02/04/18 05:19AM
where the patreon at?
tried to view patreon.com/booru today and it says "This page is under review.", ne1 know what happened?
02/04/18 05:33AM
The patreon got suspended.
Guess when patreon were talking about not allowing fetish content on the site they meant it.

slayerduck is currently looking into some alternatives.
02/04/18 06:06AM

I don't understand this obsession with treating pornography so differently from other adult-only content. About 1/6 of the content/media stuff I want to donate to someday if I somehow find the means is pornographic and it seemed like finally Patreon was not going to make a big fucking deal about it.
02/04/18 07:02AM
greasyi said:

I don't understand this obsession with treating pornography so differently from other adult-only content. About 1/6 of the content/media stuff I want to donate to someday if I somehow find the means is pornographic and it seemed like finally Patreon was not going to make a big fucking deal about it.

It was too good to be true so Patreon staff started to take action
02/04/18 07:15AM
Patreon is currently a shitshow.

Despite the amount of creaters being pornigraphic creators, they're doing this shit.

They're being stupid and suicidal.
02/04/18 07:20AM
the hub patreon is down
next will be you!
[points to all the artists patreons]
02/04/18 07:46AM
*evil smile*
02/04/18 07:48AM
What is patreon's beef with not allowing fetish sites? Is there a legitimate reason or do they just not want to be a part of something "pornographic"? I do hope Slayer is able to find an alternative easily.

Also what happens to those who have already donated to the Patreon before it went down? Will they get they money back or what?
02/04/18 01:43PM
It's strange, because I donate to Sleepymaid, whose work is most definitely NSFW, and I'm guessing there's at the very least a large proportion of the creators who make lewd material as well. I suppose Patreon has a weird logic about larger projects like entire websites, as opposed to individuals creating fetish material, but still, it makes absolutely no sense to me.

I remember when Google tried to take down all the NSFW blogs on Blogspot, and pretty much everyone's reaction was <<youtu.be/0rR9IaXH1M0?t=84|fuck you, don't take my porn!>>

Which, honestly, is normal to me. Fetish is something that's been taboo for so long, and is considered pretty much a no-no in most social situations - but this is the Internet we're talking about. Porn is probably the main source of transactions and traffic on it, and if the companies can't adapt to that market, that's on them.
02/04/18 02:23PM
averageguy17 said:
What is patreon's beef with not allowing fetish sites? Is there a legitimate reason or do they just not want to be a part of something "pornographic"?

My vague impression is: Both porn and Patreon are things that people will spend money on that they later realize they didn't want to spend - maybe because they were thinking with their dick at the time, maybe because they wanted to be generous until the bill came in, maybe because the person paying the credit card bill is not the one who made purchase/pledge, maybe they forgot that they purchased the thing, maybe they don't *want* to remember that they purchased the thing, etc..

So, whether legitimately or not, they file a chargeback. And "chargeback", as I understand it, is how you spell "trouble" in the world of payment processing. And if porn has a problem with chargebacks, and Patreon has a problem with chargebacks, then... well, actually, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of overlap between people filing chargebacks on porn purchases and ones filing them on Patreon payments! But it's probably not perfect overlap, so on the margin, having to deal with *both* problems at the same time doesn't really seem like a profitable deal to payment processors.

Anyway, that's my impression. I wish I had something to back it up with, but it's hard to even google up general treatments of this problem - most of what you'll find is people talking about their personal stories, complaints about how someone involved is being horribly greedy, and other grassroot-level stuff that makes it really hard to get even a qualitative picture of the general situation. And finding statistics and hard numbers? You can basically only dream of that.
02/04/18 04:51PM
averageguy17 said:
What is patreon's beef with not allowing fetish sites? Is there a legitimate reason or do they just not want to be a part of something "pornographic"? I do hope Slayer is able to find an alternative easily.

Also what happens to those who have already donated to the Patreon before it went down? Will they get they money back or what?

I'm guessing that it wasn't making them enough money to be worth the risk of someone raising a stink over it. The likelihood of Patreon (or any company whose business involves skimming off the top of your business' revenue - and if you're offering "perks" that's what your Patreon is, a business operating to generate a profit) going after you for ToS violations is inversely proportional to how big their 25% share of your income is. This is why Breeding Season didn't get banned despite being blatant furry inflation porn, they made enough money that Patreon looked the other way.

I'd personally recommend Liberapay (liberapay.org/) as an alternative to Patreon for anyone who is afraid of getting hit by this. You get more money (Liberapay is a non-profit, so transaction fees are limited to whatever the payment processor and the pledger's bank charges) and the only "downside" is that you can't offer products ("perks") as direct compensation for donating. There's also accepting cryptocurrency, which has no nosy middlemen and can be exchanged directly for things like domain registration and VPN time.
02/04/18 05:22PM
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

What is likely happening is that Patreon is being super-reactive, like any other large business. They get dicta by the people who control the cash flow (Point of Sale vendor, banks, investors, et al) stating that they need to crack down on adult content that can get them in trouble with law enforcement, and since there's no way to efficiently hand-comb through every single campaign, they're either working via Patron-generated reports or keyword searches for the most obvious shit. If one particular project is staying up, it's likely because not enough people snitched on them. Patreon can't deal with problems they don't know about.

It sucks that the Patreon is down, but you can't be surprised, and to be candid, those on here who seem to be the most indignant about it also come off as the most Pollyannish about what this site actually is.
02/05/18 02:09AM
Argonis said:
The patreon got suspended.
Guess when patreon were talking about not allowing fetish content on the site they meant it.

slayerduck is currently looking into some alternatives.

hatreon my friend
02/05/18 02:46AM
endgame said:
hatreon my friend

This would be hilarious.
02/05/18 03:17AM
endgame said:
hatreon my friend

You know its funny i actually suggested that to him and mindwipe is all "could they have chosen a more elitest name?" XD

but yeah it really sucks that its been taken down though we might be able to get it back but i'm not holding my breath for it not with what they announced they were doing, i even just became a patron too to support the site i like to go too. best we can do if look for another site that we can get support from.
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