04/19/18 04:04AM
Hub Drinking Game
So just for fun let's think up some rules for one.

Take a shot everytime Non-MC content being defended

Take 2 shots whenever someone ask what haigure is

Drink water whenever you see Kaa
04/19/18 04:13AM
Why water?
04/19/18 04:32AM
Argonis said:
Why water?

You'll die otherwise.
04/19/18 04:32AM
Argonis said:
Why water?

Because you'd die of alcohol poisoning if you drank every time Kaa was posted.
04/19/18 04:32AM
Argonis said:
Why water?

Water helps while you're drunk/hungover and since those first 2 happen as much as Kaa is posted, you'll need it.
04/19/18 04:47AM
How would this work, really? Do we have a "random post" button?

You would need to play the odds somehow.
04/19/18 04:48AM
1 drink for someone conflating Samus and Crimson

1 drink for someone dumping a pool on the front page

1 drink for any variant of "I normally hate X but I like this"

2 drinks for people upset about the sad panda

Waterfall when you read a pic's story in spoiler text.

04/19/18 04:52AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
How would this work, really? Do we have a "random post" button?

Yes we do, click the down arrow on 'Post' and then hit 'Random'.
04/19/18 04:57AM
Hypnosis-guy said:
Yes we do, click the down arrow on 'Post' and then hit 'Random'.

Yup just hit it, got Erika. Which give me this idea,

Drink every time Erika is tranced by something innocent.
04/19/18 05:11AM
I got a better drinking game

Watch Star Wars: A New Hope and down an entire bottle of Jack Daniels every time Darth Vader breathes. :v
04/19/18 06:31AM
Maybe down a bottle of brandy everyone a shantae/tuki coil chair pic appears
04/19/18 06:54AM
Take a shot every time Roxa commissions a picture that has Sheena in it.
04/19/18 06:58AM
Contorted said:
Take a shot every time Roxa commissions a picture that has Sheena in it.

take 3 shot if someone calls Roxa a girl
04/19/18 07:29AM
5 shots if someone doesn't obey hub rules
04/19/18 07:34AM
Imasuky said:
take 3 shot if someone calls Roxa a girl

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
1 2>>>

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