01/26/18 11:49PM
What types of hypnosis themes do you look for, here?
Hello. Kracky here. Lately I've been curious about the type of art that people like seeing on this website. I'm curious as to the type of art that people think is the most appealing here.

For me I always look for unique intriguing original ideas, like casual hypnosis, trancing via really abstract designs and just seeing how far you can take the themes of hypnosis and integrate it to something else that's enjoyable without divulging to popularized tropes. I do appreciate a lot of writing and context as well when it comes to some of the submissions on here as well.

I want to hear everyone else's perspective ^^ What type of art do you look for when different types of hypnosis are concerned on this website?
01/26/18 11:51PM
01/27/18 12:04AM
I like the consensual, cute stuff most of all - essentially because I want that in my life.

I want a partner who I can trust enough to essentially give all of myself to that person - body and mind.
01/27/18 12:11AM
Yuri, involving monster girls. Seduction, corruption, and transformation are elements I certainly love.

Also, boobs. <3
01/27/18 12:17AM
Non-consensual MC/hypnosis/brainwashing etc. If that makes me a creep, well, I guess I'm a creep then.

Also, masters doing something with their slaves other than just having sex.
01/27/18 12:18AM
I can get into just about anything if it's done well...which I know is really vague but I try not to be toooo picky when it comes to hypno stuff XD.

I really do like a lot of the popular tropes...

When it comes to just art, if it's got like...swirly eyes then I'm probably happy. If it's a character I recognize or not is a pretty big factor in me smashing that fav button.

I also like art or manips where hypno scenes (famous or not) can cross over a little bit. You see it all the time with Kaa x ANYTHING manips where it's still in the Jungle and all that. That kind of stuff interests me where really specific things get fetishized.
01/27/18 12:24AM
Yumberduddle said:

That's the only correct answer, isn't it ? lol

Seriously, though, as you can probably tell by the stuff I commission, I love parasites. Possession in general is probably the most common form of MC in actual movies, but I feel parasites are quite underused, possibly because the idea is so cliched.

Linked to that, I love myself some stories where a villain of some kind, any kind, makes his/her enemies fight for him/her. Evil Conversion, as it's sometimes known. I also really enjoy the victim resisting before giving in, perhaps with a bit of cockiness. I like muscle girls.

Not parasites, but the one MC drawing I've loved, possibly more than any, is the part in Squid-Ops, by Sleepymaid, where the agent (Sela, iirc ?) is brainwashed by a villainess.
01/27/18 12:45AM
I have too specific preferences...
Mainly Pet Play, Maids, Naked Aprons and Bottomless.
When it comes to pet play, I prefer when the victims really believes they are animals and not just pretending to be an animal (without furry or transformations).

I like gradual trance (Slow induction using things like imagine going down a staircase are my favs) and better if the victims can remember what they did (that's why i like consensual too).

Ah BTW: Flat is justice
01/27/18 01:03AM
I love trances being so deep and absolute that the sub not only no longer cares about her safety, but actively enjoys any fate her master selects for her. Her life up to the point of induction is completely erased, and the entire purpose of her very existence is nothing more than a slave for her master, eager to do anything to her own detriment so long as it serves her master.

I love finality and complete domination -- namely memory erasure and a reduction to a permanent slave who would step in front of a train without a second thought if commanded. Just seeing the master use her in any way at all, no matter how cruel or shallow, and to have her respond with happiness and complete obedience -- that is perfection.

Vore for me is simply the pinnacle of this principle of domination: the trance is so perfect that the prey surrenders her fate as a living, unique individual, and happily allows herself to be a piece of meat whose sole role on earth is to be sustenance for her master.

Oh, and no clothes allowed. Clothes are an expression of the sub's individuality and an indication of her past existence, and simply must go.

01/27/18 02:44AM

Vore for me is simply the pinnacle of this principle of domination: the trance is so perfect that the prey surrenders her fate as a living, unique individual, and happily allows herself to be a piece of meat whose sole role on earth is to be sustenance for her master.

Lulz, i think you're my perfect opposite since I hate everything that involves killing another character leaving them vulnerable (And that includes the vore) xD.
01/27/18 03:02AM
IDPet said:
Lulz, i think you're my perfect opposite since I hate everything that involves killing another character leaving them vulnerable (And that includes the vore) xD.

With my Yin and your Yang, together we can rule the galaxy with an iron fist!


Or, maybe just sort of make it dress up in a nurse costume and act like a chicken, if you prefer...
01/27/18 03:08AM
Nadie said:
With my Yin and your Yang, together we can rule the galaxy with an iron fist!


Or, maybe just sort of make it dress up in a nurse costume and act like a chicken, if you prefer...

That comment made me the day haha.

Oh, and no clothes allowed. Clothes are an expression of the sub's individuality and an indication of her past existence, and simply must go.

What about an uniform made by their master? (?)
01/27/18 03:12AM
Yumberduddle said:

NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I like the consensual, cute stuff most of all...

These two elements, and throw in a pair of perfect high heels, I'm happy.
01/27/18 03:16AM
IDPet said:
What about an uniform made by their master? (?)

Hmm.... I think collars would be nice, to drive home the sense of complete dominance and ownership. As for more extensive clothing, though, really only if it serves a practical purpose, or as a temporary disguise so other people don't get suspicious.
01/27/18 03:27AM
Nadie said:
Hmm.... I think collars would be nice

*Two thumbs up*
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