04/21/18 11:29AM
Hypnotic Psychedelic Experiences
My first LSD experience was very memorable, one of the reasons I enjoyed it was because after not being able to properly be hypnotized I finally felt like I was in a real trance. I was really suggestible and felt like I was no longer in control of myself. Has anyone else ever felt in any way "hypnotized" during a psychedelic experience?
04/21/18 08:47PM
Might be opening a can of bullshit worms to mention it, but I can only think of MK Ultra in reference to this. The thing is that the actually verifiable things that project did almost entirely revolved around experimenting with LSD or dosing people with it without their consent.

For some bizarre reason the CIA at that time was absolutely convinced that LSD could be used as some kind of mind control drug. Despite the fact that every experiment that they did to that effect produced zero reproducible results.

If you're finding that LSD is actually helping you get hypnotized, then maybe you should find some elderly mad scientists or something, they might pay you for your results.
04/21/18 09:46PM
Be careful with psychedelics. No this isn't some "Just say no" BS. I'm saying be careful, because they will rip apart your sense of self, and might reveal things about yourself that you will wish you never learned.

I mean, you had a good trip. The real test is if you have a bad trip... and you won't know what kind of trip you'll have next time until you're having it. So if you pursue it, be prepared.
04/22/18 06:29AM
Only drugs that were strong enough to mess me up were the ones taken for surgeries and such. In recovery I'd feel sluggish, as if the whole world was moving at 4x the speed I was. Weird and annoying, but maybe not something that qualifies as a trip. I didn't feel suggestible or anything, because it already took me so long to translate what was being said to me it took too much brainpower to be blank.

Didn't hate it, but it's not something I'd willingly seek out. Absolutely never unless surrounded by highly trusted friends and/or family members, and that's a very short list.
04/22/18 06:35AM
I got high using medical THC after a panic attack, and I tranced myself once I was feeling good using a Cardboard VR headset. That’s a good way to leave yourself dazed for an hour.
04/22/18 07:38AM
Defcon7 said:
I got high using medical THC after a panic attack, and I tranced myself once I was feeling good using a Cardboard VR headset. That’s a good way to leave yourself dazed for an hour.

damn, i wish i could do shit like this
04/22/18 10:50PM
I've been smoking a lot of weed lately, and it makes my head very hazy and stupidly suggestible to trance. I think there were even a couple of instances when I brought myself under.

Now that you mention it, a co-worker of mine is going to be hooking me up with my first acid tab later today, and I'm gonna be setting a date up with my trip sitter hopefully within the next week or so. I'll probably report back here and tell how my experience went.
04/23/18 12:11AM
IttyBit said:
I've been smoking a lot of weed lately, and it makes my head very hazy and stupidly suggestible to trance. I think there were even a couple of instances when I brought myself under.

Now that you mention it, a co-worker of mine is going to be hooking me up with my first acid tab later today, and I'm gonna be setting a date up with my trip sitter hopefully within the next week or so. I'll probably report back here and tell how my experience went.

i'm actually curious to hear how your trip goes.
04/23/18 08:34AM
IttyBit said:
I've been smoking a lot of weed lately, and it makes my head very hazy and stupidly suggestible to trance. I think there were even a couple of instances when I brought myself under.

Now that you mention it, a co-worker of mine is going to be hooking me up with my first acid tab later today, and I'm gonna be setting a date up with my trip sitter hopefully within the next week or so. I'll probably report back here and tell how my experience went.

Make sure you are careful with that.

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