02/21/18 07:01AM
Grima, stepping back
This is basically just a closure thing for myself as I'd expect that not too many will overly care, but I'm planning on taking a good long break from manipping. I've just not been doing as well as I'd like to, and honestly this isn't something I can really see myself doing long term, I'm not a great writer, and I'm certainly no artist. I might do a bit of a dump in the manip request thread for all of the stuff I could never come up with anything for, but besides that, I'm going to be turning to try and work on stuff more career based.
02/21/18 07:07AM
I'm sad to here that you're going to stop, but it is definitely good to do things more career based as well. I know that I, at least, have always been satisfied with your manips. My personal favorites of yours would be the indulgence manor series. I hope that you may do a few more manips for something one day, but I do think that it is important to figure out what you want to do with your life.
02/22/18 03:34AM
You shall be missed.
03/02/18 12:06AM
that's a shame, I find I really enjoy your creations grima, but you do what you need to for yourself

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