01/28/18 09:36AM
Calling all Monster Hunters of the New World! (Monster Hunter World thread)
Calling all Monster Hunters!

I gather you here for the ultimate team up of the finest slayers that HypnoHub has ever seen! Here put down what platform you play on, your name for both your PSN/Xbox Live ID and your hunter name, as well as your Squad Name, so we can band together and purge the New World of these mighty beasts! And feel free to share any other info you got for other players like tips or strategies, or just get something off your chest~

I myself play on PSN so here's my account info

PSN: Drundertaker64
Hunter name: Crimson
Preferred weapon: Charge Blades, Long Blades

Squad name: Crim
Current members: Me and CorruptionPrincess

Good luck and happy hunting~ ;)
01/28/18 09:39AM
While I don't have it yet, apparently my roomies friend is gifting it to him soon, which technically means I will have it in a couple days. Anyway
Psn: Karenofthestars.
Preferred weapon: Hammer
'sall I got right now. Looking forward to playing with you guys
01/28/18 09:47AM
I wish I could join but I have to wait for the PC port cause no console and not buying one just for this.

Good hunting in the mean time
01/28/18 09:52AM
I think i'n gonna give it some time before i join in, partly cause i'm still learning the game and cause i wanna know how many more people on here actually wanna join.

I do wanna say that the gunlance and the hunting horn speaks to me.
01/28/18 09:53AM
I have never played MH before, but my psn name is too close to my real name so I'd rather not share it.

Sigh..., why won't you add the ability to change names Playstation?
01/28/18 06:03PM
Just picked it up today, looking forward to trying out my first monster hunter~
01/28/18 07:11PM
averageguy17 said:
I have never played MH before, but my psn name is too close to my real name so I'd rather not share it.

Sigh..., why won't you add the ability to change names Playstation?

When they add that ability (and I get the game) then maybe I can join...but for now, happy hunting guys.
01/28/18 10:34PM
It was so much fun hunting with your last night big sis

PSN : princessboots22
Hunter name Jaclyn
Palico name Milkshakes
Prefer weapons: switch axe, heavy pew pew, great sword
01/28/18 10:50PM
I won't be able to play online until February (so I can pay for PSN), but I'll post my info here anyway!

PSN: NuRhoSquared
Hunter name: NuRho
Preferred Weapon: Sword 'n Shield, (rarely) Hunting Horn.
01/29/18 12:01AM
Not sure if I'm willing to give out my PSN name to everyone on the site, but I'll say I'm enjoying the heck out of the game so far. My preferred weapons are the Insect Glaive and Switch Axe.

Also my Palico is <<|Lolly from Animal Crossing.>>
01/29/18 12:22AM
Mindwipe said:
Not sure if I'm willing to give out my PSN name to everyone on the site, but I'll say I'm enjoying the heck out of the game so far. My preferred weapons are the Insect Glaive and Switch Axe.

Also my Palico is <<|Lolly from Animal Crossing.>>

Yeah, I'd rather not throw out my tag as well. And I'm on Xbox anyways...

But this game is fucking fantastic. All about this GLORIOUS Bone Hammer.

Though I also like the Twin Swords.

Oh, and my Palico is named Reginald and wears a Crown. Accurate representation to how I really treat my pets IRL
01/29/18 12:25AM
Hey, new guy here. I can't join today but I'd be interested in joining tommorow if you guys will have me.

Long live the long sword.

Edit: Forgot this part.

PSN: malcomin

Hunter name: Jack
01/29/18 04:35AM
IttyBit said:
While I don't have it yet, apparently my roomies friend is gifting it to him soon, which technically means I will have it in a couple days. Anyway
Psn: Karenofthestars.
Preferred weapon: Hammer
'sall I got right now. Looking forward to playing with you guys

Oh I can only imagine Karen playing Monster Hunter. At the beginning of the game: "I will become ruler of this world! I will have an unlimited amount of monsters at my back, and they will help me take over the Hub!" Then just gets trampled by Anjanath
01/30/18 02:52AM
I'm getting it tomorrow! Can't wait to play.
02/03/18 08:23AM
I'd offer to play, but 1) I play at such random times, no one else would probably be on.

2) I suck horribly.
1 2>>>

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