01/27/18 04:24AM
What would be your perfect slave?
Hello hub, I was curious to see what you all imagine as the perfect slave. This hasn't to be
focused on real life. Just imagine your perfect slave without restrictions.

For example:
My perfect slave would be a smart girl, that still has her personality mostly intact. She would have been hypnotized to be obedient and loyal to me, she would believe that her purpose in life always was to serve me. She wouldn't do everything I say without question,she understands that she has to obey, but she would try to think for herself sometimes. For example: She would simply obey when I tell her to undress. But if I'd tell her to subdue and tie up the girl across the street right there, she would ask me if she could lure her away from the crowd instead of doing it in the middle of the street. She should have been hypnotized via magic. I'm not a fan of tech control, parasites nor corruption. Thats one reason why I would prefer magic, I don't want to choose normal hypnosis or drugs because both methodes wouldn't ensure, that my slave will be obedient to me for ever. She should also be cute.

It's always interessting to see different opinions on a topic, so please descripe your perfect slave on here. It doesn't have to be as long as my description. You could just say something like "A futa under techcontrol that loves me" or something like that.

01/27/18 04:35AM
As the premier subbutt, whatever someone tells me issss @_@
01/27/18 04:47AM
Poketizer said:
Hello hub, I was curious to see what you all imagine as the perfect slave. This hasn't to be
focused on real life. Just imagine your perfect slave without restrictions.

For example:
My perfect slave would be a smart girl, that still has her personality mostly intact. She would have been hypnotized to be obedient and loyal to me, she would believe that her purpose in life always was to serve me. She wouldn't do everything I say without question,she understands that she has to obey, but she would try to think for herself sometimes. For example: She would simply obey when I tell her to undress. But if I'd tell her to subdue and tie up the girl across the street right there, she would ask me if she could lure her away from the crowd instead of doing it in the middle of the street. She should have been hypnotized via magic. I'm not a fan of tech control, parasites nor corruption. Thats one reason why I would prefer magic, I don't want to choose normal hypnosis or drugs because both methodes wouldn't ensure, that my slave will be obedient to me for ever. She should also be cute.

It's always interessting to see different opinions on a topic, so please descripe your perfect slave on here. It doesn't have to be as long as my description. You could just say something like "A futa under techcontrol that loves me" or something like that.

Pretty much the same for me, only that if she gets in trouble, she’ll be able to defend herself better than normal. (Also applies to femboys.)

01/27/18 05:11AM
There are a few possibilities and combinations, but the big one that sticks out to me, and that I've fantasized the most about would be:

a beautiful, lithe young woman who was previously headstrong or intelligent, but now doesn't have a single thought in her head. When not obeying a command she simply stares into space, smiling in oblivious bliss and servile anticipation for another command. Nothing remains of her previous self: no memories, hobbies, personality -- she doesn't even know what her name used to be before it was changed to "slave." Neither does she retain any concept of shame, which is handy since she won't be wearing any clothes anymore unless absolutely necessary.

Of course, for the sake of practicality, I will have to set up several commands to set up habits of hygiene and health so that she doesn't pee on the ground or starve to death as she stares perpetually into space. I'd probably say something like "Use the bathroom if you have the need, at these times of day eat these exact proportions of these foods to maintain health, and do these simple exercises at these particular times to maintain physical fitness." I'd also set up some contingency plans, like "if there is an emergency, you will temporarily regain consciousness and autonomy, but will maintain complete submission and obedience to me."

But at the end of the day, the big thing is that she's nothing more than a beautiful, obedient object, for me to do with as I wish.

God, I'm a creep.
01/27/18 05:30AM
01/27/18 12:51PM
DouDile said:

that was unexpected
01/27/18 01:02PM
Poketizer said:
that was unexpected

Not really with DouDile
01/27/18 07:22PM
A muscled tomboy hypnotized to be more feminine or a petite girl/boy who has a shy personality hypnotized to be more confident and dominant. I guess I like the idea of using hypnosis to make someone act completely opposite to how they usually are. Having a trigger that makes them change between their normally and tranced personality on the fly can make for fun scenarios.
01/27/18 07:50PM
This might be a bit of an undue nitpick but can you change the title of the OP? Mainly the word at the end... It's not a big deal so please don't mind me if you don't want to.
01/27/18 08:26PM
Someone that couldn't and wouldn't betraying me.

She retain all of her personality, mind, memory, sense of self, skill , so she's still herself expect her loyalty and love which is mine alone.

But her mind is a putty in my hand, i could remaking or modify her mind easily, a triggerword . I always love trigger word play where she could forget, go to trance or something else.
01/27/18 09:26PM
01/27/18 10:43PM
Imasuky said:
Not really with DouDile

Yeah...not really with Dino-Girl.
01/28/18 12:12AM
Sophia said:

01/28/18 02:13AM
If we put realism aside, having a mage or genie slave, able to give me powers, would ne interesting I think. She'd keep her personnality, we'd just be in a cute loving relationship. She'd have her harem if she wants, we'd exchange slaves and all have fun together. We would have fun with our powers and toy with humanity together, like pompous overconfident gods. She just wouldn't be able to overpower me and wouldn't be able to think about leaving me (who said "toxic relationship" ?)

In reality, I think I would be fine with a "Stepford wife"-like slave. 50's fashion, mad love, but she'd keep her personnality. I think it would become boring after a time if she were eternally submissive, obedient and mindless. We'd play games, write stuff and cuddle. Yeah, seems good. Tho I wouldn't be against planting a few triggers in her mind, for the kinky stuff.
01/28/18 03:33AM
theratofapocalypse said:
Someone that couldn't and wouldn't betraying me.

She retain all of her personality, mind, memory, sense of self, skill , so she's still herself expect her loyalty and love which is mine alone.

But her mind is a putty in my hand, i could remaking or modify her mind easily, a triggerword . I always love trigger word play where she could forget, go to trance or something else.

so something similar to mine, but I'm not a big fan of triggers. Thats why I would make her believe that it's her sole purpose in life to serve me, and she would be happy about it. That why, there would be no reason to why I should use any trigger.
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