04/11/18 11:43AM
Almost finished finally making an OC, looking for some feedback and or suggestions.
So this is something I wanted to do for some time. Everyone has their own OC's, meanwhile I've been stuck on Aqua. People tend to notice that more as well. I don't know a word to describe the feeling, but it's negative. While I couldn't decide at first, I eventually did figure out what I wanted to go for. I'm almost done, but I was just hoping for some feedback or suggestions beforehand.

* Name: (Hahaha, curse my indecisiveness)
* Gender: female
* Age: Young, 14-26 (Character can be whatever age necessary, default younger on the scale, more details at end)
* Personality/Story:Basically She's the princess of her "kingdom"(again, don't have full details) that is basically a magical prodigy, being one of the most powerful forces in her home. She's a bit haughty, but she's not a dick. She's definitely more benevolent, but a bit of a troll. She tends to use her abilities for quite a bit of things, but not completely abuse them. When she does hypnotize/TF people into things like maids, fellow girly princesses, some other 'stuff', she won't keep them like that and will almost never do it to the innocent involuntarily. She'll do it to troublemakers and others though. That being said when she does do it to the innocent, she'll often ask in advance. If not, she tends write up an IOU(like I said, slight troll). If so, she'll often compensate the 'victim' afterward. She's not a fan of evil, egotistical rulers or those who do try to keep people as complete slaves. Those tend to make her mad, which is not good... for them.

There's definitely more to her personality and story than that though, but I don't want to go into details.

* Powers/Abilities:
** Powerful magic
** Combat magic: she's a very powerful fighter when it comes to magic, having control of all sorts of spells( think like elemental magic, but other stuff as well)
** Transformative/Hypnotic magic: Basically she can hypnotize people, change their clothes and/or forms.
** High Resistance: She heavily resists other methods of Hypnotism through magic and powers
** Magic overload: Basically, if her magic isn't used for a specific amount of time, it will began to 'leak' or overload, so to speak. This will actually free her from capture and MC.
*Weaknesses: Not physically durable, but her magic makes up for most of it.
Can't hold wands/staffs, Basically she actually breaks them due to sheer amount of magic her body gives off.

Appearance: Another thing I'm stuck on, Her appearance. I have a basic idea of what I want, by I'm stuck on her dress(colors and design) and hair style.

For hairstyle I'm stuck between going for basic ringlets, something along the line of drill hair, or both( like her having ringlets and a sort of drill pony tail, or maybe two) Sadly, I'm indecisive as all hell. She's most likely gonna be blonde because I'm a fan of cliches.

One last big thing though, going back to her age and story. Curse my brain, as I try to create a character for pics and other stuff, my idle mind goes and begins actually making up actual serious scenarios(Non-lewd, whatever else) Basically that was where the age thing came up, as I like younger less experienced protagonists, but if she's young she can't be used for NSFW. And my brain made a backstory where she's young. I somehow managed to make genuine stories for a character I planned to use for fetish art.
04/12/18 03:36AM
No one, really?
04/12/18 03:47AM
didn't see this thead
for the appearance perhaps she could have blue hair as if i remember right you like the character Aqua i think.
04/12/18 04:44AM
Dude, I know the feeling of being indecisive as Hell when it comes to making a character. Also making a full backstory even though it won't be explored on this site.

If you want to get a better picture of what you want for your character I would suggest getting a commission done of her with different designs. I have a few artists in mind if you want some work done. You could have her in different outfits(i.e. a formal dress for royal occasions and a combat outfit for physical activities) as well as having a different hairstyle.

Basically I recommend getting drafts of what you want your character to look like before you decide on a final look.

I'm excited though. I love the idea of a princess OC making her way around the Hub. Maybe our OCs would like to meet...
04/12/18 04:48AM
DarkMask said:
Dude, I know the feeling of being indecisive as Hell when it comes to making a character. Also making a full backstory even though it won't be explored on this site.

If you want to get a better picture of what you want for your character I would suggest getting a commission done of her with different designs. I have a few artists in mind if you want some work done. You could have her in different outfits(i.e. a formal dress for royal occasions and a combat outfit for physical activities) as well as having a different hairstyle.

Basically I recommend getting drafts of what you want your character to look like before you decide on a final look.

I'm excited though. I love the idea of a princess OC making her way around the Hub. Maybe our OCs would like to meet...

Hmm, that's not a bad idea actually. What artists do you have in mind?
04/12/18 04:55AM
Kachopper9 said:
Hmm, that's not a bad idea actually. What artists do you have in mind?

This one is good. I'm getting some art done from her right now.

She is good as well.

You could also sift through Deviantart and find people who could draw for you, but that's a little tedious.
04/12/18 05:15AM
I hate to superimpose my ideas for this character, as it's meant to be your OC.

[spoiler=That being said, ... my imagination runs wild.]I already imagine her whole backstory -- some kind of regal or puffy name like Constance or Regina. The daughter of two powerful mages.

She's not even really a princess, but she loves princesses so much and her magic is so powerful, one day she just became her wish -- pink poofy dress, golden scepter (a great catalyst for her powers!) and delicate crown, the works.

Because she loves princesses so much she loves "sharing her gift" by transforming or hypnotising her subjects. Of course getting her way all the time has made her a bit bratty. Still, she's got a good sense of humour and she's not intentionally bad, she just doesn't... have the same social limits, as she's only rarely had people say no to her. And she's never had to grow out of the phase y'kno?

I'm thinking, Aurora type hair -- you know, from sleeping beauty. Any type of princess outfit will do, but ofc the frillier the better. Perfect golden hair, intense-as-fuck blue eyes with an indigo ring around the irises (I suggest making these her trademark, the most recognisible part of her), a heart shaped face and china doll lips. She could look any way and age she wants, so she usually chooses to look/be older than she is. Who knows how old she is, really? She can be, literally, anything you want her to be. So long as she agrees, of course~[/spoiler]
04/12/18 09:12AM
DarkMask said:
This one is good. I'm getting some art done from her right now.

She is good as well.

You could also sift through Deviantart and find people who could draw for you, but that's a little tedious.

Alright, I'll take a look. The only problem is it might end up costly to get a bunch of drafts. I guess an artist can use a basic sketch of her and than make small adjustments, the problem again lies in find someone would who do that.

Friye said:
I hate to superimpose my ideas for this character, as it's meant to be your OC.

[spoiler=That being said, ... my imagination runs wild.]I already imagine her whole backstory -- some kind of regal or puffy name like Constance or Regina. The daughter of two powerful mages.

She's not even really a princess, but she loves princesses so much and her magic is so powerful, one day she just became her wish -- pink poofy dress, golden scepter (a great catalyst for her powers!) and delicate crown, the works.

Because she loves princesses so much she loves "sharing her gift" by transforming or hypnotising her subjects. Of course getting her way all the time has made her a bit bratty. Still, she's got a good sense of humour and she's not intentionally bad, she just doesn't... have the same social limits, as she's only rarely had people say no to her. And she's never had to grow out of the phase y'kno?

I'm thinking, Aurora type hair -- you know, from sleeping beauty. Any type of princess outfit will do, but ofc the frillier the better. Perfect golden hair, intense-as-fuck blue eyes with an indigo ring around the irises (I suggest making these her trademark, the most recognisible part of her), a heart shaped face and china doll lips. She could look any way and age she wants, so she usually chooses to look/be older than she is. Who knows how old she is, really? She can be, literally, anything you want her to be. So long as she agrees, of course~[/spoiler]

Crap that actually sounds really cute. Unfortunately I can't stop myself from actually treating her as a somewhat serious character at times.
04/15/18 11:51PM
Pretty much realized what my main problem is so far, I'm trying to get to types of princesses in one character. I'm trying to make Cutsy girly princess while also trying to a more high class one.

I was hoping to be able to get something before the Collab image but sadly it looks like I won't. I don't even have any sort of reference of her yet, I'm also not getting much help.
04/16/18 01:56AM
How about some sort of magical transformation to achieve the balance you're looking for? Hime cut in her normal form (haughty but kind of cute), when using extensive magic turns into twintails for some reason.
04/16/18 02:04AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
How about some sort of magical transformation to achieve the balance you're looking for? Hime cut in her normal form (haughty but kind of cute), when using extensive magic turns into twintails for some reason.

Frilly cute dress for her normal princess appearance and a tight later suit that barely hides something with some reminiscence of her dress for her dom appearance
04/17/18 08:13AM
Yes, I manged to get her, thanks to Myuk!
<<cdn.discordapp.com/attach...1242870439957/unknown.png| Dress could be altered depending on the picture, but I think I'll call this the beta version>>
04/17/18 08:50AM
Kachopper9 said:
Yes, I manged to get her, thanks to Myuk!<<cdn.discordapp.com/attach...1242870439957/unknown.png| Dress could be altered depending on the picture, but I think I'll call this the beta version>>

super damn cute
04/17/18 03:23PM
Kachopper9 said:
Yes, I manged to get her, thanks to Myuk!
<<cdn.discordapp.com/attach...1242870439957/unknown.png| Dress could be altered depending on the picture, but I think I'll call this the beta version>>

She looks great.
04/18/18 03:37AM
having an oc is okay, but i think the most important thing is to make a character that you like, rather than making something that will please a crowd
1 23>>>

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