03/02/18 08:22AM
Rhyming mantra/induction requests
So I'm something of an amateur writer, and I've been in a bit of a mood recently. I'm a big fan of rhyming mantras and/or inductions, and I figure that's something I can try offering for a little while. The basic gist is this:

If you're planning to make a manip, caption, or short story and want to add a mystical or songlike feel to it, feel free to ask me. That might be lyrics to some hypnotic music, a magical spell/incantation, a supernatural creature that speaks in rhyme, or a mnemonic so catchy even a mindless slave can remember it. Or anything else, really. Most of what I'm offering is some caption/writing assistance with a specific theme.

As a sample of stuff I've done in the past, some of you may recall the silly <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/60798|Rap Battles of Hypnosis>> thread, which I contributed a few matches to. <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/61021|This>> should give you a pretty good idea of the kind of stuff I like to do.

Sound good?
03/02/18 08:40AM
I'm thinking of doing another one myself. Need art for the first one still
03/27/18 07:26AM
I need pictures!

[spoiler=Pictures of fairies!]
Beware the forest Winternesse, the ever wild and green
Those that lurk within are not for mortal eyes to glean
The ancient ones who came before, beyond mere Elves and Men
The first to live, the first to die, the first to know of Sin!
Never ask just what they are, for you already know
Their call did sound, now trees surround
There’s nowhere else to go!
The flowers laugh, the trees they dance to music yet unheard
A shadow stirs to cast its light and speaks a single word
“Welcome!” echoes every voice beneath the setting sun
You’ve found the faerie playground and you’re not the only one

One step closer, no more fears, all is yet as it appears
A world without the weight of years
Beauty and grace in endless measure
Don’t resist, give in to pleasure
All this and more, they tell no lies
Just look through their gilded eyes

There's a place not far from here
Where one should never go
Where there is only fear
Of things we should not know

Others like you in daze and trance
Join hands, join them, in song and dance
Eat your fill and drink without pause
In this place you need no cause
All this and more, they tell no lies
You need only cut your mortal ties

Keep your hands in sight
For soon it will grow dark
And pray that in returning light
You have not gained their mark

Power beyond your wildest dream
Wings of dew in sunlight gleam
With them you’ll be forevermore
They tell no lies, all this and more
Now come, my pets, and we shall soar


I might also need someone to get me a dollification pic that would immediately receive the Nightmare Fuel tag.
[spoiler=Mostly because puppets are awesome]
The puppet never moves alone
It never shows its face
For who could love a puppet
That doesn’t know its place?
One false move will cut the strings
And then where will it be?
The puppet fearful of all things
That refused to truly see

Dance and dance, little puppet mine
Be the perfect doll
For if you don’t please everyone
Then surely you will fall

The puppet moves by others’ hands
Never for itself
For if it ever makes demands
Its new home will be the shelf
The puppet does not like to think
Its head a wood and cotton mix
So rather than this level sink
It chose the crucifix

Dance and dance, little puppet mine
Be the perfect doll
For if you don’t please everyone
Then surely you will fall

The strings were merely threads at first
Piercing life and limb straight through
Now the puppet’s wrapped in chains
And knows exactly what to do
Does it see a guiding light?
A substitute for hopes and dreams?
Or is the light a hungry flame
Tearing life out at the seams?

Dance and dance, little puppet mine
Be the perfect doll
For if you don’t please everyone
Then surely you will fall

[spoiler=After that probably a mermaid or siren image]
Cool ocean under summer sun
Take a dip, we'll have such fun!
Swim with me an hear my song
Listen well and listen long
Deeper with me your mind will sink
You'll never have to work or think
Come and join in this place
Forever deep in my embrace
03/27/18 07:32AM
here's an idea i had a while back, Induction based around the story "soldiers deck of cards." i dont exactly have anywhere near a start. just the idea behind it, granted the story doesnt rhyme, but it has a sort of repitition to it. As for the scenario. I had krunkidile.tumblr.com/post/172075962386 this image in mind. So like a casino worker trying to induce a patron into gambling more insteaf of leaving in an angry huff
03/27/18 08:46AM
Obscenario said:
I need pictures!

[spoiler=Pictures of fairies!][/spoiler]

03/27/18 11:56AM
skullman2033 said:
here's an idea i had a while back, Induction based around the story "soldiers deck of cards." i dont exactly have anywhere near a start. just the idea behind it, granted the story doesnt rhyme, but it has a sort of repitition to it. As for the scenario. I had krunkidile.tumblr.com/post/172075962386 this image in mind. So like a casino worker trying to induce a patron into gambling more insteaf of leaving in an angry huff

Hm, let's see here. I'll post what I've got so far and finish up a little later.

[spoiler=Deck of Cards, HypnoHub style]

Ooh ouch, I'm sorry, so sorry for your loss
That's the risk you take when you give the dice a toss!
Hey now sir, why you looking so cross?
Night's just getting started and in here you're the boss!

This is Casino Mirage, where your oasis is true
Just let me know how best I can serve you
If you're not into craps there's so much more you can do
Anything on a table 'cept for me (just the view~)
Sit back and relax, let me gather the crew
Blackjack and slots and roulette wheels too
We've got video poker and pachinko - (that one's new!)
Each one an option for the win that you're due

Oh, but I get it, your heart is in shards
That look on your face got a thousand more yards
Maybe I shouldn't...(but oh, the rewards)
I guarantee you'll be winning with my deck of cards

It's no cheat so don't worry, relax your concern
Take some deep breaths, but do watch and learn
You want so badly to win I can see how you yearn
Listen close to my words and you'll get your turn
So clear your mind of all things except what you'll earn

This is my Ace, the One that you need
A constant reminder of the life you could lead

Deuce is Two for together, just you and me
I'll guide your thoughts to that sweet victory

Which brings us to Three, 'cause third time's the charm
But we can keep playing, c'mon what's the harm?

Four suits to repeat as you do your part
Clubs, Spades, and Diamonds, plus (my favorite!) the Heart

Now I draw Five to see where we stand
Fingers sway back and forth as I deal a full hand

We're up to Six sides of standard game dice
Still in it to win? Hope you'll heed my advice

Lucky number Seven, what more can I say?
Line 'em up, knock 'em down, it's almost time to play
03/28/18 11:36AM
Obscenario said:
Hm, let's see here. I'll post what I've got so far and finish up a little later.

[spoiler=Deck of Cards, HypnoHub style] [/spoiler]

Real talk, i would have left in disgust at pachinko,or just calmly explain my distaste. not because she's tempting me to bet more. But due to a series of events, i have come to hate pachinko with a burning passion
03/30/18 11:00AM
skullman2033 said:
Real talk, i would have left in disgust at pachinko,or just calmly explain my distaste. not because she's tempting me to bet more. But due to a series of events, i have come to hate pachinko with a burning passion

Fair enough. A few edits and the draft is done.

[spoiler=Gambling is a sin, you know]

Ooh ouch, I'm sorry, so sorry for your loss
That's the risk you take when you give the dice a toss!
Hey now sir, please don't look so cross
Night's just getting started and in here you're the boss!

This is Casino Mirage, where your oasis is true
Just let me know how best I can serve you
If you're not into craps there's so much more you can do
Anything on a table 'cept for me (just the view~)
Sit back and relax, let me gather the crew
Blackjack and slots and roulette wheels too
We've got video poker, online bingo - (that one's new!)
Each one an option for the win that you're due

Oh, but I get it, your heart is in shards
That look on your face got a thousand more yards
Maybe I shouldn't...(but oh, the rewards)
I guarantee you'll be winning with my deck of cards

It's no cheat so don't worry, relax your concern
Take some deep breaths, but do watch and learn
You want so badly to win I can see how you yearn
Listen close to my words and you'll get your turn
So clear your mind of all things except what you'll earn

This is my Ace, the One that you need
A constant reminder of the life you could lead

Deuce is Two for together, just you and me
I'll guide your thoughts to that sweet victory

Which brings us to Three, 'cause third time's the charm
But we can keep going, c'mon what's the harm?

Four suits to repeat as you do your part
Clubs, Spades, and Diamonds, plus (my favorite!) the Heart

Now I draw Five to see where we stand
Fingers sway back and forth as I deal a full hand

We're up to Six sides of your standard game dice
Still in it to win? Hope you'll heed my advice

Lucky number Seven, what more can I say?
Line 'em up, knock 'em down, it's almost time to play

Here comes the Eight, and it's right on cue
Sink into the pocket and your dreams'll come true

Bet you're starting to feel like we're reaching cloud Nine
Curse of Scotland to some, but you're doing just fine

I've drawn my next card and it's Ten out of Ten
10:1 odds I'll see you back here again

This is my King and, my goodness, what grace
It looks like this face card matches your face!

I knew you were special, the one your Queen chose
What's say you and I bring this game to a close?

When I draw the Jack we'll trade Diamonds for joy
(Snap) Jackpot! You win! Welcome home, Laughing Boy

52 cards, and each one is unique
Come back and see me if you want a peek
(Of my cards, silly) One per week
That means coming here to get what you seek

(ha ha...)

Fools and their money they say are soon parted
You were almost a dud but my streak just restarted
I'm sorry, so sorry, it must sound so coldhearted
That's Casino Mirage, we're a treasure uncharted

It's you or my job; I won't be the one thwarted...

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