01/07/14 05:01PM
Introduction thing, yeah.
Alright, so whatever. VVrayven suggested We post a introduction thread on these forums, Hi. We're Kit, otherwise known as DireKit and a few other names here and there. Mostly lurked for several years, used to take part in the Community occasionally but stopped due to some vitriolic experiences that We just didn't want any part of.

Recently We've started drawing again (after several years of not doing so because of significant things that happened in our lives causing us to spend several years more or less emotionally and mentally lost and broken.) and We've been doing art occasionally for our friends such as this; hypnohub.net/post/show/11...sionless-femsub-kit-nude-

Which was really just a simple doodle, but they seemed to appreciate it. We figured We'd throw it up here and see if there was any reaction and if so, what it'd be and if it was worth pursuing further and trying to reintegrate into the Community. At least a few people were friendly when We directly addressed our feelings in the forums, so what the hay? A little more time isn't gonna kill us, nothing else has yet.

So yeah, hi.
01/07/14 05:16PM
The art seems decent enough. I'm a bit odd in my tastes though so don't take anything I saw as community gospel. I like the sheen on the skin that makes it, you know, "sex doll" like. The lips are a good touch too.

Have you been drawing long? If you are looking for some inspiration the art request thread seems to be hopping along at a brisk pace.
01/07/14 05:28PM
Hey there, I just made a giant ol' response on the thread you first posted on. Good to see it was pointless...

Lol jk. Welcome to the site, new member. I can tell you have a lot of talent and potential as an artist. I don't really like dollification much myself, however but I think your art is fairly solid. Going only by your OP I sort of get the feeling that you'd be like the resident emo at this site. :P
01/07/14 05:39PM
Are you like a hive mind? You keep saying "we." Are you like a alien super brain?

I'm Nadia, hello! I'm sort of the rp queen (as in girl) around here, but don't feel like you can't talk to me about regular stuff
01/07/14 05:48PM
VVrayven said:
The art seems decent enough. I'm a bit odd in my tastes though so don't take anything I saw as community gospel. I like the sheen on the skin that makes it, you know, "sex doll" like. The lips are a good touch too.

Have you been drawing long? If you are looking for some inspiration the art request thread seems to be hopping along at a brisk pace.

Yeah, a few years. Like We said, for a few years We also stopped completely because of stuff happening. We only just got a digital drawing pad and started getting back into it a lot.
01/07/14 05:54PM
LillyTank said:
Hey there, I just made a giant ol' response on the thread you first posted on. Good to see it was pointless...

Lol jk. Welcome to the site, new member. I can tell you have a lot of talent and potential as an artist. I don't really like dollification much myself, however but I think your art is fairly solid. Going only by your OP I sort of get the feeling that you'd be like the resident emo at this site. :P

Ehm, We're not really emo. But thanks, We guess?

Nadiatheberzerker said:
Are you like a hive mind? You keep saying "we." Are you like a alien super brain?

I'm Nadia, hello! I'm sort of the rp queen (as in girl) around here, but don't feel like you can't talk to me about regular stuff

Because it's how We are. It doesn't really require explaining to people, it's just how We are.

Ehm? 'Regular stuff'? We're female as well. Not sure what this is supposed to mean.

VVrayven said:
The art seems decent enough. I'm a bit odd in my tastes though so don't take anything I saw as community gospel. I like the sheen on the skin that makes it, you know, "sex doll" like. The lips are a good touch too.

Right, that was the intent. The person We drew it for has a dollification fetish.
01/07/14 05:58PM
DireKit said:
Because it's how We are. It doesn't really require explaining to people, it's just how We are.

Ehm? 'Regular stuff'? We're female as well. Not sure what this is supposed to mean.

You know, just talking about your day or what's new. I don't have to rp. we can just talk
01/07/14 06:01PM
LillyTank said:
Hey there, I just made a giant ol' response on the thread you first posted on. Good to see it was pointless...

Lol jk. Welcome to the site, new member. I can tell you have a lot of talent and potential as an artist. I don't really like dollification much myself, however but I think your art is fairly solid. Going only by your OP I sort of get the feeling that you'd be like the resident emo at this site. :P

Just read that post. Well like We said, our experiences with The Collective left us with the impression that they -were- snobbish and very much a witch-hunting clique. The people there came off as very plastic and fake.

As for other mediums to promote ourselves? We're not really sure that there's anything out there, this is really the only fetish/hypnosis related Community We're aware of outside of The Collective. Are there more?
01/07/14 07:29PM
DireKit said:
As for other mediums to promote ourselves? We're not really sure that there's anything out there, this is really the only fetish/hypnosis related Community We're aware of outside of The Collective. Are there more?

I think I spoke to soon about the other mediums. This is the only site I post on (in terms of H&MC sites). There are others but I wouldn't recommend them personally. Well, except maybe Sleepy-chan but hardly anyone ever goes there. It's a bit of a ghost town with little exposure. You might like them, still. The people, there, seem amiable enough.
01/07/14 09:48PM
I took a look at your art and Its rather good, not exactly my style to fav but it was enjoyable to view and I wouldn't tmi d seeing more of your work as I'm sure I'd like some of it as I have a brod interest in many art, just not dollification.

Also as Wrayven said the art request thread is a good place to get ideas for works and such.
01/07/14 11:09PM
Fairy21 said:
I took a look at your art and Its rather good, not exactly my style to fav but it was enjoyable to view and I wouldn't tmi d seeing more of your work as I'm sure I'd like some of it as I have a brod interest in many art, just not dollification.

Also as Wrayven said the art request thread is a good place to get ideas for works and such.

Thank you.

Also, does anyone have any clue how to make an avatar for this site? We can't figure out where to upload to use one.
01/07/14 11:37PM
DireKit said:
Also, does anyone have any clue how to make an avatar for this site? We can't figure out where to upload to use one.

there should be an option on the lower left side of every page that says "Set Avatar". Click that while on the page of the image you want and the rest should be simple.
01/07/14 11:51PM
LillyTank said:
there should be an option on the lower left side of every page that says "Set Avatar". Click that while on the page of the image you want and the rest should be simple.

Note that it needs to be a pic in the index. You can upload a pic to use as your avatar, but it has to be one that meets the criteria of the site (as in, involves hypno/MC and meets quality standards).

Anyways, welcome. I'd give you more of a greeting and some advice, but I'm somewhat sleep deprived at the moment, and I'm afraid to talk too much until I can regain some amount of focus.
01/09/14 11:00AM
Hello. Always great to see a new face. Can't wait to see more of your work.
01/09/14 10:16PM
DireKit said:
Because it's how We are. It doesn't really require explaining to people, it's just how We are.

well i for one would be interested in any explanation but w/e if you don't want to haha.

anyways welcome to the forums =)
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