01/25/18 06:15PM
Looking for Artist
I was wondering if there were any artists on here that could draw a hypno comic for me.
I don't mean a few pages, I mean like a mini series. Around 15-20 pages.
So if you know someone who can draw a comic for me let me know.
01/25/18 06:58PM
DarkMask said:
I was wondering if there were any artists on here that could draw a hypno comic for me.
I don't mean a few pages, I mean like a mini series. Around 15-20 pages.
So if you know someone who can draw a comic for me let me know.

As a commissioner, I can tell you that comics are a hard thing to ask of artists. I doubt most people here would be willing to draw a long series for free, so unless you see someone directly accepting requests (as opposed to commissions, that is, paid works - which, from your wording, doesn't seem like what you want) of this type, I'd suggest you try to accumulate the funds necessary for a commission series.

That said, there are artists on Deviantart that might be willing to take requests, so it might be worth looking there !
01/25/18 07:06PM
I am definitely looking to commission. Sorry if I was unclear.
And I am on Deviantart. Yes, there are a bunch of artists there who can draw a comic, but I thought I'd check here first since it's a hypno comic.
01/26/18 08:56PM
I'm currently available for commission and have some experience with comics.
DM me, or contact me through Deviantart (username: Rdishon) if you prefer, with more details and I might be able to help you with what you want done.

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