02/14/18 11:53PM
Is there any other hypnosis porn pages?
I like Hypnohub, and I'd like to find more porn pages dedicated to hypnosis and mind control fetish, but I can't find anyone.
02/15/18 12:12AM
I guess there's the <<|Obligatory links thread>>, but to my knowledge there aren't that many dedicated (non-literary) hypnoporn sites besides this one.
02/15/18 02:25PM
Jeick2740 said:
I like Hypnohub, and I'd like to find more porn pages dedicated to hypnosis and mind control fetish, but I can't find anyone.

I've always felt that the purpose of the hypnohub is to be a central location where all these disparate sources can be gathered, as well as kept for posterity... a hub of hypno, if you will

there are, of course, sources we're not allowed to post, much to my disappointment; artists that have asked their work not to be posted [I think rosvo does great work, but has been adamant that we not post his work, even though it can be publicly accessed on deviantart], sources behind paywalls, and of course sketchy sites that are publicly accessible but just steal art and comics from behind paywalls [I of course would never suggest you go to and check out their MCC [mind control comics] album ]

02/15/18 06:59PM
Jeick2740 said:
I like Hypnohub, and I'd like to find more porn pages dedicated to hypnosis and mind control fetish, but I can't find anyone.

For my personal fix, I like to go to <<|Deviantart>>, where a good number of the artists here are also present there (among others : Polmanning, Dlobo, Rhaojka, Katzle, Blackwave). As I recall, it's in fact the first website I ever discovered that featured MC-themed images. The good old days where my only ways of finding this sort of thing were searching for "possession" and "hypno" in the database (good ol' memories of Broken Teapot). As Grim pointed out, some artists there are also absent from the Hub.

Another thing I do whenever I'm on a "hypno-roam" is typing in "mind control" in the search bar over at the <<|E-Hentai galleries>>. They notably (as their name implies) mostly have Hentai dealing with this, but include some other stuff, such as artists' collections (some of which, like Sebastian's, are present here) and 3D comics that you'd have a hard time finding anywhere else. Speaking of 3D comics, there's a good number of blogs and artists that do specifically free MC comics, some of my favorite being G9 Comics and H3N Comics. I also recommend Cantraps (also on E-Hentai). You can also visit <<|Ex-Hentai>>, which includes some stuff not found on E-Hentai, like loli. Though you need to register at EH before accessing Ex-Hentai, otherwise you'll be met with the classic sad panda.

Finally, I'd recommend at least checking out, even if I don't go there as often, <<|the Collective>> : they have a section dedicated to amateur and not-so amateur hypno games, where our very own CypressZ posted their masterpiece, Overwhored, and they also have an image gallery containing mostly manips, but not only that. You do need a registered account, but it's free.

Specific artists and notable hypno-fetishists with their own websites/blogs include :

-<<|Sleepymaid>> (I believe you may need to access it in a certain way, but the instructions are somewhere on these forums) ;
-<<|Sue-Chan>> (she hasn't posted anything since 2014, but there's still a really nice collection of old drawings and comics) ;
-<<|The Antjack>>, a Spanish guy (I believe ?) that focuses on MC in film, particularly parasites ;
-<<|Voyer>> has a helpful list of links and scenes - they also do 3D works and have a Deviantart AND Hypnohub account ;
-<<|Callidus>> mostly does manipped images/GIFs/videos that are very nice.

And, of course, there's a huge list of Youtube channels compiling clips with this sort of thing. Otherwise, refer to the Obligatory Links thread, that KinkyFinn posted.
02/16/18 08:58AM
If you're into IRL stuff there is Hypnolust. Additionally there is FreeUsePorn dot com which has a surprising amount of MC content.
02/18/18 12:11PM
Grim said:
I've always felt that the purpose of the hypnohub is to be a central location where all these disparate sources can be gathered, as well as kept for posterity... a hub of hypno, if you will

Hypnohub is pretty insular in my experience, really. For instance, the Collective has a lot of people who really like photomanips, and so are pretty much never going to show up on Hypnohub with its blanket rule against them. I personally enjoy the insularity - the community is small enough that even though I rarely post and mostly keeping to the outskirts in general, I have a decent picture of who's who in here. But it's good to be aware that especially if you do count in the literary sites, Hypnohub is a small fish in the MC pond.
02/19/18 05:25AM
All right, what about other forms of media; aside from MC pics
like literature or video?
02/19/18 02:30PM

That page is probably the most comprehensive collection of links out there for finding both dedicated fetish sites and more tangentially related content. If you have the time and energy, I suggest looking through it and going up from there.

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