04/01/18 09:26PM
No April Fools joke this year?
I'm surprised to come on and not see 100 mustaches.
04/01/18 09:30PM
We had one going on over in the discord server, so I think a lot of people are april'd out. It seems we might be getting some kaa pictures for April fools, but not sure.
04/01/18 09:37PM
04/01/18 09:37PM
All we had were literal shit post. As in just put shit in pics and made fake tags.

That sort of thing is not funny and is just rude.

If someone had an actual cleaver idea that wasn't just trolling I would love it.
04/01/18 10:08PM
The only good idea that ever happened was when PenKen made his Naomi version of Content Cop on Kaa pics.
04/02/18 12:47AM
I think the shitposting of a couple of years ago kinda soured a lot of people on the idea. Shame really. Stuff like the moustache day were kinda fun
04/02/18 04:36AM
someguy231 said:
The only good idea that ever happened was when PenKen made his Naomi version of Content Cop on Kaa pics.

I was going to mention it if nobody else did.
Here it is so nobody has to hunt it down:
04/02/18 05:56AM
The thing about the shitposting day was the barrier to entry was too low. So you obviously had a ton of people doing it, and it just stopped being funny. We had nothing this year, because we just honestly didn't think of anything good.

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