03/16/18 07:33PM
Okay, I want an OC, dammit. Who does cheap commissions?
Or given that my birthday's coming up soon, anyone feel like drawing me as a gift?

I know I'm nowhere near as popular as people like Crimson, PokémonGirl and others, but every time I see pictures of them I get super envious. I want in on that action.

So if anyone's willing to draw me and not charge a ton of money, please let me know. My email is [email protected] and I can be found on Discord as twilightL#5551.
03/16/18 07:36PM
You're not only one who want's an OC.
03/16/18 08:58PM
I've been doing headshot commissions for a little while, $18 each. There's quite a few left to do on my queue at the moment, but if you don't mind the wait I can squeeze you in at the end of it. They look like this:

Snake tails or tentacles are no extra charge as well, however the only snake I won't draw is Kaa. :)
03/16/18 11:35PM
geekgirl8 said:
I've been doing headshot commissions for a little while, $18 each. There's quite a few left to do on my queue at the moment, but if you don't mind the wait I can squeeze you in at the end of it. They look like this:

Snake tails or tentacles are no extra charge as well, however the only snake I won't draw is Kaa. :)

I should really hire yo sometime.

Cause those are good prices.

As for twilightL I look forward to seeing what your OC looks like. Always nice to see new faces around
03/17/18 12:51AM
I'm not sure what your budget is, but my commission info is here, if you'd like it:
03/19/18 02:48AM
Gojulas drew me, because he is awesome. All hail Gojulas.

So there's my reference pic. Feel free to draw me in whatever lewd situations you can think of. I'll be waiting for the flood of twilight pics on the hub.

(in my dreams)
03/19/18 03:01AM
twilightL said:
Gojulas drew me, because he is awesome. All hail Gojulas.

So there's my reference pic. Feel free to draw me in whatever lewd situations you can think of. I'll be waiting for the flood of twilight pics on the hub.

(in my dreams)

Might take you up on that but would like to know about personality and such. DM me the details.
03/19/18 03:44AM
twilightL said:
Gojulas drew me, because he is awesome. All hail Gojulas.

So there's my reference pic. Feel free to draw me in whatever lewd situations you can think of. I'll be waiting for the flood of twilight pics on the hub.

(in my dreams)

Well you're certainly a lucky one.

I have ideas for an OC, but I still can't figure out the exact appearance.
03/19/18 04:34AM
What is it with everyone wanting an OC? It's like we're the deviantart for hypnosis fetishists.
03/19/18 05:25AM
SexyHex said:
What is it with everyone wanting an OC? It's like we're the deviantart for hypnosis fetishists.

I think its helps immerse ourselves in our hypno fetish. I also think it's fun to create a character and have it become part of a community.
03/19/18 05:35AM
DarkMask said:
I think its helps immerse ourselves in our hypno fetish. I also think it's fun to create a character and have it become part of a community.

I think (for some people) they feel jealous that someone has an OC, so they create their own, but then some people believe they have to create one, then it's just the domino effect...and then there's the response I quoted, those 3 things usually lead someone to creating an OC but sometimes people do it for other reasons as well.
03/19/18 05:47AM
Hypnosis-guy said:
I think (for some people) they feel jealous that someone has an OC, so they create their own, but then some people believe they have to create one, then it's just the domino effect...and then there's the response I quoted, those 3 things usually lead someone to creating an OC but sometimes people do it for other reasons as well.

Yeah, I can understand the envy. I guess it just comes with the glamour of making an OC.
03/19/18 05:56AM
I know I chimed in here already, but I've been thinking about this thread (and some of the responses to it). I get the feeling there's a pretty strong demand from people for character designs to represent themselves, for the purpose of getting hypnotized. I think everyone who wants that should have the chance. Obviously, Gojulas did great work answering this particular plea, but I still thought it would be worth sharing the project idea that this thread inspired in me. The details are in the spoiler, or you can read them on my Patreon page, and consider funding the project while you're there:

Project: Induction Inclusivity

Pitch: We all know and love cuties like Erika, Pokemongirl, and Crimson (to name just a few), who make their real-life likenesses available for erotic, hypnotic fun. But what about all the other folks out there who are just as thirsty to be portrayed as hypnotized toys for the world to play with? Many of them don't have the same access to artists that allows others to be portrayed as such. And so, if this project is approved, I'll select randomly from among anyone who applies, and work closely with that person to create and develop an illustrated avatar, ready to be dropped into blissful submission!

If this goal is reached during the month of April, 2018, I'll make a patron-exclusive post asking for anyone who is interested in having me design a character to represent them to leave a comment.

A winner will be chosen randomly from among all commenters after a period of 2 weeks. If no interested parties come forward from among patrons in that time, I will make similar posts on my DeviantArt, Twitter, and Tumblr pages, as well as the HypnoHub forums, and accept entries from anyone and everyone for 2 weeks before randomly selecting a winner.
I will contact the selected winner privately via whichever platform they used to apply, and they will have 1 week to respond. A different winner, if available, will be chosen after that time if no response is received.
I will ask the winner to provide me with any means of description they choose, whether written, photographic, illustrated, etc. Descriptions that are malicious and/or hateful and/or clearly in bad faith will be tossed out, and a different winner will be chosen. (No one would really do that, right...?)

I will create a character sketch based on the provided description. Estimated completion time for this is 1 week.

Based on the winner's feedback, I will revise the sketch to get it as close as possible to the desired outcome. This step will be repeated as necessary, though I reserve the right to decide what constitutes a reasonable amount of revisions.

The final product of this process will consist of at least two full-body drawings (most likely one hypnotized and one lucid), several headshots showcasing various facial expressions, an easily-sampleable color pallet showing all colors used, and, if necessary, small diagrams showing any fine/hidden/complicated details. Estimated completion time for this is 2-4 weeks, depending on the number of revisions.

I unleash the new original avatar forth into the world, to have many hypnotic adventures!

All genders welcome to apply!

If this project is successful, it may be repeated, possibly with the stipulation that anyone, regardless of whether they pledged or not, has an equal chance of being selected!

Avatars must be human, though "accessories" like animal ears or a tail are A-OK.

Photographs submitted as part of this process may be screened for legitimacy. Anyone found to be submitting photos of someone other than themselves will be disqualified from participation.

No one will be misgendered. Any claim you make about your gender identity will not be questioned or scrutinized. (Sad that I have to include this, but I don't want anyone to feel hesitant because of it.)
03/19/18 07:01AM
twilightL said:
Gojulas drew me, because he is awesome. All hail Gojulas.

So there's my reference pic. Feel free to draw me in whatever lewd situations you can think of. I'll be waiting for the flood of twilight pics on the hub.

(in my dreams)

It’s like Imasuky said. There are still a buncha gaps you need to fill in about your character beyond the sketch. A character can look cool or cute or sexy, but they should have certain aspects/attributes that make em stand out.

Like Erika and Crystal being easily hypnotized, Karen’s plans always getting foiled, Crimson as a stepford wife, Chisty being the cute local gym trainer(/student), etc.

Even with some pics of lesser-seen OCs like Mezzberry or Cynthia May of Jyoti, you still kinda get an idea of what their whole deal is.

That isn’t to say that you therefore have to commission a ton of pics, but it’s good to have a character that we get to know more about beyond their surface level appearance. Like how do they act around others? That sorta stuff.

SexyHex said:
What is it with everyone wanting an OC? It's like we're the deviantart for hypnosis fetishists.

...Well, there’s a lot of overlap with the people that freauent DA and the Hub, so... Part of that is probably your answer.
03/19/18 02:34PM
Okay, let me give a little profile for this character then.

Name: twilight L (Yes, that's how it's spelled. And no, L isn't an initial, it's her actual last name.)
Age: Young adult
Species: Catgirl
Gender: Female
Personality: Basically a gamer and a cat. She loves video games (single-player, mostly - she doesn't play online games like LoL or Overwatch or anything like that, she prefers RPGs like Final Fantasy), pets, scritches, cuddles, cat treats, things of that nature. She acts like a cat most of the time, even though she's perfectly capable of human speech - her movements and attitude are catlike, and she often makes cat noises (like purring, meowing, hissing, trilling, etc.) to communicate. Like most cats, she has a blank expression most of the time, since she communicates her emotions mainly through her body language.
When she does talk, which is usually only when she has to, she'll say everything in a completely normal tone of voice, no matter what it is. Not emotionless or deadpan, just as if she's commenting on the weather or asking for the time. She often combines this with saying some very strange or outlandish things, and it makes it impossible to tell whether she's being sarcastic or not. (To be honest, I don't think even she knows most of the time). She tends to give weird answers to simple questions, a common one being:
"So what are you doing here?"
"Saving the world from total destruction."
A running gag I had with her in most RPs is that whenever someone called her name or tried to get her attention, she'd always look up from reaching under/into something (presumably trying to get a cat toy she was playing with that somehow ended up there).
Her favourite food is fresh salmon. She also eats mice occasionally, but not birds - she says there's too much hassle with the feathers. She'll still chase them for fun though.

Twilight's main power is her ability to use any skill she's seen in a video game before, and since she plays a lot of games, she has a lot of abilities. In battle, she usually plays the role of heal/support, using spells to recover health or buff various stats, though she has some (usually light-based) offensive spells too. Some of her favourites are:
First Aid - Minor healing spell
Photon - A small ball of light energy, shot from the end of her staff.
Flint Protect - Increases the defensive power of armour ("armour" in this case being pretty much anything someone is wearing)
Keenest - Increases a weapon's attack power (again, "weapon" is basically "anything a character uses to attack with", as long as it's a physical object)
Holy Lance - An area of effect attack that causes giant spears of light to rain down on the area. Another running gag was twilight never being able to actually hit anything with this attack, given that she can't aim it precisely and the spears are fairly widely-spaced when they fall. She can only use this once per battle.
Sacred Shine - A huge AoE light-based attack that covers the entire field in energy and damages all foes in it considerably. It's her most powerful spell, but the downside is that she has to charge for five minutes to use it, during which time she's completely defenseless.
Photon Lancer Full Autofire - A machinegun-like volley of tiny light energy needles shot from the end of her staff.
Protection - Creates a barrier around her that nullifies any attack, but can only be used for about five seconds at a time.
Wide Area Protection - Creates a dome around her that stops anything from getting in or out (if you're wondering how she still breathes, then... a wizard did it). Can be used indefinitely, but she can't really do much in the way of attacking when she's in there, so she has to come out sooner or later.
Photon Blast - Basically a stronger version of Photon.

Twilight's position as a tist/subject is basically neutral. She'll get hypnotised relatively easily (a trait she doesn't share with me, sadly), but she'll always be able to snap out of it if people push her too far. Some of her limits include:
- Doing anything sexual with guys (she's a lesbian)
- Trying to change her sexuality
- Trying to make her into any animal other than a cat (especially a dog or a cow)
- Trying to make her hurt or kill anyone
When she wants to hypnotise someone, she'll use a tiny round silver bell (think the kind you sometimes see on cat collars), which produces a beautiful sound (kind of like windchimes in a light breeze) that drowns out and neutralises all other sounds in her target's mind, leaving them empty-minded and obedient. She'll pretty much only tell them to bring her treats or pet/cuddle her, though.
(Note: While I don't mind you drawing twilight performing sexual acts with a girl, it's not in her character to order a girl to perform sexual acts with her. Twilight is not a sexual character by nature. It's fine if she's tranced, but otherwise no.)

That's all I can think of to say right now. If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me.
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