04/07/18 04:31PM
Chat and PM/RP/Hookup Requests
Well I saw this on similar websites and didn't see something like that here. If this isn't okay or not welcomed I am terrible sorry. And want to apologize. Well I think this is self explaining. I like Hypnosis and erotic RPs. So let's begin. Just write your requests if you have some.

If anyone is interested to hypnotize me in a RP, I am a sub.
04/08/18 05:27AM
...Huh? Umm... How would this work, hypothetically...? I'm unfamiliar with hypno roleplaying.
04/08/18 11:28AM
I am not sure myself, I guess it's something we have to figure out over time.
04/18/18 11:15AM
So I have to requests myself, just write me if someone is interested.
I have a Rp idea focused on brainwashing.
A young genius scientist gets kidnapped by a corrupt company. She doesn't want to cooperate so she will be turned into a slave that exists to obey and work for the companyand maybe she even will be turned into quite the sex kitten.
We can add some other things, maybe even a bit of Romance.

Or a Bravely Default Rp where I play as Agnés and you play Edea and or Airy, maybe even Tiz for me to hypnotize.

04/18/18 10:36PM
Just use f-list my dudes. The mind control room there could always use some more activity. Anime stuff is even pretty much the default there.
04/19/18 09:52AM
I'd be down for some ERP, if you're interested. Just send me a message and I'll tell you what I'm into.
04/19/18 11:14AM
If I remember correctly, you could also get in touch with people for RP's on Hypnohub's official discord server. You can access it either by clicking on "Chat" on the top of the page or just clicking here:


And I like rping, too, but didn't do so for years and wouldn't be able to reply reliably (also due to family, other hobbies etc.)

So, good luck and success :)
05/01/18 08:27PM
Well if you’re doing a cute hypnosis roleplay, what canon characters are you able to play? I’m mostly familiar with characters on the western/American side of things

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