02/06/18 04:33AM
Help with a hypno RPG Make MV game.
Hey, all.

First off, I don't think this violates any forum rules, but if so I'm sorry.

I am currently making an RPG Maker MV game with hypno as the primary theme. It will be Sci Fi based, with mainly game characters as targets, although I'm open to suggestions to help pad out the roster if needed.

What I need currently is someone who can help make sprites and sprite sheets that work with MV. Specifically right now, I need hypno tentacles. Similar in design to the ones in this image, hypnohub.net/post/show/49...-blonde_hair-blush-clothe
Only brown in color. Additional needs could be discussed later as I'm certain there will be more.

I am hoping to finish the first mission section, and have at least one character fully enslave-able (Samus Aran.)

If anyone can help, that would be great!
02/06/18 05:04AM
OK, but who else gets hypnotized?
02/06/18 05:25AM
If you're making a game, I'd recommend making a thread on <<www.hypnopics-collective.net/smf_forum/index.php?board=11.0|Hypnopics Collective MC game zone>>
02/06/18 05:51AM
I'd recommend mentioning how much you're willing to pay, as most artists won't work for free, and won't consider a project unless they know they can be compensated. Even for passion projects, artists need to eat, too
02/06/18 12:57PM
Quailman said:
Hey, all.

First off, I don't think this violates any forum rules, but if so I'm sorry.

I am currently making an RPG Maker MV game with hypno as the primary theme. It will be Sci Fi based, with mainly game characters as targets, although I'm open to suggestions to help pad out the roster if needed.

What I need currently is someone who can help make sprites and sprite sheets that work with MV. Specifically right now, I need hypno tentacles. Similar in design to the ones in this image, hypnohub.net/post/show/49...-blonde_hair-blush-clothe
Only brown in color. Additional needs could be discussed later as I'm certain there will be more.

I am hoping to finish the first mission section, and have at least one character fully enslave-able (Samus Aran.)

If anyone can help, that would be great!

You could try looking for an octopus sprite as a base and edit it.

Like this clipground.com/images/m-v-clipart-1.jpg

or i.imgur.com/piJhjeD.png
02/06/18 04:58PM
@GenericName I have multiple girls planned to be hypnotized. The main character is Male, and I currently have no real plans for him to succumb, except maybe as a failure ending. Other planned girls though are, Zelda, Lightning, Shantae, Alyx Vance, Cindy of FFXV, Meryl of MGS, and others. Samus is my favorite though so she goes first.

@Kachopper9 I actually have already made a similar post on the collective and currently have no replies. I'm not surprised or disheartened though as I figure without a demo to see, nobody will want to jump on board. But I figure it never hurts to ask for any willing help that can be given.

@Bullet Sadly right now, I can't afford to pay, it would be charity at this time. I'm thinking maybe someday I could ask for an artist to draw some images for the game, there would be a ton of them if all I have planned comes to fruition. I'd actually be really happy about that because then all the art would have the same style and match really well. But that's a dream that probably won't happen. I'm currently relying on my own, meager, maniping skills.

@IDpet That's not a bad idea, I think I'll check those out and see if I can get some inspiration. Thank you!
02/06/18 07:07PM
My artistic skills are unfortunately rather bad, otherwise I'd be happy to help you on that end. The only things I can really suggest is repeating the advice above (peruse the Internet for free assets, specifically RPGMakerWeb and sites like those which have a fine collection ; and try to involve people on the collective - perhaps post a demo as soon as possible). That said, I am able and willing to help with the game creation itself, as I have RPG Maker MV in my Steam collection. So, if you're ever looking to lighten the load in terms of design/programming/gameplay/testing, or are just looking for feedback, I'd be delighted to lend my (few) skills.
02/06/18 10:36PM
Is this a porn game? Regardless, I would recommend getting a demo out immediately so that people know you are willing to put in effort and actually finish something. Far too many of these games never leave concepts, and frankly asking for charity work at this stage of development is a huge red flag not only for artists but any other creative types you might wish to enlist. If you put nothing in, you will get nothing out.

That said, should something of this project get off the ground I'm willing to offer some writing and amateur JavaScript programming/RPGMaker MV experience. I'm making RPGMaker MV plugins as part of my own projects, so if those are something you might need in the future I could use the experience.

Fair warning, I'm a huge Metroid fan and have OPINIONS on how Samus Aran should be treated and/or enslaved.
02/07/18 06:50AM
@ TheMadPrince I'm curious if my concept of MC will be appealing to other people. Generally what I see in a lot of MC games is either *Ding* The target is hypnotized, which has it's merits and is at times fun. Or, you are always the target yourself avoiding it, in which case endings tend to be the main reason for the game. So I wanted to make something where mind controlling a person took time and effort. It is definitely mind control, including making a person want to be mind controlled. That was my aim with this game. So I came up with a system that may or may not be something that people want to see. Beyond that I figured the rest of the parts that actually need to make it a game, needed to be built. So I've got a skeleton of a story in my head that I am trying to flesh out slowly, that also leads into different ways to acquire different targets. I don't think I'm clever enough to come up with all the ways to enslave the women around you in the game. (Yes it is a male main characters building himself a harem, which oddly enough seems kinda rare at times.) So as the game progresses, I did want to post, with the demo, an opportunity to see other people write out scenes and even suggest characters they would like to see. So help in the future with that sort of thing will definitely be wanted.

@Obscenario Yes, it most definitely is a porn game. I keep getting to a point where I think I can release some kind of demo, but I don't want to release something with too little content. I kinda hate the demos that show up where MC is promised, but won't show up until half the game is completed, and whats there now doesn't actually have any meat to it. My current main goal is this, complete the first mission your character receives, and have Samus as a completely enslaveable target. Right now what's really slowing me down is trying to make my own sprites. Although what little I've made so far, after doing some searching and finding some decent ideas, is making me more confident and building a sprite from scratch. We'll see how that goes though. I haven't been great at using plug ins in the past, mostly because of how new I am to this sort of thing, but any help would always be great.

All that being said, people to help bug test would be great. I don't want to release a demo just yet, as I've said, but criticism and suggestions would be awesome. Especially about the system I have devised to enslave a character. Not sure how to get the files to people though without somewhere to host them. Any suggestions? I'd like to keep the testers small for now, just to avoid confusion, so like two to three people, if anyone is interested. Specifically people who are willing to tell me if this is junk and I should just stop.

Also, I too love Samus and want her portrayed well. This is definitely not the Other M Samus who never shuts the hell up...
02/07/18 09:34AM
Quailman said:
Not sure how to get the files to people though without somewhere to host them. Any suggestions?

MEGA Limited, Dropbox, or something similar should do fine.

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