03/22/18 06:05AM
So April Fools is coming up.
Figured I should ask on the behalf of some of the more uh... high-spirited members of the hub, on what the mod's stance on the day is this year. Probably better to be disappointed now, instead of getting angry about being shot down on the day.
03/22/18 06:09AM
We were talking about doing something offical to stop a flood of shit post.

I'm still happy with the who thing I did of getting a bunch of users to change to the same avatar and then right at the end I changed my avatar.
03/24/18 01:31AM
Personally I hate everything about the holiday ;-; but like, silly stuff like more bunny girls transformations by/to easter bunnies or sth would be cool. Hypnotic pranks maybe?
Just.. heck. I hate pranks. I always feel sorry for the prankee.
03/24/18 02:08AM
Friye said:
Personally I hate everything about the holiday ;-; but like, silly stuff like more bunny girls transformations by/to easter bunnies or sth would be cool. Hypnotic pranks maybe?
Just.. heck. I hate pranks. I always feel sorry for the prankee.

Same...April Fools is the worst...(the shitposting last year was pretty funny though.)
03/24/18 02:22AM
03/24/18 02:28AM
The shitposting last year, while amusing, was a bit over the top. It would be great if we could somehow manage to capture that same sense of whimsy without having to trudge through so much proverbial muck this year, though that may be easier said than done.
03/24/18 03:37AM
A good balance would probably be to say that bad quality is not enough of a joke in and of it's self to count. That should, hopefully, cut down on spam of 0-effort posts which are just "Haha, look at this terrible thing I made in 4 seconds that wouldn't be allowed any other day" without losing the actually funny stuff.
03/24/18 04:23AM
A day of Awake-tan posts. Strong heart, clear mind, can't lose.
03/24/18 05:02AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
A day of Awake-tan posts. Strong heart, clear mind, can't lose.

Awake-san working the whole day doing boring stuff in the office while some boring versions of hub characters doing the same in the background
Works for me
03/24/18 06:03AM
Since last year was my first April Fool's day on the hub, I don't know what to think it, since I found last year's to be extremely funny, but I'm told the shit posting has been really bad on other years so I dunno.
03/24/18 09:17AM
Well well, I remember this 'discussion' last year =P I'll copy-paste my points from then here. Granted I'm not that active anymore so it will bother me less. Also not a mod anymore, so ignore those parts.

Regardless of the occasion, posting unrelated spam on an image board dedicated to hypnosis/mind control should be deleted.

- It goes against the site's posting rules. This is a hypnosis/mind control board. You post images related to hypnosis/mind control. If it's not, it gets deleted.

- "Regardless of occasion". What makes April Fools special in that everyone gets to post spam for today? Why not do that for Christmas, Valentine's, New Years, etc?

- Related to above point, please note what is not allowed is spam. On Christmas people do not post Rick Roll all over the place. Artists draw Christmas hats on hypnotized OCs. You're free to make jokes and have fun by posting comics related to the hub.


Now, regarding your/others points.

"It's only one day" - I could say that it has no relevance. It's actually addressed in my above points as to why we should bend the rules for April Fools only. I could say that it's a slippery slope of '1 day is okay, what about 2? 3? a week?' I could say that this statement could easily be reversed to tell you to leave the site for one day and take your business elsewhere. There are plenty of other places online that embrace April Fools, why not enjoy yourself there instead of causing a commotion here? Honestly I was just going to not look at the hub for today and try to ignore it all. Then I remembered I should probably still mod the forums (loosely), and saw Dreamshade's post and decided to help.

"Just use the blacklist" - If this excuse got through, we would not need to delete anything at all. Why not just go on Gelbooru and search mind_control, and act as if you've blacklisted everything you didn't want to see? The DNP list? Nah, the artists can just blacklist their own works. Other people enjoy their work, what a killjoy. The purpose of a blacklist is to help people hide images they don't want to see (or are illegal in their country), but still related to the hub

"Helps the community bond" - Judging by the mixed reactions in this very post, I would say it would help a portion of the community bond while distancing another portion of the community. This happens in pretty much everything, but the problem is that the portion that is being driven away is driven away because this hypnosis and mind control board is not actually posting hypnosis and mind control images.

"No fun" - If you could convince me that it's okay that would actually be good because then I would actually be able to enjoy this day in the future >_> But for now, no; you're having fun at the expense of the purpose of the site, at the expense of others, and you're demanding that the rules be bent for one day just so you can have your fun here instead of on other sites that embrace the holiday.

In case anyone's interested the whole 'discussion' last year can be found here.
03/25/18 10:32PM
As much as I'd love to shitpost again this year, I think I agree with some of the mods that it was out of hand. Jokes are fine, but I'd recommend we try and at least make them good jokes this year. Quality over quantity, as it were.
03/25/18 10:39PM
I agree with "quality over quantity". Jokes are well and good, but spamming random crap just drowns out actually good art.

Now, if you wanted to give me a chuckle while still making some really good art, I'm on board with that.
03/26/18 12:35AM
Is rickrolling a thing we can do? Cause I love that April fools joke
03/28/18 01:27AM
As the day gets closer I get more and more anxious because I KNOW people are gonna be assholes, I just don’t know who is, what they’re gonna do, or where they’re gonna do it...

I hate April fucks with me too hard.
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