03/13/18 08:36PM
Hypnosis Fetish: How Do You See Yours'?
I've read a number of threads discussing people and how their hypnofetishes and I thought that I'd make my own.

I'm hoping it's not too copy&paste of threads that have already been made. I'm only interested in knowing a bit more about the people here.

So the questioning here more or less follows the title.
I find it to be a broader than a lot of the other threads about the hypnosis-fetish but also a bit more focused, so to speak? Let me know how you guys feel.

Is your fetish a hindrance?
Has it helped you somehow?
How much would you say it has defined your sexuality?
Are you glad that you have it or do you regret it on some level for one reason or another?

Write in any (coherent) answer you feel best expresses you. I want to know as much about the people still here as I can.
03/13/18 08:51PM
My hypnosis fetish just... IS. It's just a part of me that I have. It's in no way hindered me or helped me, never held me back or pushed me forward. It's something I'm lucky enough to have in common with my amazing GF, but otherwise, it's just another part of my life. It's a large part of my sexual activity and sexuality, but that's just another normal fact for me.
03/15/18 02:46AM
Oh boy buckle up for a very negative one here :P I hope no-one else feels same as me because that'd be bad, son.

As some of the people on the site may already know, I am <<|asexual>>. I've known for about a year and a half now (I think, all I remember is that it was winter) that asexuality exists and that that's what I am. I still struggle with it a lot. Even though the earliest of my sexual feelings were awakened by Kaa the snake, I of course didn't understand it until a much later age.

In a sense, I find my fetish to be a hindrance. It just confuses me more at times because I need self-hypnosis to come to orgasm. Sometimes, the hypnosis runs quite deep to "trick" myself into feeling a kind of sexual attraction or at least lust towards someone/something (like a picture or so). It has helped me though because ... who doesn't like orgasming. (I've tried, I can't get there without hypnosis.)

I'd say that my hypno-fetish takes up about 70-80% of anything in my life that's sexual. That's a lot, huh? It's how I grew into it, how I finally dared explore and how I still only enjoy "enjoying myself". It's a two-faced coin. On one side, yay, I finally get what the fuss about sex is! Pretty much a decade too late, but better late than never, right? On the other side, ... I could've been perfectly happy never being confused by sexual feelings until I'd come to terms with being an asexual with aesthetic attraction and a sporadic, low sex drive.

All in all... I hate that I have it. But the community (and porn) is so nice that I can't hate where it got me.
03/15/18 03:24AM
My "fetish" is enjoyable to me and is interesting to think about sometimes, but is overall not something I take seriously. Much like my own asexuality, though it is not as severe as that described above. I've known I was different for a while, but I can't say I've ever particularly cared about the sexual aspects or how they relate to my life. Hypno-fetish is not why I'm weird, nor does it seem to be the other way around, so outside of philosophical questions my main response to the effect it's had on my life would be a resounding "meh."

I like what I like, and I'm comfortable with that.
03/15/18 09:53AM
LillyTank said:
Is your fetish a hindrance?

More like I'm a hindrance to my fetish. My extreme trust issues make it difficult for me to share my desires with anybody, and especially difficult for me to allow myself to be vulnerable. This makes it very difficult for me to actually see my fetish as anything other than a personal fantasy.

But it hasn't really hindered me. My hypnosis fetish has never prevented me from getting off in other ways or forming new relationships. If vanilla porn doesn't interest me at a given time, I just mentally recontextualize it into something hypnosis-related (or my one other fetish, which at this time is a lot harder for me to understand.)

I'll say this much: it has made the use of hypnosis and mind control in popular fiction a little awkward for me. Example: trying to watch the first half of season 3 of Gotham while in the same room as my teenage cousin. That was awkward.

Has it helped you somehow?

It's helped me achieve somewhat stronger orgasms, it's helped me to explore my sexuality, and it's helped me to understand some of my other kinks.

Hopefully some day it will also inspire me to attempt trusting others and sharing my feelings.

How much would you say it has defined your sexuality?


Are you glad that you have it or do you regret it on some level for one reason or another?

Put simply, there are definitely much easier fetishes to have. I like what I have because I have it, so there's no point in regretting it. I guess I should just be thankful it's not a fetish that causes utter revulsion in others.

Hypnosis Fetish: How Do You See Yours'?

It's a part of me, the same as my hair color or weiner size.
03/15/18 01:01PM
JTT said:

Out of what?
03/15/18 05:30PM
LillyTank said:
Out of what?

03/15/18 09:24PM
LillyTank said:
Out of what?

It's just five units.
03/15/18 10:53PM
LillyTank said:
I've read a number of threads discussing people and how their hypnofetishes and I thought that I'd make my own.

... why

Everybody loves describing himself.. but... I'd rather get to know you by deep diving why you want those questions.
03/16/18 04:01AM
It's a massive hindrance. Someday not too long from now I would like to find someone I can share the walk of life with. It's kind of hard to do any scientifically rigorous research involving sex, but all modern studies suggest that sexual compatibility is a huge factor in the long-term success of romantic relationships. And when I picture myself in a long-term sexual relationship with someone who's not at all into mind control... maybe I haven't found "the one" yet, but I just can't see it happening.

This not only massively restricts the dating pool, it makes the dating pool essentially invisible. It's very hard to filter for this stuff up-front, it's probably my biggest hang-up, and the worst part is that unlike many of my other ones, it's not all in my head. It's actually for real extremely awkward to broach kink stuff without anonymity, especially if it's a top-5 type of kink (bondage, feet, etc.). This makes me demotivated from even trying to date at all. I'm an introvert, so just being "on" for an entire date would be draining and stressful enough, and combine that with an expected value an order of magnitude lower than a typical person? Why bother?

I think sexuality is one clear and obvious case where it is simply better to be typical. If everyone were gender-normative, straight, and kinkless then we'd all have a lot easier time finding partners. (edit: I realized much later that "pansexual" would be even better than "straight", but I think selection pressure would likely put everyone right back into "mostly straight" within a hundred years.)

But that's not going to happen any time soon so I'm glad that at least this site is here.

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