04/01/18 08:38AM
What you would do in Ready Player One's OASIS
So after seeing Ready Player One in theaters today (which is an awesome movie that really touched me since I'm a huge gamer) I can't help but wonder what kind of person I'd be in the OASIS.

For those of you who never saw or read Ready Player One, the OASIS is a MMO VR world where you can basically do, be and have anything you want.

So I am curious to three things: What kind of character would you be (either be an existing character or your own self or an OC)? What kind of vehicles, weapons, equipment, abilities would you have? And what kind of crazy ass shit would you do (And no you can't say "Find the Easter egg")?

As for me, I'd be my OC of course but I'd also have an appearance like Zero from Mega Man X, or Shantae, Dante from Devil May Cry, or my Xenomorph-Human hybrid form. As for vehicles, I HAVE to have Mega Man X's Ride Chaser, Tron Light Cycle, Sweet Tooth, Green Hornet's Black Beauty, a flying motorcycle from Storm Hawks, the Blue Falcon or as my mech, Gurren Lagann. And I'd go for those awesome races or fights for sweet loot on Planet Doom x3

So what kind of shit would you do, have or be?
04/01/18 08:51AM
I would be my oc, because what better place is there for that?
All my equipment and abilities would be as close to my oc's as I could get: magic robes, my mask, illusion magic, among other things.
A vehicle would be whatever I could get, maybe take a page out of the race scene and grab the motorcycle from Akira.
Honestly I would just gather friends and go do quests and bullshit around. No gunter-ing for me.

StepfordCrimson said:
As for me, I'd be my OC of course but I'd also have an appearance like Zero from Mega Man X, or Shantae, Dante from Devil May Cry, or my Xenomorph-Human hybrid form. As for vehicles, I HAVE to have Mega Man X's Ride Chaser, Tron Light Cycle, Sweet Tooth, Green Hornet's Black Beauty, a flying motorcycle from Storm Hawks, the Blue Falcon or as my mech, Gurren Lagann. And I'd go for those awesome races or fights for sweet loot on Planet Doom x3

Oh wow, that'd be quite a collection.
04/01/18 08:53AM
TalahDarkfang said:
Oh wow, that'd be quite a collection.

Hey, it's so hard to choose when the only limit of this place is your want and imagination xP
04/01/18 08:55AM
Dick around as either Boba Fett, a Tenno, or a Guardian. When I’m feeling angry, SSB Vegeta in an isolated area to blow off steam. When I’m really angry, I’ll be SSJ3 Broly and eradicate everything around me when the fuse runs out.

But if I am limited to a single character, I’d certainly be Deffy, but you wouldn’t know it because I’m either in 1) A WarFrame, 2) Guardian/Spartan/Clone Armor, 3) An Iron Man suit, or 4) A Gundam.

(And yeah I’d like to still turn into Broly when I’m pissed enough.)

That’s why OASIS is so appealing to me. The world is my osyter and I’m free to rid myself of...well, myself. I can be the hero/villain I’ve always wished I was instead of me.
04/01/18 09:00AM
i'd go on the pilgrimage of madness i always wanted. i always thought there was a deeper meaning to the internet, like a virtual gaia. except it'll be more like freakazoid, deadpool, and sheograth, you know? some primal force that shows the true core of the human mind in this mental jungle of thoughts and ideas. there's some common core at the heart of every meme, website, and chat message. and it is insane
04/01/18 09:02AM
StepfordCrimson said:
Hey, it's so hard to choose when the only limit of this place is your want and imagination xP

True, always nice to do anything you want. Maybe with good enough illusion magic I'd help the gunters out. By hindering them. Hehehehe

04/01/18 11:52AM
I'd be in a better anime than Sword Art Online.
04/01/18 07:01PM
Dress up as Hiro Protagonist. For the sake of irony
04/01/18 07:36PM
I wouldnt. Because i hate RPO. It's the same problem i have with big bang theory where it just says that all geek culture is references and elitism mixed with the 'member berries from south park

Also, VR chat exists.
04/01/18 07:57PM
skullman2033 said:
I wouldnt. Because i hate RPO. It's the same problem i have with big bang theory where it just says that all geek culture is references and elitism mixed with the 'member berries from south park

Also, VR chat exists.

As the best friends have stated, OASIS would just be VR Chat times 1000. Just “The filth of the Internet in one place fast. Of course, that’s just 30 of the Internet. There’s another 30 percent that primarily consists of people creating and having sexy times with AI waifus. And another 29 percent that will actually be OASIS.

Then there’s that one percent that choose to be gods of their own little twisted fantasies of horrible things that more than likely include murder, extermination, and horrible, unspeakable things that are like wet dreams to...a certain party.

(I just fucked up this thread, didn’t I?)
04/02/18 01:47AM
I have my own custom character that I would be, but I also wouldn't mind being the Iron Man Mk.1 armor. Still would probably go with my custom character tho. Id probably try to use weapons from like...EVERY game or tv show. My small personal vehicle of choice would probably be my sparrow from Destiny. If I were to fight in the final battle, id use an AT-AT or the OG Power Rangers Dragonzord
04/02/18 02:14AM
TheFinalAnubis said:
I have my own custom character that I would be, but I also wouldn't mind being the Iron Man Mk.1 armor. Still would probably go with my custom character tho. Id probably try to use weapons from like...EVERY game or tv show. My small personal vehicle of choice would probably be my sparrow from Destiny. If I were to fight in the final battle, id use an AT-AT or the OG Power Rangers Dragonzord

Cripe! I forgot about the final battle. The Megazord’s a good choice!

I would still be Maybe Transformers Prime Galvatron or Wing Zero if I wanted to really lay some hate...
04/02/18 02:35AM
So is no one going to bring up the possibilities of having a real hypnohub server thing to abuse to our heart's content if the OASIS existed?

(heads, I have not seen RPO yet. Waiting for a friend to get back from Boston to see it so no spoilers if all of you would be so kind)
04/02/18 02:38AM
Contorted said:
So is no one going to bring up the possibilities of having a real hypnohub server thing to abuse to our heart's content if the OASIS existed?

(heads, I have not seen RPO yet. Waiting for a friend to get back from Boston to see it so no spoilers if all of you would be so kind)

I would assume that was a given to be honest.
04/03/18 12:57AM
So I just saw the movie and was wondering something: are you only allowed to use vehicles with wheels in the big race? Is it cheating if you use a ghost from halo or a sparrow from Destiny? Cuz if so, id probably change from my sparrow to the wheel car thing General Grievous uses in Star Wars Ep. 3
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