02/09/18 12:06PM
I Need Help Finding a Specific Game
This may not be the best place to ask, but I figured I might as well try. I found a game a couple months back, and I wanted to play it again. The problem is, I can't remember the name of it and I haven't been able to find it on Google, so I was hoping y'all could help me.

From what I remember, It's basically a virtual novel with 3D models. I'm pretty sure the game had it's own website, or it was a website with other games by the same developer. I don't know if you could download it, but I played it in the browser.

You play as a college student, and your teacher (I can't remember if it was an accident or not) hypnotizes your mom to fall in love with you. You can buy sexy clothes for her, and convince her to help with your homework. If you get the answer right, she kisses you. And if you get her to fall in love with you enough, you can get her to start undressing.

There are also other girls, and I think you can hypnotize them too. And I also remember some kind of weird combat system, but I can't remember much about that.

That's all I remember right now. I could possibly try to recall more details later, if you need it. Thanks in advance for the help!
02/09/18 12:12PM
Do you remember what language it was in, or anything else about the visual style?

As far as "undressing", did you have to play a game for that to happen, or just talk to her and the options did it?

Also, did you look here yet: vndb.org/g303 ?
02/09/18 12:41PM
I'm pretty sure you're talking about Fugue's <<www.fuguetales.com/ddd/DiabolicalDrDiggler.html|Diabolical Dr. Diggler>>.

His website is www.fuguetales.com/ and he also uploads his stories to <<www.mcstories.com/Authors/Fugue.html|The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive>>.
02/09/18 08:26PM
BlackWidow69x said:
Do you remember what language it was in, or anything else about the visual style?

As far as "undressing", did you have to play a game for that to happen, or just talk to her and the options did it?

Also, did you look here yet: vndb.org/g303 ?

Thank you so much for trying to help, but bugmenot managed to find it.
02/09/18 08:27PM
bugmenot said:
I'm pretty sure you're talking about Fugue's <<www.fuguetales.com/ddd/DiabolicalDrDiggler.html|Diabolical Dr. Diggler>>.

His website is www.fuguetales.com/ and he also uploads his stories to <<www.mcstories.com/Authors/Fugue.html|The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive>>.

Yes, that's it! Did you already know about it, or do you just have better Google skills than I do?
02/10/18 01:18AM
Danielpeck03 said:
Yes, that's it! Did you already know about it, or do you just have better Google skills than I do?

I remembered finding Fugue's website a few months ago after he uploaded a story, so I just had to look through my bookmarks for a few minutes to find it.
02/10/18 12:27PM
Also, I don't know if you know about it, but you might want to check out the Hypnopics Collective. They've got a whole section specifically devoted to MC games, and in fact, they've got Diabolical Dr. Diggler <<www.hypnopics-collective....m/index.php?topic=21443.0|here>>.

You need to create an account to access it, but I strongly recommend it nonetheless.

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