12/30/13 04:49AM
New? Member here
Hi, I've been lurking around here for a while, I figured I'd see what the forum is up to, maybe involve myself in various off-topic discussions, also I would like to know when a thread is considered dead, and I should avoid posting in it (I have a nasty habit of accidentally necroing threads).

Also, is there a way to change my username? I don't really like this username (I just kinda made it up in a moment of artistic uncreativity.)
12/30/13 05:01AM
Hello lurker. Ex-Lurker here, but like way back in the hypnochan days.

There really isn't any "dead" topics. There are just topics that are already there so you can throw your 2 cents in and possibly make that topic grow. So my suggestion would be to go back and comment on some older threads. Show them some love.

I don't think there is a way to change it. But I the same thing happened with my name on here and it's pretty popular and I'm just known as Fossil anyway. So my advice, keep it. Some people are already identifying you as dinnerdog1.

So yeah welcome and we look forward to see what you can contribute. Also if you want to leave donations for the "Domestication of Cat Girls" then feel free. :D
12/30/13 05:19AM
Thanks Fossil, I too have lurked back in those hypnochan days. I would most certainly like to contribute, however my paranoia, and living conditions restrict me to my iphone, so my ability to contribute will most likely stick to the forums or comments.
12/30/13 05:35AM
dinnerdog1 said:
Thanks Fossil, I too have lurked back in those hypnochan days. I would most certainly like to contribute, however my paranoia, and living conditions restrict me to my iphone, so my ability to contribute will most likely stick to the forums or comments.

Hey there, lurky-loo. I was also a lurker for a while... well more like an anon. I know what it's like to not have a laptop, believe me. IT - CAN - SUUUUUUUUUCK. I recently got mine a few months ago so now I try to contribute what I can with my limited photoshop skills. I can't really tell you much about the site's mechanics. That's better left to the mods (probably Vanndril). Once you get a computer or laptop, however, I can help you with manipping and such. Until then enjoy your stay and have fun posting around. I find that even an interesting comment can make the site more lively.
12/30/13 05:40AM
Thanks for the offer, I don't really see too much of the stuff I'm really into, and maybe I could at a later time make my own to fill the gap.
12/30/13 05:51AM
dinnerdog1 said:
Thanks for the offer, I don't really see too much of the stuff I'm really into, and maybe I could at a later time make my own to fill the gap.

What sort of things are you into?
12/30/13 06:17AM
I find myself into femsub (I prefer humans, but furrys are fine,no mlp), with focus on scifi elements. This could either be technology(helmets, implants,etc; I'm not into hypnorays.) or alien parasites (like the skitter larvae from falling skies or brain worms).
12/30/13 06:52AM
dinnerdog1 said:
I find myself into femsub, with focus on scifi elements. This could either be technology(helmets, implants,etc; I'm not into hypnorays.) or alien parasites (like the skitter larvae from falling skies or brain worms). Basically anything that involves actually physically controlling the brain.

Interesting, I always seem to forget about the more sci-fi elements of mind control. I tend to go for the opposite, in fact. I like pure hypnosis and magic/psychic powers. I wouldn't even really know how to make a sci-fi manip, short of an x-ray of some kind. Still, I'm willing to help if you ever need it.
12/30/13 07:03AM
dinnerdog1 said:
I find myself into femsub (I prefer humans, but furrys are fine,no mlp), with focus on scifi elements. This could either be technology(helmets, implants,etc; I'm not into hypnorays.) or alien parasites (like the skitter larvae from falling skies or brain worms).

Oh kinky. I'm Nadia, resident rp queen (as in girl)

I like your style, I also avoid MLP (I have it in black list) but only cause I don't find it that sexy or work with it to be of a good sexual quality on a personal level, I have nothing against it
12/30/13 07:58AM
Welcome to the site. Always great to have new people active in the forums (says the guy who just started to become active in the forums a few days ago).
12/30/13 08:43AM
strangeperson said:
Welcome to the site. Always great to have new people active in the forums (says the guy who just started to become active in the forums a few days ago).

That's okay, you're strange.

dinnerdog1 said:
Thanks for the offer, I don't really see too much of the stuff I'm really into, and maybe I could at a later time make my own to fill the gap.

I can't blame you, there. It's really hard to manip tech control stuff without some epic props and a semi-professional set (or at least a good hobbyist's level) of photoshop skills. I would know, I've tried. :/

But yes, welcome! As I seem to say a lot as of late, it's always good to see new sociable members here. Please, enjoy yourself!

12/30/13 01:02PM
I'm glad to see such a quick responding and supportive community. While I doubt I will set myself up a workplace (in which I'm comfortable pursuing the art of manipping) anytime soon, I am most certainly interested in bringing my imagination to fruition.
12/30/13 10:47PM
dinnerdog1 said:
I'm glad to see such a quick responding and supportive community.

So am I. <3

dinnerdog1 said:
While I doubt I will set myself up a workplace (in which I'm comfortable pursuing the art of manipping) anytime soon, I am most certainly interested in bringing my imagination to fruition.

Have you considered writing? You could write erotic shorts, or perhaps collaborate with a manipper to make text manips of your text.
12/31/13 05:14AM
Vanndril said:
So am I. <3

Have you considered writing? You could write erotic shorts, or perhaps collaborate with a manipper to make text manips of your text.

I haven't really until now, it seems like it would be a good exercise. I might work on one at some point, I just need to somehow fight off my inner demons. Knowing a bit more about where I could put the story until I can unveil it would certianly help.
12/31/13 09:34AM
dinnerdog1 said:
I haven't really until now, it seems like it would be a good exercise. I might work on one at some point, I just need to somehow fight off my inner demons.

Glad I got you thinking, then. :)

dinnerdog1 said:
Knowing a bit more about where I could put the story until I can unveil it would certianly help.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. I want to think you mean "how will I share it when it's done", but the words don't mean that, and the way the words are used in current context makes no sense to me, as one would just keep it in a text file on their PC until they "unveiled it". o.O
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