03/15/18 12:06AM
Black People/ Predominantly African People (In Any Regard) with Hypnosis, Mind Control and/or Brain-Washing Fetishes
Greetings Again Everyone,

I might have said this before in all my years in this community but I find myself at odds and against a lot of the off topic and pop-cultural trends that are commonly discussed on the forums. More importantly I don't entirely like much of the various terms, tropes archetypes and perspectives towards and within this fetish community that are presented on the site.

To sum it up, I guess that I'm trying to say that I don't entirely feel like I fit into the molds presented and provided here on this site. Sorry if this seems repetitive or oddly familiar at all. I might have made a thread like this before.

Basically, this got me thinking that maybe there might be a various reason, cause or correlation of factors in the disparity I feel from majority of characteristics and appeals expressed so often on this site.

The thing is that this is all kind-of stemming from a sense of insecurity I've had about the site and it's various viewpoints and subject matter. So I have, over time and deliberation, come to a state of mind where I kind of want to understand myself a bit better.

I'm an African-American male in his mid-twenties, whose been apart of this community long before I even should have been.
I've seen a lot and red a lot but I've been wondering for the longest time about the various backgrounds of the people here.
I have often thought the majority is almost certainly not black but I was wondering who all here was also African American or indeed anything and how do you feel your individual background as a member of any minority group has effected your personal feelings with this fetish?

This all just for the sake of a dialogue and developing broader or more insightful perspectives. I'm don't mean to single any group out in any way that might make any individual feel uncomfortable.
In fact, I'd be quite alright with anyone, including those who might find themselves identifying outside any minority group, posting in this thread with there own personal experiences and perspectives in regards to how the feel about this fetish.

I would like everyone to feel free to say how much they want or how little. I will not penalize a single choice made either way.

I want to know if there are any other Black/African American or other groups here so I'm asking, for purely research purposes in attempts to gain introspective into the nature of a personal disparity I have had since childhood. I hope that's alright.

I would also like to leave this poll here just in case it makes it easier to collect data:
Regarding black minorities and hypnofetishism

Regarding Specifics (Sort-of...)

Disclaimer: Polls maybe subject to errors

So that said, if anyone has any thoughts, concerns or suggestions for improvement then please let me know here or by d-mail.

Thank you and please be civil.

03/15/18 12:28AM
I think hypnofetishism is a very personal thing, not a broader cultural thing. Hypnosis in general seems to play nicely with a very wide assortment of other fetishes, so what aspects of mind control or hypnosis you are most interested in would be affected by your own personal desires or needs.

I think what would be more useful for understanding the disparity between what you enjoy in hypno content and what it seems like everyone else enjoys would be to consider what you, specifically, like best and why you might find it appealing. I'm not sure this poll would actually answer your main question. Probably you might get more of an answer by looking at one of the threads where people shared what got them interested in hypnosis and comparing their reasons to yours.
03/15/18 12:55AM
Changer said:
I think hypnofetishism is a very personal thing, not a broader cultural thing. Hypnosis in general seems to play nicely with a very wide assortment of other fetishes, so what aspects of mind control or hypnosis you are most interested in would be affected by your own personal desires or needs.

I think what would be more useful for understanding the disparity between what you enjoy in hypno content and what it seems like everyone else enjoys would be to consider what you, specifically, like best and why you might find it appealing. I'm not sure this poll would actually answer your main question. Probably you might get more of an answer by looking at one of the threads where people shared what got them interested in hypnosis and comparing their reasons to yours.

You might be right. I actually, sorta kinda not really made a thread about that already. Though, regardless, it's hard to collect data from people on this site. It's not entirely puzzling why, it's just difficult to trifle with at times when looking for insight into the community itself.
03/15/18 01:38AM
I am black and I've been into hypnosis since I was a kid.

It's the only fetish / kink I have actually.

Don't know what input you would like to have in this thread but I voted and yea.
03/15/18 01:59AM
HypnoFinder said:
I am black and I've been into hypnosis since I was a kid.

It's the only fetish / kink I have actually.

Don't know what input you would like to have in this thread but I voted and yea.

Thanks for your input, it really helps a lot in a more personal way I've found.
In truth, I have made and viewed many other threads about understanding different aspects of people in this fetish and I find that sometimes the same questions are asked. So I decided to ask a question that was more personal to me that had certainly never been asked before. I don't know what all it could mean, myself, to be honest but I believe it could be worth something overall.

For now, I'd just be glad to know that I'm not the only black person in the world whose into hypnosis like this.

Also, same, it's my one and only fetish. I've actually come to value it as such, so much to the point where I don't like to see it as a fetish. Rather I'd prefer to refer to it as a complex. For that reason I created the term psymicon. and have decided to see myself as that from now on.
03/15/18 02:08AM
I vote for more representation of black people in hypnosis, and if possible as doms.
Michelle Obama as BNWO President 2020.
03/15/18 02:09AM
Question that I'd like to ask you but have you seen Get Out? I'd be curious to see what your thoughts on that film is with how it uses a hypnotism-infused metaphor for minority oppression by white people.
03/15/18 03:01AM
Contorted said:
Question that I'd like to ask you but have you seen Get Out? I'd be curious to see what your thoughts on that film is with how it uses a hypnotism-infused metaphor for minority oppression by white people.

Honestly, I haven't seen the movie yet. I've heard only good things. I have had the plot spoiled a number of times so I think I know the gist of what you're referring to.

It seems clever to me but regardless anything that uses hypnosis and mind control in a creepy way is enough to drive me away. Still, I'll give the movie a chance regardless.
03/15/18 03:06AM
LillyTank said:
Honestly, I haven't seen the movie yet. I've heard only good things. I have had the plot spoiled a number of times so I think I know the gist of what you're referring to.

It seems clever to me but regardless anything that uses hypnosis and mind control in a creepy way is enough to drive me away. Still, I'll give the movie a chance regardless.

It really is quite good. Lots of insightful commentary mixed with a potent combination of horror and humor (not surprising, given who its written by). Kind of screws up in the last ten minutes with an oddly rushed climax but overall, very worth checking out.
03/16/18 02:06PM
I'm glad a thread like this exists, and I dearly hope it can remain on track. My skin tone roughly matches the box I'm typing in right now, but I'm always interested in, and try to be mindful of, how concepts core to this fetish relate differently to folks with different backgrounds than mine. I think doing so can only make me better at making art that appeal to people (which is my goal, after all), and I'd urge anyone not to be dismissive of such things.
All this to say I hope you find what you're looking for with this thread, LT. Same for anyone else interested in the topic. =)
03/16/18 08:45PM
Allow me to preface this by saying I don't mean to offend anyone, but naturally even having this warning means I do think it's a good possibility. I've been curious about something for a while, and this thread seems to be a place to explore it. Since this is directed towards those of African ancestry, I hope to understand that perspective in addition to my own. (Just say the word and I will delete this post immediately.)

I live in the US, in a region most would refer to as the "deep south" and as such have a bit of experience in a few, let's call them sensitive cultural matters. While on HypnoHub, there's a word I see very often that in most other contexts is profoundly negative, but here is often a positive; the goal, even. Of course, the word I'm referring to is "slave." Outside of HypnoHub, one has to be careful when using this word, and I've run afoul of some extreme attitudes on it in the past. My environment lends itself to some particular relevance.

Enough tiptoeing around it, though: How do you feel about the word "slave" in the context of hypnosis and mind control? Is it different from how you feel outside of it? Is a hypnotic Master/slave relationship a sensitive issue?

One thing I noticed a while back was that in the Francesca's Magic Show series, there was one comic where Francesca <<|casually addressed Candela as 'slave'>> and no one batted an eye. I'm not sure anyone even noticed. Even so, I'm glad it did not lead to the shouting match I was expecting to see in the comments, especially given how conscious everyone is of similar things these days. To be honest it kind of gave me hope that things can change, even if it seems this image passed here because most of us want to be the slave. We're all equal when the pendulum starts swinging, right? (Everyone is equal below Mistress.)
03/16/18 08:57PM
I am Black and i've been very curious to know so i'm also very glad that you've explored this topic LillyTank lol.

One side of me shared thoughts similar to yours, that "the majority of the hub is almost certainly not black". These thoughts are probably the by-product of being in a minority IRL.
But then for some reason i always felt like there was some sort of correlation. (don't know if i should say much about that here lol).

But yeah, it's very interesting to see (judging by the results of the poll) that there are a handful of people of colour, more than i expected.
03/17/18 07:07AM
Obscenario said:
Allow me to preface this by saying I don't mean to offend anyone, but naturally even having this warning means I do think it's a good possibility. I've been curious about something for a while, and this thread seems to be a place to explore it. Since this is directed towards those of African ancestry, I hope to understand that perspective in addition to my own. (Just say the word and I will delete this post immediately.)

I live in the US, in a region most would refer to as the "deep south" and as such have a bit of experience in a few, let's call them sensitive cultural matters. While on HypnoHub, there's a word I see very often that in most other contexts is profoundly negative, but here is often a positive; the goal, even. Of course, the word I'm referring to is "slave." Outside of HypnoHub, one has to be careful when using this word, and I've run afoul of some extreme attitudes on it in the past. My environment lends itself to some particular relevance.

Enough tiptoeing around it, though: How do you feel about the word "slave" in the context of hypnosis and mind control? Is it different from how you feel outside of it? Is a hypnotic Master/slave relationship a sensitive issue?

One thing I noticed a while back was that in the Francesca's Magic Show series, there was one comic where Francesca <<|casually addressed Candela as 'slave'>> and no one batted an eye. I'm not sure anyone even noticed. Even so, I'm glad it did not lead to the shouting match I was expecting to see in the comments, especially given how conscious everyone is of similar things these days. To be honest it kind of gave me hope that things can change, even if it seems this image passed here because most of us want to be the slave. We're all equal when the pendulum starts swinging, right? (Everyone is equal below Mistress.)

Warning: Huge wall of text to follow. Click only once prepare.

First let me just say that I think that this is a great question and I'm glad you asked it. In fact, I've been hoping to answer a question like this for quite some time now. I, personally, don't take any offense by that as I think you're just expressing a desire to learn about others.

I live around the northern Philadelphia area so I've only ever heard... mentions about places like the deep south..., a lot of mentions actually but nothing all that specific. In all fairness, I feel that there are plenty of culturally sensitive matters where I've grown up as well; as I suspect there are in most of the world.

As far my feelings towards the word "slave" go, I can only speak for myself as an individual, not necessarily as a member of the black community, however I do suspect there to be a correlation worth noting.

In the first place, I've actually always felt the entire fetishistic "master&slave" paradigm to be far too deeply conflated with the hypnosis fetish as a whole.
I find the two to have relatively similar but ultimately separate appeals. As such being the case (to me at least), I don't really see one as being a necessary part of the other nor do I see any reason to associate the two as if they are.
In my world view, the two are capable of being appreciated autonomously.
It's actually one of the reasons I've taken to referring to myself as a psymicon in an effort to differentiate myself from the most common ways of this site.

I've honestly never felt the need to be called anything like "master" at least for any outright sexual reason and to this day I've yet to figure out why the majority of active members on this site appear to fixate on that aspect of this fetish. I kind of think that it detracts from creativity overall.
As far as the word slave goes, as some might guess, I don't think it's needed or appropriate with how much it's spammed in nearly every text bearing image on this site. It might be redundant to ask this but isn't it all just a bit ridiculous when you step back (so to speak) and take a look at it?
To me hypnosis and even mind control (to the extant that I might choose define it in any varying fantasy context) is more about influences and the nature of such influences as well as the nature in those being influenced and those doing the influencing.
It's because I feel that way that I've never quite care for the brunt of this site's content that tend to just jump to the conclusion of "now I own you" and nearly everything else is just a story saying "this is how I came to own this person".
When it came to femdom stuff I was regrettably a bit more forgiving, especially sense most of those were about the induction and that's kind of what you come to a hypno-fetish site to see. However, I eventually came to find that the lot of that sort of content was written by malesubs who get off being enslaved themselves. I guess it was just easier to accept when I though it was women a desire to be dominant and could appreciate a good induction, idk...
Either way if I had to say what kind of femdom inductions that I could appreciate were they would probably include more imagery, less focus on sexual stimulation (since as a psymicon that's redundant for me to the point of negation), and lastly (if this wasn't obvious) no talk of slavery or anything else degrading or dehumanizing. (Like maybe, a type of pet talk or something if they can make it sound sincere or endearing enough but it would have to blend rather well with the image and scenario.)

As far as people not reacting to various images on this site go, I would say it's a number of factors.

1. A lot of dark-skinned characters on this site are not exactly what a majority of a lot of people I know might consider black.
2. I imagine that most of this community tend to separate their usage of the word from the IRL stuff. That's made all the easier by the fact that most of this stuff is just drawings along with real women who actually want to be seen in that way by fappers (or perhaps I should say wankers lol).
3. People on this site tend to enter, predisposed to saying such things and on some level I think we're all expected to.

I also believe that things can one day change but think that it will take a lot of communication and understanding between everyone involved. I find a lot of people don't tend to bother as much with this stuff and there have be times where I really felt that I understood why. Nevertheless, I feel that if clear and specific goals became something shared by the majority of people, it would possible to see a workable path an age where can respect one another.

Sorry for the long post I hope this makes up for a little: wheredidmylifegoblogerino...i-potato-throws-shade.png

03/17/18 12:02PM
i'm a mutt so maybe this is only half an opinion, but the whole "slave" thing never bothered me much. Like if the fetish a person likes here is total dominance over another human being or gradually eroding their free will until they do whatever theyre told (especially if u wanna get into the whole consent thing) then i'm not sure why they would quibble over terms.

obviously not all content needs it and if you dont like it its your deal, but many blogs that sell themselves as more inclusive use terms like "pet" or "toy" and to me those always seem similarly dehumanizing even if they dont necessarily have the same association.

i personally like the whole objectifying/humiliating aspect in some stuff either fem/maledom and slave seems like the appropriate term for that kinda thing, i respect not wanting it shoved down your throat but i also dont think it needs to go anywhere,

id rather just increase the number of alternatives rather than decrease the amount of stuff that has it
03/17/18 02:26PM
AcidPanic said:
i'm a mutt so maybe this is only half an opinion, but the whole "slave" thing never bothered me much. Like if the fetish a person likes here is total dominance over another human being or gradually eroding their free will until they do whatever theyre told (especially if u wanna get into the whole consent thing) then i'm not sure why they would quibble over terms.

obviously not all content needs it and if you dont like it its your deal, but many blogs that sell themselves as more inclusive use terms like "pet" or "toy" and to me those always seem similarly dehumanizing even if they dont necessarily have the same association.

i personally like the whole objectifying/humiliating aspect in some stuff either fem/maledom and slave seems like the appropriate term for that kinda thing, i respect not wanting it shoved down your throat but i also dont think it needs to go anywhere,

id rather just increase the number of alternatives rather than decrease the amount of stuff that has it

Agreed, I'm more about breaking things down to see why and how they are than I am about trying to keep others from enjoying them.
This thread is more about ascertaining the number of Black/African Descended people on this site and discerning and assessing their relative interests in regards to the themes and subject matters pertaining to this site in an effort to gain further perspective and introspective.
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