04/18/18 06:53AM
Any art for Blue Nova or Lord Xikka?
So, I want my 2 characters to be popular. I'm just saying, since I only uploaded 3. I'm going to wait and see how it will look like. Just check on they're appearance and you are good. Alright then, good luck! :D
04/18/18 09:48AM
I’m going to be honest with ya:

Practically nobody knows your characters at all. Popularity needs to be earned, not asked for. If you want to try and make them more popular, drawing them more yourself or commissioning other artists can help with that.
04/18/18 02:07PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I’m going to be honest with ya:

Practically nobody knows your characters at all. Popularity needs to be earned, not asked for. If you want to try and make them more popular, drawing them more yourself or commissioning other artists can help with that.

I guess??
04/18/18 07:44PM
*squints at the thread*
04/18/18 10:46PM
Chiming in to agree with what RCBC said, and also to add: popularity shouldn't be something you strive for anyway. It'll either happen organically or it won't. You could have a character that has dozens of pieces of artwork done of them, some of them even done extremely well, but the community won't go nuts over it like they will with other characters. It's a matter of collective taste and whether your character sticks out in a meaningful way to the rest of the community. Forcing popularity onto something never goes over well, and tends to have the opposite effect.

It's fun to dream that maybe your character will one day be popular, true---but you should make them because YOU enjoy it, not because you're trying to please a crowd.
04/19/18 01:04AM
I would like to make commissions to artists that I like...the truth would not feel good to grow in that way, I always think "as I would with Crimson or Jaclyn"

But I'm happy my way. ^_^
04/19/18 08:58AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I’m going to be honest with ya:

Practically nobody knows your characters at all. Popularity needs to be earned, not asked for. If you want to try and make them more popular, drawing them more yourself or commissioning other artists can help with that.

This guy's got the right idea. Popularity and instant gratification are mutually exclusive. Pick one and stick with it.
04/19/18 09:15AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I’m going to be honest with ya:

Practically nobody knows your characters at all. Popularity needs to be earned, not asked for. If you want to try and make them more popular, drawing them more yourself or commissioning other artists can help with that.


I get art cause I love my oc and the stories I make for them.

If others like it that's awesome but if not it really doesn't matter
04/21/18 08:34AM
Shmecha said:
This guy's got the right idea. Popularity and instant gratification are mutually exclusive. Pick one and stick with it.

Xikka's got more popular then Blue Nova. So her... But the main hypnotist is Blue Nova.... Though it needs to be Xikka still....
04/21/18 08:35AM
geekgirl8 said:
Chiming in to agree with what RCBC said, and also to add: popularity shouldn't be something you strive for anyway. It'll either happen organically or it won't. You could have a character that has dozens of pieces of artwork done of them, some of them even done extremely well, but the community won't go nuts over it like they will with other characters. It's a matter of collective taste and whether your character sticks out in a meaningful way to the rest of the community. Forcing popularity onto something never goes over well, and tends to have the opposite effect.

It's fun to dream that maybe your character will one day be popular, true---but you should make them because YOU enjoy it, not because you're trying to please a crowd.

My enjoyment isn't really my thing, so I don't know...
04/21/18 08:36AM
DouDile said:
I would like to make commissions to artists that I like...the truth would not feel good to grow in that way, I always think "as I would with Crimson or Jaclyn"

But I'm happy my way. ^_^

Then what about collaboration then???
04/21/18 08:51AM
EXKai217 said:
I guess??

EXKai217 said:
Xikka's got more popular then Blue Nova. So her... But the main hypnotist is Blue Nova.... Though it needs to be Xikka still....

EXKai217 said:
My enjoyment isn't really my thing, so I don't know...

I don't think you understand what we're trying to tell you.

Making artwork of other people's characters takes a lot of time and effort. Even sketches take a fair amount of work to do, and aren't usually free. There needs to be a reason for artists to draw your characters, other than just asking and expecting them to do it.
04/21/18 04:11PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I don't think you understand what we're trying to tell you.

Making artwork of other people's characters takes a lot of time and effort. Even sketches take a fair amount of work to do, and aren't usually free. There needs to be a reason for artists to draw your characters, other than just asking and expecting them to do it.

First of all, I actually make my sketches fast. And second of all, there are no reasons in my eye... Just make it more clear because I have Autism of not understanding people.....
04/21/18 05:03PM
EXKai217 said:
First of all, I actually make my sketches fast. And second of all, there are no reasons in my eye... Just make it more clear because I have Autism of not understanding people.....

High quality sketches can take up from 30 minutes up to multiple hours, depending on it being a single character waist up, or a full blown multiple panel comic. Not to mention coloring the picture or comic.

And reasons to draw? Either you are friends with them and they do you a favor, you do a collab if people are interested or the easiest way - you pay for the artwork you'd like to see.
04/21/18 05:08PM
Sophia said:
High quality sketches can take up from 30 minutes up to multiple hours, depending on it being a single character waist up, or a full blown multiple panel comic. Not to mention coloring the picture or comic.

And reasons to draw? Either you are friends with them and they do you a favor, you do a collab if people are interested or the easiest way - you pay for the artwork you'd like to see.

... My real reason is I just want to improve my drawings, and yes I do also want to collab because I have no money.
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