01/30/18 06:36PM
HypnoHub in the Real World
So I've been wondering what the Hub would be like if it was in the real world.

I think it would be a busy marketplace with dozens of shops for everyone to satisfy their fetishes: a shop for tech control, a shop for magic, etc.
Also the OCs would be the shopkeeps. Stepfordcrimson would own a 1950s style diner, hypnochist's Chisty would own the gym, etc.

What does everyone else think?
01/30/18 06:46PM
DarkMask said:
So I've been wondering what the Hub would be like if it was in the real world.

I think it would be a busy marketplace with dozens of shops for everyone to satisfy their fetishes: a shop for tech control, a shop for magic, etc.
Also the OCs would be the shopkeeps. Stepfordcrimson would own a 1950s style diner, hypnochist's Chisty would own the gym, etc.

What does everyone else think?

I'd be running a bookstore, though no guarantee that I'd be selling books so much as using them to lure people in....and I have an idea for later.
01/30/18 06:56PM
lol I would think Kaa'lin would be running some kind of travel agency. Mind vacations as it were. She could use her magic to take you place through portals and such...but as soon as you see her spirals you'll probably take the cheaper option and just spend the afternoon getting some sweet succubus sex lol.
01/30/18 07:07PM
I don't have an OC but if I did they would most likely run an age regression daycare or be the leader of a scientology-esque haigure cult.
01/30/18 08:45PM
I would run a cosplay based store so you can dress your just purchased slaves or something <3 would be right next to big sises 50s store
01/30/18 09:59PM
I'd be in charge of performing my hypnotic arts for the masses at the theater. I'd do weekends :3
01/30/18 10:16PM
i was thinking simple small town. Like angel grove for power rangers, but more adult.
01/30/18 10:39PM
Of course I'd want to be offering and running various totally not-suspicious and totally free Resorts.
01/31/18 12:05AM
I could run the hospital. A mix of scientific and magical means to tend to people who have unexpected things happen to them...transformations, pregnancies, addictions. Just don't mind the fact that the nurses are topless. Staring at their tits is more effective than any anesthetic...
01/31/18 12:17AM
I'd own "MC's Magics, Mysteries, and Mochas"

A place where you can get your hands on all kinds of magical and magnificent artifacts... and a nice cup of coffee if you want. I needed a third M word. Rule of Three.

The catch? Most of my items will just trance whomever picks them up--- I mean, "Are totally safe and not there to befuddle the brainwaves in any way, shape, or form"
01/31/18 12:49AM
I'd give tours. Give something to those who make it through without becoming a slave.
01/31/18 02:51AM
DarkMask said:
So I've been wondering what the Hub would be like if it was in the real world.

I think it would be a busy marketplace with dozens of shops for everyone to satisfy their fetishes: a shop for tech control, a shop for magic, etc.
Also the OCs would be the shopkeeps. Stepfordcrimson would own a 1950s style diner, hypnochist's Chisty would own the gym, etc.

What does everyone else think?

I just thought it would be a marketplace like Walmart and every post is a "product".
01/31/18 03:38AM
I'd be working at the local coffee shop
Except two things
One i was hypnotized to work there
And two, the coffee subtly makes drinkers obey the owner of the coffee shop :^)
it's good for business
01/31/18 03:42AM
The multiplex, of course. With the occasional ladies night where a mystery film is show for free (actually two: a brainwashing video and then an actual movie).
01/31/18 03:42AM
Bring the apocalypse to the world.
1 234>>>

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