02/01/18 04:01PM
Does anyone have a commission slot open right now ?
As you may (or may not) know, I'm currently commissioning a series of images from various Hub artists revolving around parasites, as a way to both pay homage to the amazing talents here, and fulfill some of my own personal fantasies.

Now, eight of the nine images I had envisioned are currently ordered (seven of which are in the gallery) ; however, as it turns out, it's not always possible to get the artist you want to draw what you want. Case in point, the original artist I'd thought of for the final image is unavailable, and the "backup" one, so to speak, can't do it either.

After perusing the list of artists for some I'd really enjoy commissioning, I figured that the easiest way to go about this would probably just be to ask on the forums. So, as you can read by the topic title, I'm currently looking for a ninth artist for "my" series. I already have a relatively clear idea of what I want, but as always, I am open to suggestion from the artist him/herself. In fact, since I have several ideas for what is possible, if you'd be willing to draw a more complex image like a multi-panel comic, or an animated gif, it'd be a big incentive for me to commission you ! Of course, in both of those cases, I would be willing to pay extra. This is, after all, the final image in the series, and I would like it to be special.

If you are interested, you may post your reply here, or alternatively send me a PM. If you aren't, that's of course perfectly okay, no one's going to force you to draw ! Also, a disclaimer that there are going to be some squicky themes in this image (as is obvious for a pic focusing on parasites).

Finally, if this is in the wrong place, feel free to lock/delete/wipe this thread from the face of the Earth.
02/01/18 04:03PM
Darkhatboy just opened up commissions.

He's pretty damn good. If I had the money I'd hire him.
02/01/18 04:05PM
Ohp, you are correct. I also just realized I didn't bother to check the most recent threads. My bad !
02/01/18 07:13PM
I pretty much always have commissions open unless I have to say otherwise.
02/01/18 07:15PM
Oh and just putting this out there cause I only now thought to but if you want any stories I'm open
02/01/18 08:29PM
Mr.H said:
I pretty much always have commissions open unless I have to say otherwise.

Do you have a commission sheet anywhere ? I looked at your DA real quick and couldn't find it.
02/01/18 09:07PM
TheMadPrince said:
Do you have a commission sheet anywhere ? I looked at your DA real quick and couldn't find it.

Ah I don't really post kink stuff on dA, maybe I should at some point derp. But I did have a sheet up here on the Hub:

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