02/19/18 02:48PM
How Big is Your Hypno Fetish Stash and How Do You Organize?
So right now I'm sitting on a little more than 24GB of hypno naughtiness copied across a few HDDs.

Right now I have them separated into three major categories: Games, Stories, and Pictures. The only one that's organized among those are the pictures.

The pictures are split into what type of picture: 3D art, 2D art, and photomanips. The 2D art is split between furry (which is basically just about all I collect nowdays) and nonfurry.

Now all the hypno furry pictures I have (1000+ last time I checked), basically live in the same folder but I date each of them based on either artist, or content. I don't use folders for those kinds of things because I usually want to look through multiple artists or content types in one sitting without having to navigate through folders.

I think I have a hoarding problem. Anyways, how about you? How much hypno content have you hoarded onto your local storage and how do you organize it?
02/19/18 04:45PM
I don't really save other people's art for the most part and you sound more organised than how I keep my own art. I literally just have within my art folder a hypnosis folder of finished stuff and a subfolder titled my To Do list.
02/19/18 04:56PM
I've got about 30 gigs worth of MC stuff, copied onto two different hard drives. It's split into four categories : Films and anime, pictures (including the stuff I do), games, and comics and manga. The stuff that took the most space used to be the video media (so movies and stuff), but I lost a bunch of my data recently.

As for the internal organization, it's basically always the same : I do "batches" of each type of content, where I download everything on a single day (or group of days) into one folder that's dated.
02/19/18 10:11PM
I use <<hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/|Hydrus>>, which is essentially a booru stored locally on your machine. Tags are a much more powerful way to organize things than traditional folders. The program also includes the ability to parse and download from other boorus, letting you setup subscriptions and steal the tags from other websites to save you time. It also features a public tag repository, allowing anyone to contribute tag mappings to images (so if I have it tagged, so would you).

It takes work to setup and understand, but it's also extremely powerful.

Right now I have about 6k hypno images on my database, with about 70k images total.
02/20/18 04:33AM
heheheh, i'd say my stash, or stashes would be quite messy and varied in kinds. my initial check for their total size was roughly 60Gigs excluding other installed games (would be far exceeding 100Gigs if I have to count the games in Program Files lol, but meh, games have other stuff included in too not just pure MC, so counting all that lengthy stories and costly CG is just cheating right?).

So the stuff is mostly consisted of pictures, cut scenes from animes, Youtube clips, some arts (from the far back time when the internet's MC resources is mostly random clips on Youtube (the very first era when hypnotang was still a hypno-man and not just some inactive channel, along with the crappy southpark-like somewhat anime styled motion picture clips and most of hypnovideo's free animated stuff, so yeah, about more than a decade ago), and Suechan and DA Entranced.), and games, mostly games, stuff like saimin jutsu series (all 7 of them, including the one developed for WinVista and now is a pain to load up), saimin yuugi series (including the jikken one), and couple of dozens of other miscellanies (at peak it was 50 to 60 games I think, need to unload some for when japanese font becomes all bananas and crashing all my other games). So yeah, I would be one of the dudes who might still have something from the far back time that even the internet have discarded.

Managing them? nah, just start by making a secluded spot on the drive and let them grow by themselves, and then trim them later when the bushes become too distracting, that way I can enjoy them myself while tracking back to my storing history.
02/20/18 04:39AM
plsignore said:
I use <<hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/|Hydrus>>, which is essentially a booru stored locally on your machine. Tags are a much more powerful way to organize things than traditional folders. The program also includes the ability to parse and download from other boorus, letting you setup subscriptions and steal the tags from other websites to save you time. It also features a public tag repository, allowing anyone to contribute tag mappings to images (so if I have it tagged, so would you).

It takes work to setup and understand, but it's also extremely powerful.

Right now I have about 6k hypno images on my database, with about 70k images total.

May need to look into that cause that sounds interesting.
you say its a booru stored locally on your machine so its not like a website just on your computer?
02/20/18 04:50AM
I like drawn images but by far I prefer real-life video.

The video section is barely organized, but I have about 65GB saved locally (less than 2GB of which is animated) and... oh cool, my mega drive is gone. There goes about 25GB more. I guess I know what I'm working on tomorrow. Most of the videos are of female hypnotists (some of them fairly skilled, some of them not at all) hypnotizing the viewer. A small percentage is video of someone else being hypnotized. I wouldn't say I'm more sub than dom, it's just that I've had more luck finding sub stuff I like. Anyway, it's mostly organized by domme. Once I find a good one, I try to stick with her ~~and also she commands me to return.~~

As images go, I only have about 500MB saved - just over 500 files, so the quality isn't great. I mostly just save a few artists (sleepymaid, zko) and the more enticing captions I come across. I might have two or three manga saved at most. Not much reason to organize here outside of the folders already used by the aforementioned artists.

I haven't really tried audio, ever since Jackpot failed me so many years ago.

That's it for hypno content. For regular porn I have hundreds of GBs on a dozen drives. I can't afford to buy one or two big drives and back it all up in a central location. But it's a looooot of porn, most of it pretty vanilla.

plsignore said:
I use Hydrus... It also features a public tag repository, allowing anyone to contribute tag mappings to images (so if I have it tagged, so would you).

Hydrus sounds really cool though. I downloaded Tabbles once with the idea of organizing my regular porn, but it was too difficult to get started and with too big a library.

What do you mean by tag mappings?

02/20/18 04:51AM
It's difficult to say.
In total, I have a bit less than 3TB (Around 3000 GB) of porn :
- 1,81 TB of Lesbian Porn
- 175 GB of Catfight/Sexfight
- 48 GB of Femdom Point of View
- 52 GB of Interracial (Black male on White female)
- 35 GB of Images
- And 841 GB of Superheroine Fetish content

Since hypnosis is not my central fetish, I didn't created a folder for that.
The hypnosis content is essentially spread on the Lesbian Folder, the Femdom POV, Pictures, and even more on the Superheroine folder (since Superheroine and Hypnosis work incredibly well together..)

I would say around 500GB but I'll have to verify.
Everything is on a 3.6 TB External Hardrive.

Like Voldemort with his Horcruxes, I believe it's important to be cautious and save the "souls" on various hosts.
So I made multiples copies on several other Harddrives in case there is a problem.
02/20/18 07:49AM
Argonis said:
May need to look into that cause that sounds interesting.
you say its a booru stored locally on your machine so its not like a website just on your computer?

Exactly. You'll need some extra space for the database mappings, and then the images will get stored in a special directory for hydrus.
03/03/18 06:26AM
Just pictures? 6.17 GB

The whole thing? 25.2 GB

I am very picky about what I save to my HDD. This goes back to the days of Windows 98 and a 1 GB HDD. I have to really like an image or video to grant it space on my HDD.

Also I use an old trick of naming my stash folder "System" and giving it a custom icon of a blank folder. All these years and literally none of my R/L friends or family are the wiser, not that I let them on my computer anyway.
03/03/18 07:25AM
No organizing, it goes into the rest of the porn stash folder
03/03/18 08:07AM
we supposed to keep this stuff?
03/04/18 06:17AM
mez said:
we supposed to keep this stuff?

It's fetish porn that some hosts don't like. Backing it up locally is just good practice.
03/04/18 10:03AM
Honestly? Massive. I have a 1tb external drive that is maybe half capacity. I have lots of pics organized in folders of 1000-1500 per folder (ordered and sorted by date saved and nothing else... So far), videos organized by who made them, misc vids have their own folder, and manga/comics have theie own areas too. Online chat logs are kept oddly separate and idk why i do that tbh.
I keep another section of the drive for inspiration for things to do with my gf that we haven't done yet. THEN i have yet another folder if records (pics, vids, chat logs) of things we HAVE done.

I forgot stories and games! They each have segments of the drivw for themselves as well. Games i keep organized by genre (rpg, vidual novel, etc). Stories... Just kinda thrown in their folder however.
03/04/18 10:13AM
bullet said:
Honestly? Massive. I have a 1tb external drive that is maybe half capacity. I have lots of pics organized in folders of 1000-1500 per folder (ordered and sorted by date saved and nothing else... So far), videos organized by who made them, misc vids have their own folder, and manga/comics have theie own areas too. Online chat logs are kept oddly separate and idk why i do that tbh.
I keep another section of the drive for inspiration for things to do with my gf that we haven't done yet. THEN i have yet another folder if records (pics, vids, chat logs) of things we HAVE done.

I forgot stories and games! They each have segments of the drivw for themselves as well. Games i keep organized by genre (rpg, vidual novel, etc). Stories... Just kinda thrown in their folder however.

I hate my phone's keyboard sometimes. Fml
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