04/03/18 12:45AM
Help creating fav image slideshow
So, I have several hundred images saved to my hard drive of my favorite hypnosis jpgs/pngs. One of my favorite things to do is to go into slideshow mode, hold the right arrow, and have each image zip by really fast. IDK how weird that is or if anyone has done that before, but I rather like it.

Lately, the slideshow that comes native to photo-viewer on Windows seems to have trouble loading images. If I let the slideshow play on its own, each image will appear. If I hit or hold the arrow key, some images will appear as black slides.

Is there anyway to adjust the speed of the slideshow feature?

Are there any programs that would let me mass upload images to a slideshow and let me set a universal duration to all slides? With over 400 images, it would be a pain to go to each slide and adjust the duration individually.

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