03/11/18 05:01PM
Story Event Idea
So I got an idea after the OC Bio Wiki thread (hypnohub.net/forum/show/70297)
What if we did story events for the OCs on the Hub? Where we all get commissions of the OCs in different events. Like a virus infects all the tech based characters or demons invade our realm and possess characters. I think it would be pretty cool to get an actual story going.

I know this would never work, though. Commissions cost money and not everyone will have the funds to do this.

But, oh well, it's still a neat idea.
03/11/18 07:27PM
I'd be fine with helping with the story side if someone else pays for the art.
03/11/18 08:13PM
DarkMask said:
So I got an idea after the OC Bio Wiki thread (hypnohub.net/forum/show/70297)
What if we did story events for the OCs on the Hub? Where we all get commissions of the OCs in different events. Like a virus infects all the tech based characters or demons invade our realm and possess characters. I think it would be pretty cool to get an actual story going.

I know this would never work, though. Commissions cost money and not everyone will have the funds to do this.

But, oh well, it's still a neat idea.

Imasuky said:
I'd be fine with helping with the story side if someone else pays for the art.

I am happy to pay for mine and one other persons OC

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