02/06/18 07:23PM
A bad dream made me appreciate this place and you all more
Okay so last night I had a dream where HypnoHub actually shut down. Whenever I tried to get on all I would get is a page with an apology and thanks for support message and everything here was still completely gone. All the pictures and users and Discord Chat. All of it was completely gone. Hell somehow I wasn't even allowed talk to the friends I made on Discord since we weren't on any mutual servers (And I know if they're in my friends list I shouldn't have that problem and that there are other means of contacting friends like my DA or Tumblr or that people can just make a new site like this place, but remember, this was a dream, so logic doesn't apply). So after the shutdown I just kinda gave up on commissioning pictures and everything because I didn't feel like my favorite site was gone. I lost a place where I gained popularity I never even thought of getting and met so many cool people and made so many friends. I felt like... a part of me was missing. Which made it all the better when I woke up and said, "Oh thank god."

So what I'm trying to say is I love this place and all of you and thank you all. At this point of my life HypnoHub isn't just a place for me to jill off to a fetish I don't want to admit to my IRL friends or family, it truly does mean something special to me.

If any of you feel the same way or at least have something similar to say, show your thanks or appreciation down below.

Sorry for being so sappy, but I do feel this was and after having that dream, it was just something I had to get off my chest
02/06/18 07:28PM
StepfordCrimson said:
Okay so last night I had a dream where HypnoHub actually shut down. Whenever I tried to get on all I would get is a page with an apology and thanks for support message and everything here was still completely gone. All the pictures and users and Discord Chat. All of it was completely gone. Hell somehow I wasn't even allowed talk to the friends I made on Discord since we weren't on any mutual servers (And I know if they're in my friends list I shouldn't have that problem and that there are other means of contacting friends like my DA or Tumblr, but remember, this was a dream, so logic doesn't apply). So after the shutdown I just kinda gave up on commissioning pictures and everything because I didn't feel like my favorite site was gone. I lost a place where I gained popularity I never even thought of getting and met so many cool people and made so many friends. I felt like... a part of me was missing. Which made it all the better when I woke up and said, "Oh thank god."

So what I'm trying to say is I love this place and all of you and thank you all. At this point of my life HypnoHub isn't just a place for me to jill off to a fetish I don't want to admit to my IRL friends or family, it truly does mean something special to me.

If any of you feel the same way or at least have something similar to say, show your thanks or appreciation down below.

I was tearing up reading this ;-; I wouldn't know what to do if HH disappeared. worse not being able to talk with my friends I made here deeply saddens me ;-;

I love you all so much <3
02/06/18 07:32PM
Yeah I've had similar fears and such. It's why I made the hub appreciation thread a while back where I talked about how important this site is to me.
02/06/18 08:01PM
This needs to be a movie, and Michael Bay is directing it.
02/06/18 08:20PM
That's... That's f----- up.
02/06/18 08:58PM
I feel the same way. I've been on this site for a few years now and it's given me a nice reprieve from Life's swift kicks to the balls.
02/06/18 09:37PM
Felt the same way when Kaa RPX was shutting down Crimson. And I would feel the same way about this place. Hell of it wasn't for most of the people here that I've met, Kaa'lin would probably just be some stupid idea in my head that I would think about form time to time!
02/06/18 09:44PM
StepfordCrimson said:
Okay so last night I had a dream where HypnoHub actually shut down. Whenever I tried to get on all I would get is a page with an apology and thanks for support message and everything here was still completely gone. All the pictures and users and Discord Chat. All of it was completely gone. Hell somehow I wasn't even allowed talk to the friends I made on Discord since we weren't on any mutual servers (And I know if they're in my friends list I shouldn't have that problem and that there are other means of contacting friends like my DA or Tumblr or that people can just make a new site like this place, but remember, this was a dream, so logic doesn't apply). So after the shutdown I just kinda gave up on commissioning pictures and everything because I didn't feel like my favorite site was gone. I lost a place where I gained popularity I never even thought of getting and met so many cool people and made so many friends. I felt like... a part of me was missing. Which made it all the better when I woke up and said, "Oh thank god."

So what I'm trying to say is I love this place and all of you and thank you all. At this point of my life HypnoHub isn't just a place for me to jill off to a fetish I don't want to admit to my IRL friends or family, it truly does mean something special to me.

If any of you feel the same way or at least have something similar to say, show your thanks or appreciation down below.

Sorry for being so sappy, but I do feel this was and after having that dream, it was just something I had to get off my chest

This kinda reminds me of back when Hypnochan shut down. Man, I can't even remember what appeared when you tried to enter, it was so long ago. I just remember trying to get in every day and checking whether it was fixed. Now, just keep in mind I didn't have a hypnopics account until WAY later due to my brain not processing that the DOB on the register page was in an American order rather than the European one. I was young, shut up. I can only imagine how it would have been had I not seen the thread Mindwipe made about Hypnobooru only days prior to the shut down.
02/06/18 11:43PM
It's okay to feel sappy for a good reason. I would be sad too if this place closed down. Your one of the biggest reasons I continued on during my troubles and depression last year. So all I can say is, thank you for being such a good friend. ^^ Your kind, caring and just beautiful in every way. Your spirit shines and sparkles and brings light to everyone who knows you. We're all here for you Crimson, just like we know you'll be here for us. No matter what, we'll never leave you. ^^
02/07/18 12:01AM
Gets me reminiscing of when I first found the place and the people I've talked to over the years.

Would be really sad if that does happen so suddenly....

Not something I wanna think about but hey, gets you appreciating what you got now.
02/07/18 12:15AM
this is some persona social link shit.
02/07/18 12:16AM
Realistically the community that has gathered around this site, and the friends I've made here are the only reasons I decided to start uploading again. You guys are pretty swell, and I feel like if the Hub were realistically to ever shut down someone among us would be able to find a suitable alternative.

BUUUT let's hope that day doesn't come for a solid... I dunno... 8927 years. That seems like an appropriate amount of time.
02/07/18 12:35AM
Mindcollector13 said:
BUUUT let's hope that day doesn't come for a solid... I dunno... 8927 years. That seems like an appropriate amount of time.

"My ancestors came to this place thousands of years ago, and now I shall too, as per family tradition."

skullman2033 said:
this is some persona social link shit.

What rank, though?

StepfordCrimson said:
Okay so last night I had a dream where HypnoHub actually shut down. Whenever I tried to get on all I would get is a page with an apology and thanks for support message and everything here was still completely gone. All the pictures and users and Discord Chat. All of it was completely gone. Hell somehow I wasn't even allowed talk to the friends I made on Discord since we weren't on any mutual servers (And I know if they're in my friends list I shouldn't have that problem and that there are other means of contacting friends like my DA or Tumblr or that people can just make a new site like this place, but remember, this was a dream, so logic doesn't apply). So after the shutdown I just kinda gave up on commissioning pictures and everything because I didn't feel like my favorite site was gone. I lost a place where I gained popularity I never even thought of getting and met so many cool people and made so many friends. I felt like... a part of me was missing. Which made it all the better when I woke up and said, "Oh thank god."

So what I'm trying to say is I love this place and all of you and thank you all. At this point of my life HypnoHub isn't just a place for me to jill off to a fetish I don't want to admit to my IRL friends or family, it truly does mean something special to me.

If any of you feel the same way or at least have something similar to say, show your thanks or appreciation down below.

Sorry for being so sappy, but I do feel this was and after having that dream, it was just something I had to get off my chest

Strange dream, but hey, if it helps you appreciate things more.
02/07/18 06:53AM
Sorry for that bad dream Crimson D:
but let's just hope the hub will still exist even after we all perished ^^
02/07/18 11:17AM

No seriously, as mostly silent reader i could always apreciated this place, a place where most people would gladly shutdown because, MC is something that is amorral, and taboo.
1 2>>>

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