustful Lesbian Labyrinth, just parallel universe versions of them.
01/23/18 04:45AM
I've always been a fan of magical girls ever since I was little, and always sort of secretly wished I could be one. A world similar to our own, but with a sprinkle of magical girls in it would be really awesome ^^
01/23/18 05:39AM
IttyBit said:
I've always been a fan of magical girls ever since I was little, and always sort of secretly wished I could be one. A world similar to our own, but with a sprinkle of magical girls in it would be really awesome ^^

Same ^_^ I would love to be a magical girl

I would love to be in a world like log horizon where all my close friends enter a MMO world where there is no death for adventure. Would love being a mage or warlock classes ^_^ also can actually do lewd stuff
01/23/18 06:19AM
Honestly, I haven't the faintest.

On one hand, as far as the genre goes I prefer the balls-to-the-wall hard ones like Re:zero or Tateyuu where the hero gets no unearned anything after the initial (typically weak) power, but on the other I'd have to be insane to want to get thrown into a situation like that. Yet the usual masturbatory fantasy that seems almost synonymous with 90% of the genre is likewise unappealing to me even as a holiday spot, mostly because of how easy it usually is for the hero to accomplish whatever they try. Mayhaps some happy medium between the two where people act like real human beings instead of poorly written bootlickers, but the world isn't out to get you/me/whoever specifically?

Setting wise, well, frankly it doesn't matter all that much. But since that would be a bit of a copout, I'll brew something up. Maybe a world where a system similar to the whole Buddhist reincarnation & karma system governs life? Do good in your life and you'll be someone/something better off in the next, with a possibility of retaining memories of their previous lives. A world of functional immortality of sorts with built-in repercussions if you try to scum around too much, so it would be better to just take your time while working towards self-improvement and eventual enlightenment. Not to mention how absolutely delightful the intrigue in a world like that would surely be! Tangled webs where folks plan centuries ahead, trying to put in guarantees that their future reincarnation (whoever that may be) can rise to power. Forget four-dimensional chess, it would be more like 30D musical chairs.
01/23/18 06:52AM
Well, if you want to be technical, my oc is kind of a dimensional traveler/reincarnator, so I create a lot of fantasy/sci-fi worlds in my head. For example, in one of these, she's a were-wolf, and she, like other were-wolves in that world, is good with herbs and medicines.
01/23/18 07:12AM
Cool World was a terrible movie, but it did give me an idea.

Comic artist gets pulled into the stylized near-future noir city he's been drawing. He find that he's still holding his pen. This gives him great (yet more limited) control over the world. Is he draws the city line in the rain, it will start raining. If he draws a character with a word balloon, the will say whatever he writes in the balloon.If he draws a character in her underwear, she'll strip to her underwear. However, perhaps because he is INSIDE the world, he can push it, but not change it. For example, is he draws the character in her red silk panties, she won't be wearing them if she happened to put on black lace that morning. If he draws a character in a certain location, they will make their way over, but he can't teleport them from one side of the city to another. The other major limitation is that he has to DRAW to invoke his power, so he can't use it on a split second's notice.

He finds himself in real trouble when the the series main villain, the city's sexy crime boss, realizes the power he wields and wants to make it her's.
01/23/18 07:26PM
One idea I’m kinda surprised hasn’t been done yet with the shows that try to fix SAO is, *dramatic trailer voice*, what if you were transported into a game, but no one else was? I think that could be interesting, and you might be able to examine how terrible people can be online, would they still grief if they could actually see the harm they were causing?
01/24/18 01:14AM
Grima180 said:
One idea I’m kinda surprised hasn’t been done yet with the shows that try to fix SAO is, *dramatic trailer voice*, what if you were transported into a game, but no one else was? I think that could be interesting, and you might be able to examine how terrible people can be online, would they still grief if they could actually see the harm they were causing?

Isn't that the plot of Overlord?
01/24/18 01:19AM
anonymind said:
Isn't that the plot of Overlord?

and Death March, and probably a few others.
01/24/18 01:21AM
I just want to go somewhere were I have no consequences, yet infinite people who all want to use me, and i'm perfectly allowed to come and go freely.

so basically trials in tainted space, but the mobs can keep you eheh
01/24/18 01:45AM
anonymind said:
Isn't that the plot of Overlord?

I don’t know that show very well, wasn’t that all npcs?
01/24/18 01:55AM
I want to end up in a world where everything's the same but they've found a way to manage/treat mental issues without the subject being some massive social stigma.

Also I'm independently wealthy somehow.
01/24/18 08:08AM
Grima180 said:
One idea I’m kinda surprised hasn’t been done yet with the shows that try to fix SAO is, *dramatic trailer voice*, what if you were transported into a game, but no one else was? I think that could be interesting, and you might be able to examine how terrible people can be online, would they still grief if they could actually see the harm they were causing?

Ironically you've just described Log Horizon, safe that it was thousands of people being transported. If anything that bit actually strengthens the theme because now the players have fellow PCs (can revive) as well as NPCs (can't revive) to deal with.

anonymind said:
Isn't that the plot of Overlord?

Plot, yes. Theme, absolutely no. It's been stated outright that Momonga/Ainz has no compassion because of the whole undead thing.
01/25/18 01:24AM
TheKinkyFinn said:
Plot, yes. Theme, absolutely no. It's been stated outright that Momonga/Ainz has no compassion because of the whole undead thing.

Sort of like Death once said in the DIskworld books. To have emotions, you need functioning glands.

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