02/21/18 12:46AM
Ideas for a HypnoHub CAH expansion
So I know there's already a couple of HypnoHub based Cardcast decks for Pretend You're Xyzzy. But, I'm planning on making another expansion, not too big, but enough to add some more recent refs to it. Below I'm gonna put black cards and white cards that I might use, and will add any good suggestions you guys throw out:

Black Cards:
The latest thing Pinkanator got hypnotised by was ____
Roxa's latest commission is ____
____ x ____: I ship it.
____ being hypnotised to ____ is a fetish never knew I had.
Sleepymaid got me into ____
Erika's latest hypno-shenanigans caused ____
What made you turn yellow?
What hasn't Mez said yet?
Laniti banned ____ because ____
Dropping to ____ is my new kink.
If there's a French channel why can't we have a ___ channel?
What is everyone fighting about this time?
Why is this artist blacklisted?
Who did Banny hypnotise this time?
What blatantly wrong advice has annoyed Banny this time?
The new kink craze: Hypno-____
Actually, I have a ____ trigger.
There's too much ____ on the Hub. We need more ____.
I wanted to join Voice Chat, but ____ was there.
I found an image that has ____ but also has ____.
Moar hypno-lewds of ____
I'm only on the Discord for the ____.
Does anybody want to be my Sub? I'm into ____.
Can anyone hypnotize me into ____?
____ vs _____ art wars.
The general chat is taking a break from porn. Now they're talking about ____.
I bet you can't hypnotize me to ____.
Don't be silly, #gaming is for ____.
I don't kink shame very often, but ____ is too weird!
____ - Kinkshame or Kinksame?
Uber is too vanilla to know what ____ even is!
I've been so corrupted that even ____ turns me on now.
Announcement: we're changing the Hub mascot to ____.
Don't go in the Roleplay Channel. All they have in there is ____.
I was really confused when ____ turned purple.
I was looking at ____, and ____ had it favorited.
The breast boob size is ____.
____. The one reason Mizuke isn't high right now.
____ quit the channel because ____.
Where did Riley get the money for their commissions?
Hey, can I have ____ as a role?
Who is StepfordCrimson cosplaying now?
___ also claims to be 6'+

White Cards:
Pinkanator accidentally hypnotising himself.
The sexual tension between IttyBit and DarkHatBoy.
IttyBit getting high on Discord.
Neil Patrick Harris.
Laniti's lust for power.
A warm welcome from Bobbette
Trying to find a fetish Pinkanator DOESN'T have.
Kracky's love-hate relationship with traps.
Nightmare fuel.
More god damn MLP porn.
salty collecting all the lolis.
pokemongirl roleplaying in the comments.
"Wait, you're yellow now?"
Creepy DMs from lurkers.
The Fuck Room.
"Support me on Patreon!"
Publicly teasing a sub until they melt.
Tagging "hypnosis" on a hypnosis themed website.
Pinging everyone on the server.
MrCaptainOdd and SlackerSavior's porn battles.
Ch0Ww waving a baguette.
Arguing about people's genders.
Shitty manips.
My OC.
Jimryu's totally original art.
The hallowed return of Zko.
Fapping in voice chat.
Responding badly to criticism.
NileyHot the thot spam bot.
CorruptionPrincess, the albino mistress.
Degenerate Handholding.
Kneeling for Master.
Six line induction.
IttyBit's "blink and you'll miss it" nudes.
Everyone half-joking about fucking everyone else.
Being unable to tell if Riley is a boy or a girl.
Endless shitposting.
Wholesome hypnosis.
Getting flustered over Tracer pics.
An overwhelming entourage of lesbian porn.
Being into a fetish no-one likes.
The internal struggle between masculinity and cute bois.
Another fucking haigure pic.
Thinking hypnosis is real.
Being one of the doms who never talk.
Complaining about futas having dicks.
Seeing someone leave 10 seconds after entering.
Posting the same fucking request every hour in #hypno-hookups.
Yet another newbie mistaking entry for greeting.
Saying hello in #hypnosis-talk.
Trying to save paywalled shit before it gets deleted.
Using other people's OCs without permission.
Flat Power!
Bad roleplay.
More than a handful is a waste.
Dale rage-quitting the server.
Uber's spicy pasta sauce recipe.
Looking at wholesome porn to feel better about yourself.
Someone who hasn't typed for 2 years joining a conversation.
Resigning yourself to masturbation.
Salty the tsundere.
The barren, unloved wasteland that is #sfw-general.
Becoming another Bobbette haremite.
Requesting emojis and then never using them.
Venturing beyond the safety of #general.
Actually being hypnotized by a spiral.
02/21/18 12:48AM
well those old packs are rather dated, filled with a bunch of jokes that don't make sense any more, so i'd reccomend sifting through them and picking out the good ones.
02/21/18 12:58AM
Anything based on me banning someone for bad jokes, or my writing?
02/21/18 01:01AM
Added a couple more ideas from the discord and which I thought up.
02/21/18 01:51AM
Defcon7 venting every 3 days
Confusing DefconFX for Defcon7 and vice versa
Constantly redirecting people to the hunting thread
Hypno pics of obscure characters
02/21/18 01:56AM
Getting hypnobadoozled
hypnosis memes
overly flagged posts
the endless flame war over what counts as hypnosis
NinjaKirby copying (a)____ and _____ing _____.
02/21/18 02:12AM
Something about snek dik
Something about Hypno-tan's ahoge
Something about NileyHot
something about the DNP list
02/21/18 03:48AM
02/21/18 03:59AM
My old ass hypnohub deck
02/21/18 04:21AM
so... what is this even about?
02/21/18 04:30AM
NinjaKirby said:
so... what is this even about?

Cards Against Humanity. It's like Apples to Apples but for edgelords.
02/21/18 04:34AM
I know what CAH is, I meant the link above. I don't get it.
02/21/18 04:47AM
Black Card: "After finally exausting every conceivable combination of numbers, the infamous NileyHot bot's next username was NileyHot______".
02/21/18 05:06AM
A few cards I've come up with. Two are biased towards me but in my defense that black card happens way too often in the Discord server.

Black Cards:
"As fun as it sounds to have a harem of subs hypnotized into thinking they're _, it's really more trouble than it's worth."
"Someone's arguing we shouldn't allow _ in #general."
"Clearly the best waifu is _."
"_ is clearly the most degenerate fetish."
"Guys, Salty's getting teased by _ again."
"All mentions of _ are to be redirected to #bot_shitposting where they belong."
"The entire front page of the Hub is just filled with _..."
"We managed to get more people into the voice channel by promising _."
"Kracky's new nickname is _."
"Of course that image is loli, it has _ in it."

White Cards:
Drowning out serious conversations with porn
Something about Touhou
Using hypnosis for convenience rather than as a fetish
The forever unused hypnosis vocal channels
Flirting in #general
Someone leaving for 20 minutes and coming back dazed
Finding out someone was a guy the whole time
A daisy chain of hypnotized hypnotists
Salty gushing about loli vampires again
Conversations beneath the mounds of pornographic imagery
Horrible sleep schedules
Kracky's dick exploding from pictures of navels.
02/21/18 05:09AM
Pinkanator said:

An overused "Salty's a Pedophile" joke

You sonuva bitch.
1 23>>>

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