03/13/18 08:54PM
Fetishistic Weirdness: What Is the Obsession?
Hey again,

I have yet another thread to ask about a topic that I myself have found somewhat intriguing from the moment I learned of it. That topic is the more twisted, heavy and darker elements of the fetish world.

We all know that the H&MC fetish area is almost completely subsumed by content that is either tragic, depraved, grotesque or just plain weird in its outright inanity.

I was hoping to be able to discuss with you all why that might be?

No matter where you look, in content from both the western or eastern parts of the net you'll no shortage of the types of things I've mentioned where something will make you wonder if the person fapping to it is really alright.

Let us begin an open dialogue that I ask all will handle responsibly. I didn't make this thread to out anyone or make people feel terrible about themselves as I suspect (with nary a doubt) that this is a deeply sensitive issue for most.

So please do not feel as though your being targeted or persecuted as on this site you are likely not even a minority but that's another discussion. One that might be had here or elsewhere. I'd like to let you know that I'm okay with you and would only like more insight into the mindsets and habits of people here.

Thank you all and please post uninhibitedly.

To summarize, I am only referring to sub/side fetishes and subject matter that are at times found associated with this site. Not the hypnosis&mind control fetish directly. I would like to know why dark, and more disturbing subject matter are more closely associated with outside or vaguely related fetishes as opposed to the main fetish of this site.
03/13/18 10:37PM
I like this fetish because it gives me control over someone else. I've never really had control over much in my life, but having control over another person's actions makes me feel good in some way. Like I finally get to be dominant. Does anyone else just like the control aspect over someone, like you can get them to call you "Master" and they'll do anything you say without question?
03/13/18 10:39PM
I'm into it because I find it hot when girls are weak and sleepy and/or really turned on by weird, generally-seen-as-bad things like slavery, humiliation, etc. It's not even that I like inflicting these things, I just find it hot when they happen to women who are turned on by them.

And as it turns out, this fetish allows for both situations.
03/13/18 10:52PM
Honestly, I'm not really sure what you're referring to. Tragic, depraved, grotesque or just plain weird, was it? Tragic in what way, depraved how? These words are quite subjective, and I for one am having a hard time saying just how dark and twisted we're talking here. For all I know you could be referring to a hell of a lot of what most people here and possibly other (fetishistic) parts of the net would consider mundane, or at least quaint and then just go on about their day.

Point is, please elaborate.
03/13/18 11:55PM
Honestly, the appeal to me of putting another under of being put under freedom. Freedom from all the stress, anxiety, fear, anger and sadness that the real world around us brings about, fantasizing about hypnosis just put me at ease...knowing that I’ve released someone, or that I’ve been released, from the torment of the horrible things that this world just seems to love bringing out nowadays fills me with some kind of satisfaction.

But at the same time, that’s what makes me feel bad about it. What if the person I put under in my dream was actively fighting to make this world a better place? What if I’ve taken away someone who didn’t want to give up and hide? What if I’m doing something horribly wrong? Hell, It feels like I already am but...that’s for another time.

...oh I’m sorry, this isn’t the vent thread. (Sarcasm)
03/14/18 12:05AM
Defcon7 said:
Honestly, the appeal to me of putting another under of being put under freedom. Freedom from all the stress, anxiety, fear, anger and sadness that the real world around us brings about, fantasizing about hypnosis just put me at ease...knowing that I’ve released someone, or that I’ve been released, from the torment of the horrible things that this world just seems to love bringing out nowadays fills me with some kind of satisfaction.

But at the same time, that’s what makes me feel bad about it. What if the person I put under in my dream was actively fighting to make this world a better place? What if I’ve taken away someone who didn’t want to give up and hide? What if I’m doing something horribly wrong? Hell, It feels like I already am but...that’s for another time.

...oh I’m sorry, this isn’t the vent thread. (Sarcasm)

Honestly I'd only really put anyone who's given up on life and wants a second chance under my control. It would give them a purpose, even if it's serving someone else.
03/14/18 12:15AM
TheKinkyFinn said:
Honestly, I'm not really sure what you're referring to. Tragic, depraved, grotesque or just plain weird, was it? Tragic in what way, depraved how? These words are quite subjective, and I for one am having a hard time saying just how dark and twisted we're talking here. For all I know you could be referring to a hell of a lot of what most people here and possibly other (fetishistic) parts of the net would consider mundane, or at least quaint and then just go on about their day.

Point is, please elaborate.

Right, I probably could've afforded to expound a bit. When I say tragic I'm referring to things like, rape, netorare (google it), murder, or perhaps even corruption in many case. Y'know, stuff that a lot of people might actually find saddening were they to empathize with characters anymore than the might be intended to by the author.

Regarding my use of the word "depraved". What comes to mind then is usually the types of things you might most often find on the Japanese hentai websites. They are things like, those nose hooks prodded into a person's nostrils to make them look more pig like. Other examples include things like scat, urination and snuff.

I would also be referring to things like the reduction of characters to breeding livestock and all the vacant eyed or horrified looking expressions you'll get when you see a girl in a hentai that contains MC.

Though you didn't exactly ask I would also like to go into what I meant by the other two terms; those being, grotesque and "just plain weird in its outright inanity".

The latter of these two things are mostly likely to be found in the western content of H&MC.
That which is grotesque is par for the course for things like adult fetish material but I feel like something of that sort is often brought to an extreme when they wind up here or other places your more likely to see it. Examples include, gelatinous tentacle monsters, swapped orifices, parasites, full-on vore (with implied death) and body altering parasites.

The last is mostly found in western content. Although the Japanese do it too, and when they do it they're "a bit" more hardcore than the west...
Examples of the weirdness include, transformation, clownification, bimbofication and... I don't know... robot's or something... I'll admit it's all somewhat nebulous.

Anyway, I'm not referring to this fetish itself. That actually the topic of this thread here:

I'm actually asking about the side and/or sub-fetishes that you might find associated with this fetish.

I apologize for the lack of clarity and I correct the OP right away.
03/14/18 12:19AM
Honestly as long as I don't have it blacklisted I have no issue when it comes to our fetish.

Young me who was taking his first steps into the realms of fetish and porn, accidentally stumbled into some fetishes that still make me squeamish to this day.

(I don't want to really go into it too deeply, but if anyone watched AHS Freakshow you have an idea of one of the things I may have bumped into, then immediately puked)

Anyways, the thing with MC and Hypnosis stuff is... typically in our fetish you have two approaches. Either people's minds are changed to be okay with hypnosis, or people's minds are "blanked" so they don't have an opinion.

I would prefer the former in a case where the target of the MC is made a nice hypno-slave. It's a bit of a cop out but I mean... they are now fine with it, and typically enjoy it. Yes, the Dom *made* them think that but typically they are given genuine approval and joy from it.

Then there's the "Blank" form which I personally prefer in more light-hearted MC so things like stage show scenarios. It's all in good fun, and may go a little over the edge but ultimately has no intent other than for fun.

I guess my point is, there's WAY worse out there, and if you actively avoid points where our fetish dips into the pools of the worse ones you're fine. At least, in my opinion.
03/14/18 12:27AM
LillyTank said:
Wall of Text

Well, with the exception of some of the things you put in the "weirdness" category... *shudders*

Half of that I had never even heard of, and the other half is stuff I eluded to above.

As for the weirdness, I don't necessarily "like" things like Clownification, but I don't necessarily hate it. It's just kinda one of those things that I don't really get into fetish wise but can be enjoyable as a bit of stupid fanfic stuff.

The only one I'm not down with is babification. I don't like the idea of babies acting like babies. Adults acting like babies makes me wanna slam my face into a brick wall...
03/14/18 02:28AM
I think the reason why I like hypnotism as a fetish so much is that it involves entering a different mindspace that what you're typically use to, either to the inductor or inductee. A person who's typically demanding becomes subservient or vice versa, someone who overthinks things doesn't think anything at all, giving the keys over to someone you trust or don't trust - It's all endlessly fascinating to me. I actually had a talk about my mom with this and she pretty much got it, though something she did say was that where as I would prefer to have subjects who forgot what happened to them, she'd want to them to remember and even be aware of what happening. She likes the humiliation.

Something that I also like, mainly in a fandom way, is seeing a character acting or dressed in a way you don't seem from them. It can honestly look pretty sexy.
03/14/18 05:13AM
In terms of visual appeal, I find I really enjoy the altered state of mind, dazed expressions, and stuff like that- has more appeal than the look and feel of regular porn.

In terms of the psychological "tragic backstory" reason, it's because I've never felt like i was in control of my love/sex life life. I've never done anything inherently "bad" to sabotage my relationships (threats, cheating, violence, acting like a neckbeard, etc.) but it always feels like I've been denied in a way fitting the "yank the dog's chain" trope- Either I have an interest in a girl and she doesn't, I have potential with someone, but it ends abruptly for irrational reasons, or I'm actually in a relationship with someone, but they're never in the mood or end up leaving me for another irrational reason. My primary goal all my life has been to be in a relationship that lasts, with a satisfying sex life, so thanks to a lifetime of "oh, almost, but not this time", nothing sounds like a better form of wish fulfillment than the fantasy of being able to take all those missed chances and saying "overruled. You're coming home with me, and you're going to enjoy it." and having them respond with a smile and a "yes master".

Ooof, this turned into something that belongs in the vent thread.
03/14/18 06:38AM
I think for most people it is a combination of the sleepiness of the subject (in most cases when he/she is barely clothed) and the power to make someone do something he/she normally would not do (even though some fun-killers always state that this is not how hypnosys works ...).

This can go from molding a stuck up character into a mellow one, till completely changing the personality/behaviour.

And of course this works well with other fetishes people have, so they incorporate these into their stories/manips.

Mindcollector13 said:
I guess my point is, there's WAY worse out there, and if you actively avoid points where our fetish dips into the pools of the worse ones you're fine. At least, in my opinion.

We are pretty tame. I remember when someone used a religious symbol for hypnotization and some people just went rampage in the comments until the creator added the "religious" tag. Guess what, there is still only one picture with that tag on the page. Still doesn't save us from all going to hell eventually if you've been naughty. :)
03/14/18 08:01AM
LillyTank said:
[...]When I say tragic I'm referring to things like, rape, netorare (google it), murder, or perhaps even corruption in many case. Y'know, stuff that a lot of people might actually find saddening were they to empathize with characters anymore than the might be intended to by the author.

'Kay, this is something I can comment on.
-Rape is something I recall giving my two cents about (sort of, it was on the topic of why the (male) dom is often depicted as fat, ugly or otherwise low attractiveness). I won't pretend like a lot of this fetish doesn't revolve around what could conceivably be rape, but then again depending on how you view it, even a fair bit of regular human courtship has certain 'rapey' vibes to it. And just to point out, these fantasies aren't just things men enjoy: rape fantasies are recorded as one of the most common ones among women. There's a reason Fifty Shades is as popular as it is, and it ain't 'cause of men. So, basically, I reckon it's just how humans operate.
-Netorare: no need to google that m'boy, it's not my first day on the internet. All I'll say on this is that for reasons that I shan't rant about lest I get the thread locked down ten times over, cuckoldry has become a thing both in glorious Nippon and in the western world. I have had the "pleasure" of being exposed to a few western articles of real life "cucks" explaining their proclivities, and from what I'm gathering it's either soft submission to a woman (i.e. not restricting her freedom even when it comes to upholding marital vows), or getting off on shame/humiliation, which could simply be rationalization of the former.
-Murder/Corruption: Don't recall a lot of murder on here specifically, but I guess some people are just into the whole praying mantis thing, or the reverse of it. As for corruption... Eh, some people like the idea of stained purity or something, it's one of those things where I just shrug and move on.

[...] those nose hooks prodded into a person's nostrils to make them look more pig like.

Yeah, never understood those. Looks painful to me.

Other examples include things like scat, urination and snuff.

Yeah, diapers and stuff is just weird. In fact, I recall a video that talked about animals having a instinctual aversion to fecal matter. <<|Link>> (do be warned, it's an evil, no-good antifeminist alt-right furry or something.)
Point is, it's actually against our instincts to be sexually attracted to these things, so your guess is as good as mine. *Shrugs*

I would also be referring to things like the reduction of characters to breeding livestock and all the vacant eyed or horrified looking expressions you'll get when you see a girl in a hentai that contains MC.

Another thing I've little to comment on (as in not my kettle of fish), safe that I'm not entirely sure 'vacant eyed' is particularly bad in and of itself.

Examples include, gelatinous tentacle monsters, swapped orifices, parasites, full-on vore (with implied death) and body altering parasites.

-Tentacle monstahs: I'm assuming you're referring to stuff like being dissolved/assimilated instead of just the texture and material of the thing. Anyway, again, not my fetish, nor do I know much on it, so skip.
-Swapped orifices: As in ass-to-mouth, or...?
-Parasites: I know right, creepy fuckers. They just loiter around, eat, and don't pay rent.
-Vore: Again, praying mantises I guess. If there's something stronger than our self-preservation instinct, it's probably our mating instinct (every one of our ancestors did mate after all, while only some practiced self-preservation), so as long as you find being eaten sexy...
Body altering parasites: More or less covered in corruption and parasites.

The last is mostly found in western content. Although the Japanese do it too, and when they do it they're "a bit" more hardcore than the west...
Examples of the weirdness include, transformation, clownification, bimbofication and... I don't know... robot's or something... I'll admit it's all somewhat nebulous.

Yeah, transformation and the like I just find baffling, not the least because typically the clothes transform alongside the physical form. At that point we're so far in Absurdistan that I just can't take the stuff seriously.
03/15/18 03:05AM
I'll try not to repeat anything that's been said before.

For the rape bit: there's a certain... I think evolutionary attraction to not being able to stave off a strong man coming to fuck you. His genes would definitely be the strongest, the best at survival, the best at reproducing. I have it, it freaks me out a bit at times, but that's where hypnosis comes in -- somehow, it feels like... if you didn't really want it, you wouldn't get hypnotised and all it does is makes your inhibitions a bit less. Idk I rationalise this a lot in my mind. Probably to lowkey keep from going insane.

[spoiler=Some creepy observations about death.]I'm also into vore. Not necessarily death, or at least not gory death but only because I have a thing about blood. Getting slowly digested without feeling it though, just get swallowed in lust and extacy until eventually you get swallowed by the great, dark sleep? It sounds heavenly to me... and that statement I know is kindof fucked up and very non-survivalist. But say your death is what you felt in those last moments, wouldn't you rather it be mind-boggling pleasure than agony?[/spoiler]

Now tentacles, boii, that's all about hyperstimulation. All sides, no rest, just locked in receiving pleasure with no say in it. Kindof an S&M thing I guess :P the whole lose-your-mind-to-pleasure thing is what I want, so badly. Whether that mind-numbing pleasure comes from hypnosis or tentacles, or perhaps a combination of the two -- don't mind if I do~ As an over-thinking control-freak whose mind never, ever shuts up, sign me the fuck up. Please.

As to why tentacles > penises, I think it's because... they seem more hell-bent on pleasuring you than receiving their own pleasure, somehow? Plus, there's more of them, they're more flexible and can reach all the places, ... yapp. Especially the gel-variety. They can ooze into everything, no itchiness or too little lubrication because they ARE the lubrication!
03/15/18 09:07PM
When it comes to hypnosis and other fetishes closely related to the warping of the mind it can become dark the harder you think about it. One of my big fetishes which is age regression is something I haven't thought would be problematic seeing as all the images I look at involve people above the age of consent but thinking about the logistics of it reverting a persons mind to a state of a child then doing lewd things is pretty messed up. Even though the fact their mind is in a child like state isn't the erotic part to me instead the sub acting like a fool and being humiliated being the main factor for why I enjoy the fetish. It can still be unsettling to think about how the fetish works and has at times nearly put me off the fetish completely when thinking too hard about it.

Some other fetishes I have that can be considered depraved or unusal at things like scat and urination however I only enjoy those kinda things in certain conditions. I have quite a weak stomach when it comes to disgusting things which is pretty ironic because I'm into scat/urination however I can only handle it when it's unseen under clothing or a diaper with the stain through the clothing not bothering me. I don't mind seeing it if it's in 2D works but I can't stand real life videos that show people pissing and shitting on themselves or others. Similar to my feelings with age regression the fetish is something I don't specifically like but the way the fetish can be used to humiliate a sub is what I like.

Again other weird fetishes like clownification, bimboification, inanimate TF and other similarly quirky and silly fetishes all revolve around the concept of humiliation. Just putting someone in an embarassing situation by transforming them or altering their mind to enjoy it or subconciously know what's happening but be powerless to stop is something I find really erotic.

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