03/01/18 06:08PM
Adventure game anyone?
So I've been playing Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion, and it got me thinking: What if there were an adventure/exploration game from a first person POV where the main goal was to escape the various traps meant to hypnotize you?
Example: a room with classic black and white spirals everywhere, or a roaming succubus that follows you?

This is something that I might actually be able to do myself.
What are your thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea? Suggestions?
03/01/18 06:13PM
Hypno-Eretica said:
So I've been playing Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion, and it got me thinking: What if there were an adventure/exploration game from a first person POV where the main goal was to escape the various traps meant to hypnotize you?
Example: a room with classic black and white spirals everywhere, or a roaming succubus that follows you?

This is something that I might actually be able to do myself.
What are your thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea? Suggestions?

Sounds like it could be fun.
03/01/18 07:27PM
It is morally necessary that you do this. (I say this because my own attempts to realize this concept - even as just a tiny Twine thing - have fallen to sheer lack of creativity. *Somebody's* got to make the game, and if it's not me, then it's going to have to be one of you people.)
03/01/18 07:51PM
I have the creativity but lack any semblance of programming skills
03/01/18 09:09PM
I’m gonna be honest, when I saw the thread title I thought you were talking about a LucasArts-style point-and-click, and I personally think that’s a better idea
03/01/18 09:14PM
TheSpoon said:
I’m gonna be honest, when I saw the thread title I thought you were talking about a LucasArts-style point-and-click, and I personally think that’s a better idea

Funny thing I'm seriously considering a hub game and that was one of the ideas I'm tossing around.

I'd be writing it but would need others to do the art and programming.
03/01/18 10:02PM
I'm going to go from merely mentioning Twine to heartily recommending Twine. I mean you might have noticed how many manips have lots and lots of text in them... because MC, it turns out, is a theme that works pretty well with words. Making simple Twine games requires very little programming ability. I can personally attest that it does, however, take some writing ability to do anything with it that you're even slightly happy with.
03/01/18 10:15PM
Zermelane said:
I'm going to go from merely mentioning Twine to heartily recommending Twine. I mean you might have noticed how many manips have lots and lots of text in them... because MC, it turns out, is a theme that works pretty well with words. Making simple Twine games requires very little programming ability. I can personally attest that it does, however, take some writing ability to do anything with it that you're even slightly happy with.

Consdering I've been told a few of my things have put readers under I know i can.
03/01/18 10:18PM
Imasuky said:
Funny thing I'm seriously considering a hub game and that was one of the ideas I'm tossing around.

I'd be writing it but would need others to do the art and programming.

I would absolutely love working on this! Please reach out to me in PMs~

Zermelane said:
I'm going to go from merely mentioning Twine to heartily recommending Twine. I mean you might have noticed how many manips have lots and lots of text in them... because MC, it turns out, is a theme that works pretty well with words. Making simple Twine games requires very little programming ability. I can personally attest that it does, however, take some writing ability to do anything with it that you're even slightly happy with.

We’d need someone who can into CSS if we want it to not look like garbo, though
03/02/18 12:03AM
Hypno-Eretica said:
So I've been playing Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion, and it got me thinking: What if there were an adventure/exploration game from a first person POV where the main goal was to escape the various traps meant to hypnotize you?
Example: a room with classic black and white spirals everywhere, or a roaming succubus that follows you?

This is something that I might actually be able to do myself.
What are your thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea? Suggestions?

besides the hypnosis and first person POV that sounds pretty much like maniac mansion.

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