01/26/18 11:45PM
Hello everyone!

I'm Melle, 21 years old and I have finally gathered enough courage to create an account here!

I've been a fan of hypnosis ever since I was a little girl (I was really into corruption as a child, and I drew a lot more of scantily clad women than an 8 year old should). Overtime, that interest grew into something even more sexual and kinky. I've been reading original stories and fanfictions about hypnosis for a few years now, trying to put my hand on as much hypno material as I can!

In erotic stories, I'm especially a fan of yaoi and yuri (though I don't mind het, especially if the woman is a dom) <3 and after all these years I still crave those sweet, sweet corruption stories…

So yeah! Feel free to talk to me and request stuff? I have written erotica before, but almost none with hypnosis because it’s a part of me I was very ashamed of - and still am…
If you have original prompts go for it! I also do fanfics. My main fandoms atm are Haikyuu and Boku no Hero Academia but I’m into lots of others, just ask!

I’d also take drawing suggestions but for now I’m afraid my style would be too recognizable… maybe when I’m more at ease with that I’ll draw hypno related stuff too!!
01/26/18 11:55PM
glad to have you here and when you get more comfortable i wanna be the first one to see what you bring. ( ͡ ͜ ʖ ͡ )
01/26/18 11:56PM
Welcome to the hub!

What do you mean by your style would be too recognizable?

01/26/18 11:58PM
Sounds good! Welcome to HypnoHub. :D
01/27/18 12:01AM
Welcome to the hub!

I warmly welcome you to come join the discord server of Hypnohub to chat, meet and greet people sharing your kink!

Hope to see you there!
01/27/18 12:27AM
Welcome to the hub.
Enjoy your stay, please leave your free will by the door or forcibly take the guard's.
01/27/18 04:29AM
Welcome nice to see another writer.

I'd like to see one or two of your stories and if you are interested I'd like your feed back on my works.
01/27/18 05:30AM
01/27/18 05:32AM
In one week....1000 comissions- [ERROR 345]
01/27/18 07:10AM
Welcome to the hub \(^_^)/
RottenCaramel said:
So yeah! Feel free to talk to me and request stuff? I have written erotica before, but almost none with hypnosis because it’s a part of me I was very ashamed of - and still am…

Don't be ashamed of that,there are places for people like us...oh wait that's why the hub exists :P
01/27/18 10:03PM
Argonis said:
glad to have you here and when you get more comfortable i wanna be the first one to see what you bring. ( ͡ ͜ ʖ ͡ )

Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy what I have to show hehe

Kachopper9 said:
Welcome to the hub!

What do you mean by your style would be too recognizable?

My bad for the weird phrasing. I don't mean "recognizable" as if I were some semi famous artist with a very distinc artstyle ; it's just that I'm scared if someone who follows me on my main art account would be like "hey wait a minute this has to be hers too" if they saw my fetish art. But mostly, it's me being paranoid I think.

Imasuky said:
Welcome nice to see another writer.

I'd like to see one or two of your stories and if you are interested I'd like your feed back on my works.

With pleasure! I've written some blurbs in my mothertongue but I'll translate them over the week end and share them with you :) I'd be interested in giving you feedback too!

Thank you for the welcome everyone <3 yea I'm happy I found a place to be myself and open about hypnosis \o/
01/27/18 10:16PM
It's fine. Everything is fine. Welcome aboard.
01/28/18 06:10PM
Welcome to the hub, where it’s hip to be hypnotized! :)

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